Updated :May, 05


Refereed papers :

1.  Hu, K., Clément,J.-F., Abrahamyan, L., Strebe, K, Bouvier, M., Kleiman, L. and Mouland, A.J.: A human immunodeficiency virus type 1 protease biosensor assay using bioluminescence resonance energy transfer. Journal of Virological Methods, In press.

2.  Petäjä-Repo, U.E., Hogue, M. and Bouvier, M.: Distinct subcellular localization for constitutive and agonist-modulated palmitoylation of the human d-opioid receptor. Submitted.

3.  Rebois, R.V., Galés, C., Robitaille, M., Dupré, D.J., Baragl, A., Trieu, P., Bouvier, M. and Hebert, T.E.: Heterotrimeric G proteins and their effectors form stable complexes in vivo. Submitted.

4.  Zhu, W.-Z, Chakir, K., Zhang, S., Yang, D., Lavoie, C., Bouvier, M., Hébert, T.E., Lakatta, E.G., Cheng, H. and Xiao, R.-P: Heterodimerization of β1- and β2-Adrenergic Receptor Subtypes Optimizes β-Adrenergic Modulation of Cardiac Contractility. Submitted

5.  Bernier, V., Pontier, S.M., Charest, P.G., Bichet, D.G. and Bouvier, M.: Probing the ER site of action of the pharmacological chaperone SR121463 reveals role for DriP78 upstream of calnexin in the folding of the V2 vasopressin receptor. Conditionally accepted in Mol. Biol. Cell, pending revision.

6.  Charest, P.G., Terrillon, S. and Bouvier, M.: Monitoring agonist-promoted conformational changes of βarrestin in living cells by intra-molecular BRET. EMBO Report, In press.

7.  Hamdan, F.F., Audet, M., Garneau, P., Pelletier, J. and Bouvier, M.: High-throughput screening of G protein-coupled receptors antagonists using a BRET1-based b-arrestin2 recruitment assay. Journal of Biomolecular Screening, In press

8.  Villemure, J.F., Adam, L., Bevan, N.J., Gearing, K., Chénier, S. and Bouvier, M.: Sub-cellular distribution of GABAB receptor homo- and heterodimers. Biochem. J., In press.

9.  Percherancier, Y., Berchiche, Y., Slight, I., Volkmer-Engert, R., Tamamura, H., Fujii, N., Bouvier, M. and Heveker, N.: Bioluminescence resonance energy transfer reveals ligand-induced conformational changes in CXCR4 homo- and heterodimerization. J. Biol. Chem., In press.

10.  Urizar, E., Montanelli, L., Loy, T., Bonomi, M., Swillens, S., Gales, C., Bouvier, M., Smits, G., Vassart, G. and Costagliola, S.: Glucoprotein hormone receptors: Link between receptor homodimerization and negative cooperativity. EMBO J., 1-11, 2005.

11.  Galés, C., Rebois, R.V., Hogue, M., Trieu, P., Schaak, S., Breit, A., Hébert, T.E. and Bouvier, M.: Real-time monitoring of receptor and G proteins interactions in living cells. Nature Methods, 2: 177-184, 2005.

12.  Pineyro, G., Azzi, M., de Léan, A., Schiller, P.W. and Bouvier, M.: Reciprocal regulation of agonist and inverse agonist signalling efficacy upon short-term treatment of the human delta-opioid receptor with an inverse agonist. Mol. Pharmacol., 67:336-348, 2005.

13.  Perroy, J., Pontier, S., Charest, P., Aubry, M. and Bouvier, M.: Real time monitoring of ubiquitination in living cells by BRET. Nature Methods, 1: 203-208, 2004.

14.  Granier, S., Terrillon, S., Pascal, R., Déméné, H., Bouvier, M., Guillon, G. and Mendre, C.: A cyclic peptide mimicking the third intracellular loop of the V2 Vasopressin receptor inhibits signaling through its interaction with receptor dimer and G protein. J. Biol. Chem., 279: 50904-50914, 2004.

15.  Terrillon, S. and Bouvier, M.: Receptor activity-independent recruitment of barrestin2 reveals specific signalling modes. EMBO J., 23: 3950-3961, 2004

16.  Denis, M., Haidar, B., Marcil, M., Bouvier, M., Krimbou, L. and Genest, J.: Characterization of oligomeric human ATP-bincling cassette transporter Al potential implications for determining the structure of nascent HDL particles. J. Biol Chem., 279:41529-41536, 2004.

17.  Qanbar, R. and Bouvier, M.: Determination of protein-bound palmitate turnover rates using a three compartment model that formally incorporates [3H] palmitate recycling. Biochemistry, 43: 12275-12287, 2004.

18.  Registre, M., Goetz, J., St-Pierre, P., Pang, H., Lagacé, M., Bouvier, M., Le, P.L. and Nabi, R.: The gene product of the gp78/AMFR ubquitin E3 ligase cDNA is selectively regognized by the 3F3A antibody within a subdomain of the endoplasmic reticulum. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Comm., 320: 13 16-1322, 2004.

19.  Breit, A., Lagacé, M. and Bouvier, M.: Hetero-oligomerization between β2- and β3-Adrenergic Receptors Generates a β-Adrenergic Signaling Unit with Distinct Functional Properties. J. Biol. Chem. 279: 28756-28765, 2004.

20.  Salahpour, A., Angers, S., Mercier, J.F., Marullo, S. and Bouvier, M.: Dimerization of the β2-adrenergic receptor is a pre-requisite for cell surface targeting. J. Biol. Chem. 279: 33390-33397, 2004.

21.  Bernier, V., Lagacé, M., Lonergan, M., Arthus, M.F., Bichet, D.G., and Bouvier, M.: Functional Rescue of the Constitutively Internalized V2 Vasopressin Receptor Mutant R137H by the Pharmacological Chaperone Action of 5R49059. Mol. Endocrinol 18: 2074-2084, 2004.

22.  Denis, M., Haidar, B., Marcil, M., Bouvier, M., Krimbou, L., and Genest Jr, J.: Molecular and cellular physiology of apolipoprotein A-I lipidation by the ATP-binding cassette transporter Al (ABCAl). J. Biol. Chem., 279: 7384-7394, 2004.

23.  Terrillon, S., Barberis, C. and Bouvier, M.: Hetero-dimerization of Via and V2 vasopressin receptors determines the interaction with βarrestin and their trafficking patterns. Proc. Natl Acad. Sci. (USA), 101: 1548-1553, 2004.

24.  Canals, M., Burguno, J., Marcellino, D., Cabello, N., Canela, E.L, Mallol, I., Agnati, L., Ferré, S., Bouvier, M., Fuxe, K., Ciruela, F., Lluis, C. and Franco, F.: Homodimerization of adenosine A2Areceptors: qualitative and quantitative assessment by fluorescence and bioluminescence energy transfer. J. Neurochem., 88:726-734, 2004.

25.  Kaykas, A., Yang-Snyder, J.,Héroux, M., Shah, K.V., Bouvier, M. and Moon, R.T.: Mutant Frizzled 4 associated with vitreoretinopathy traps wild-type Frizzled in the endoplasmic reticulum by oligomerization. Nature Cell Biol., 6: 52-58. 2004

26.  Canals, M., Marcellino, D., Fanelli, F., Ciruela, F., de Benedetti, P., Goldberg, S., Fuxe, K., Agnati, L., Woods, A.S., Ferré, S., Lluis, C., Bouvier, M., and Franco, R.: Adenosine A2A-dopamine D2 receptor-receptor heteromerization. I. Qualitative and quantitative assessment by fluorescence and bioluminiscence energy transfer. J. Biol. Chem., 278: 46741-46749, 2003.

27.  Charest , P. and Bouvier, M. : Palmitoylation of the V2 vasopressin receptor carboxyl tail enhances b-arrestin recruitment leading to efficient receptor endocytosis and ERK1/2 activation. J. Biol. Chem., 278: 41541-41551, 2003.

28.  Azzi, M., Charest, P., Angers, S., Kohout, T., Bouvier, M.and Pineyro, G.: b-arrestin-dependent activation of MAPK pathway by b2-adrenergic receptor inverse agonists. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. (USA), 100: 11406-11411, 2003.

29.  Denis, M., Bissonnette, R., Haidar, B., Krimbou, L., Bouvier, M. and Genest, J. Jr. : Expression, regulation and activity of ABCA1 in human ell lines. Molecular Genetics and Metabolism, 78: 265-274, 2003.

30.  Perroy, J, Adam, L., Qanbar, R., Chênier, S., and Bouvier, M.: Phosphorylation-independent desensitization of the GABAb receptor by GRK4. EMBO, J.: 22: 3816-3824, 2003.

31.  Germain-Desprez, D., Bazinet, M., Bouvier, M. and Aubry, M.: Oligomerization of transcriptional intermediary factor 1 regulators and interaction with ZNF74 nuclear matrix protein revealed by bioluminescence resonance energy transfer in living cells. J. Biol. Chem.: 278: 22367-22373, 2003.

32.  Terrillon, T., Durroux, T., Mouillac, B., Breit, B., Ayoub, M.A., Taulan. M., Jockers, R., Barberis, C., and. and Bouvier, M.: Oxytocin and Vasopressin V1a and V2 Receptors Form Constitutive Homo- and Heterodimers during Biosynthesis. Mol. Endocrinol. 17: 677-691, 2003.

33.  Salahpour, A., Bonin, H., Bhalla, S., Petäjä-Repo, Ulla and Bouvier, M.: Biochemical characterization of b2-adrenergic receptor dimers and oligomers. Biol. Chem., 384: 117-123, 2003.

34.  Lavine, N., Éthier, N., Oak, J.N., Pei, Lin, Liu, F., Trieu, P., Rebois, R.V., Bouvier, M., Hébert, T. and Van Tol, H.H.M.: G protein-coupled receptors form stable complexes with inwardly rectifying potassium channels and adenylyl cyclase. J. Biol. Chem., 277: 46010-46019, 2002.

35.  Mercier, J.F., Salahpour, A., Angers, S., Breit, A. and Bouvier, M.: Quantitative assesment of b1-adrenergic and b2-adrenergic receptor homo and hetero-dimerization by bioluminescence resonance energy transfer. J. Biol. Chem., 277: 44925-44931, 2002.

36.  Lavoie, C., Mercier, J.F., Salahpour, A., Urnapathy, D., Breid, A., Villeneuve, L.R., Zhu, W.Z., Xiao, R.P., Lakatta, E.G., Bouvier, M. and Hebert, T.E.,: b1/b2-adrenergic receptor heterodimerization regulates b2-adrenergic receptor, internalization and ERK signalling efficacy. J. Biol. Chem., 277: 35402-35410, 2002

37.  Issafras, H., Angers, A., Bulenger, S., Blanpain, C., Parmentier, M., Labbé-Julie, C., Bouvier, M. and Marullo, S.: Constitutive agonist-independent CCR5 oligomerization and antibody-mediated clustering occuring at physiological levels of receptors. J. Biol. Chem., 277: 34666-34673, 2002

38.  Ayoub, M.A., Couturier, C., Lucas-Meunier, E., Angers, S., Fossier, P., Bouvier, M., Jockers, R.: Monitoring of ligand-independent dimerization and ligand-induced conformational changes of melatonin receptors in living cells by bioluminescence resonance energy transfer. J. Biol. Chem., 277: 21522-21528, 2002.

39.  Petäjä-Repo, U.E., Hogue, M., Bhalla, S. Laperrière, A., Morello, J-P. and Bouvier, M. Ligands act as pharmacological chaperones and increase the efficiency of d-opioid receptor maturation. EMBO J., 21: 1628-1637, 2002.

40.  Barbas, D., Zappulla, J., Angers, S., Bouvier, M., Castellucci, V. and DesGroseillers, L. : Functional characterization of a novel serotonin receptor (5-HTAP2) expressed in the CNS of Aplysia californica. J. Neurochem., 80: 335-345, 2002.

41.  Hilairet, S., Bélanger, C., Bertrand, J., Laperrière, A., Foord, S.M. and Bouvier, M. : Agonist-promoted internalisation of a ternary complex between calcitonin receptor-like receptor, receptor activity-modifying protein 1 (RAMP1) and b-arrestin. J. Biol. Chem. 276: 42182-42190, 2001.

42.  Azzi, M., Parent, S., Pineyro, G. and Bouvier, M.: Allosteric effects of G protein overexpression on the binding of b-adrenergic ligands with distinct inverse efficacies. Mol. Pharmacol. 60: 999-1007, 2001.

43.  Pineyro, G. Azzi, M., de Léan, A., Schiller, P. and Bouvier, M.: Short-term inverse agonist treatment induces reciprocal changes in dopioid agonist and inverse agonist binding capacity. Mol. Pharmacol., 60: 816-827, 2001.

44.  Carpentier, E., Lebesgue, D., Kamen, A.A., Hogue, M., Bouvier, M. and Durocher, Y.: Increased production of active human b2-adrenergic/Gas fusion receptor in Sf9 cells using nutrient limiting conditions. Protein Expression and Purification: 23: 66-74, 2001.

45.  Hilairet, S., Foord, S.M., Marshall, F. and Bouvier, M.: Protein-Protein interactions and not glycosylation determines the binding selectivity of heterodimers between the calcitonin receptor-like receptor and the receptor activity-modifying proteins. J. Biol. Chem., 276: 29575-29581, 2001.

46.  Rousseau, G., Haddad, P.S., Gallo-Payet, N. and Bouvier, M.: Calcium-depended sensitisation of adenylyl cyclase. Eur. J. Pharmacol., 422: 53-60, 2001.

47.  Bélanger, C., Ansanay, H., Qanbar, R. and Bouvier, M.: Primary sequence requirements for S-acylation of b-adrenergic receptor peptides. FEBS Letters, 499: 59-64, 2001.

48.  Morello, J.P., Salahpour, A., Petäjä-Repo, U., Laperrière, A., Lonergan, M., Arthus, M.F, Nabi, R., Bichet, D. and Bouvier, M. : Association of calnexin with wild-type and mutant AVPR2 that cause nephrogenic diabetes insipidus. Biochemistry, 40: 6766-6775, 2001.

49.  Laurent, C., Cardinal, R., Wilkinson, M., Armour, J.A., Rousseau, G. and Bouvier, M. : Alteration in the b-adrenergic transduction system in tachycardia induced canine heart failure: Whole tissue versus isolated cardiomyocyte preparations, Am. J. Physiol. 280: R355-R364, 2001.

50.  Petaja-Repo, U., Hogue, M., Laperrière, A., Bhalla, S., Walker, P. and Bouvier, M. : Newly synthesized human d-opioid receptors retained in the endoplasmic reticulum are retrotranslocated to the cytosol, deglycosylated, ubiquitinated and degraded by the proteasome. J.Biol. Chem. 276: 4416-4423, 2001.

51.  Moffett, S., Rousseau, G. and Bouvier M. The palmitoylation state of the b2-adrenergic receptor regulates the synergistic action of cyclic AMP-dependent protein kinase and b-adrenergic receptor kinase involved in its phosphorylation and desensitization. J. Neurochem., 76: 269-279, 2001.

52.  Petaja-Repo, U., Morello, J.P., Laperrière, A., Walker, P. and Bouvier, M.: Export from the endoplasmic reticulum represents the limiting step in the maturation and cell surface expression of the human d-opioidreceptor. J. Biol. Chem. 275 :13727-13736, 2000.

53.  Morello, J.P., Salahpour, A., Laperrière, A., Bernier, V., Arthus, M.F., Lonergan, M., Angers, S., Petaja-Repo, U., Morin, D., Bichet, D.G. and Bouvier, M.: Functional rescue of misfolded mutant V2 vasopressin receptors from nephrogenic diabetes insipidus patients, J. Clin. Inv. 105 : 887-895, 2000.

54.  Angers, S., Salahpour, A., Joly, E., Chelsky, D., Dennis, M. and Bouvier, M.: Detection of b2-adrenergic receptor dimerization in living cells using bioluminescence resonance energy transfer (BRET), Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. (USA), 97: 3684-3689, 2000.

55.  Loisel, T.P., Ansanay, H., Adam, L., Marullo, S., Lagacée, M. and Bouvier, M.: Activation of the b2-adrenergic receptor-Gas complex leads rapid depalmitoylation and inhibition of repalmitoylation of both the receptor and the G protein. J. Biol. Chem. 274: 31014-31019, 1999.

56.  Jockers, R. Angers, S., Da Silva, A., Benaroch, P., Strosberg, A.D., Bouvier, M. and Marullo, S.: b2-adrenergic receptors down-regulation; Evidence for a pathway that does not require endocytosis. J. Biol. Chem. 274: 28900-28908, 1999.

57.  Adam, L., Bouvier, M. and Jones, T.L.J.: Nitric oxide modulates b2-adrenergic receptor palmitoylation and signaling. J. Biol. Chem. 274: 26337-26343 ,1999.

58.  Marquis, M., Fenrick, R., Pedro, L., Bouvier, M., and De Léan, A.: Comparative binding study of rat natriuretic peptide-A receptor. Mol. Cell. Biochem.194: 23-30, 1999.

59.  Hébert, T.E. and Bouvier, M.: Structural and functional aspects of G protein-coupled receptor oligomerization. Biochem. Cell Biol., 76: 1-11, 1998.

60.  Hébert, T.E., Loisel, T.P., Adam, L., Ethier, N., St-Onge, S. and Bouvier, M.: Functional rescue of a constitutively desensitized b2AR through receptor dimerization, Biochemical Journal 330: 287-293, 1998.

61.  Loisel, T.P., Ansanay, H., St-Onge, S., Bernard, G., Boulanger, P., Strosberg, A.D., Marullo, S., and Bouvier, M. : Recovery of homogeneous and functional b2-adrenergic receptors from extracellular baculovirus, Nature Biotechnology 15: 1300-1304, 1997.

62.  Lacroix, A., Tremblay, J., Rousseau, G., Bouvier, M., and Hamet, P. : Cushing's Propranolol therapy for ectopic b-adrenergic receptors in adrenal Cushing’s syndrome. New Eng. J. Med. 337: 1429-1434 1997.

63.  Murphy, R.J.L., Gardiner, P.F., Rousseau, G., Bouvier, M. and Beliveau, L. : Chronic b-blockade increases skeletal muscle b-adrenergic receptor density and enhances contractile force, J. Appl. Physiol. 83: 459-465, 1997.

64.  Rousseau, G., Guilbault, N., Mouillac, B., DaSilva, A., Chidiac, P., and Bouvier, M. : Influence of receptor density on the patterns of b2-adrenergic desensitization, Eur. J. Pharmacol. 326: 75-84, 1997.

65.  Beaulieu, M., Brakier-Gingras, L., and Bouvier, M. : Up-regulation of a1b- and a1c-adrenergic receptor mRNAs in the heart of cardiomyopathic hamsters. J. Molec. Cell. Cardiology, 29: 111-119, 1997.

66.  Raymond, P., Bouvier, M., Drapeau, G., Morais, R. and Adam, A. : Bradykinin decreases T-kininogen synthesis in a rat hepatoma cell line: Evidence for a bradykinin b2-type receptor. Peptide. 17: 1171-1176, 1996.