Episcopal Academy Football


Head Coach: Todd Fairlie


Email to get on our parent email list.

2014 Episcopal Academy Football

Welcome to the Episcopal Academy Football Family! We are very excited about the future of our program and next season. We have a very experienced and energetic staff ready to push our program to the next level. We will work hard to carry on the proud tradition of EA football and we expect the same from our players. All players will be held accountable to follow team policies and are expected to…

·  Be a team player

·  Work hard on and off the field to be the best student/athlete they can be

·  Attend and be on time to all team meetings, practices and games once in-season unless excused

·  Be a positive model in the EA community

·  Be a even better model in the community outside of EA

Team Philosophy “Respect is not given. It is earned!”

Our team philosophy is built on three key points

1.  Structure

2.  Discipline

3.  Enthusiasm

Structure replaces confusion; all aspect of our program will be structured. All players and coaches will know their assignments prior to stepping on the field each day. This maximizes our productivity in the time we have together each day.

Discipline will carry us through the difficult times we will encounter during the season. Discipline starts off the field, in the classroom, in the community and in the weight room. It carries over to the field… no penalties, know your assignment and know when it is time to get to work.

Enthusiasm is vital to our success. Attitude is contagious. We will attack everything we do with as much enthusiasm as possible. The excitement starts from the top, and we need to carry it with us the entire season.

We will also follow the mission statement of The Episcopal Academy

“Challenging and nurturing MIND, Body, and Spirit we inspire boys and girls to lead lives of purpose, faith, and integrity.”

Our Goal

I am a very strong believer that having great fundamentals and technique will lead to victories. I take pride in every coach I bring on staff; that he will be a great role model for young men and will work his hardest to develop our players. We take great pride in being part of the EA Football Family, we will work our hardest to put the best product on the field every day. Our goal is to win, and while we win, we will prepare and help develop young men for the rest of their lives.


All of our player’s first priority while attending Episcopal Academy is their academics. Players should use the time in domino block (2:45-3:45) wisely and be productive. This is a great time to see teachers for extra help, study or go to the library. If any players are struggling in any subject they should see me immediately and inform their form dean. We will work together to take the steps that are necessary to get them back on track.

Leadership Committee

The EA Football Leadership Committee is a group of players who were voted to represent their class in the group. The Leadership Committee is comprised of at least one member of each academic class and our captains. The Leadership Committee puts players in leadership roles before they are seniors. The committee also serves as a strong communication system within the program. All players are encouraged to share concerns with a member of the Leadership Committee or the coaching staff. The Leadership Committee responsibilities consist of…

·  Be the voice of their class to the coaching staff

·  Identify any issues on the team and report to coaching staff

·  Develop a team manual as a group (see below)

·  Organize a community service project for the team

Team Manual

Each season the Leadership Committee will produce a team manual that will set the policies and expectations for the whole program. The committee will work together and identify any concerns from the team that they feel need to be addressed when compiling the manual. The committee will present it to the coaching staff who will then work with the committee to finalize the manual. The manual will set team rules and policies for the team as well as the ramifications for not following them. The manual will address…

·  In-school Behavior

·  Out-of-school Behavior

·  Practice expectations

·  Game expectations

·  Discipline procedures

·  Academics

·  Community Service


Each year our staff will be searching the area for the best student/athletes we can find to be part of our program. Episcopal Academy offers a tremendous experience to students, if you know of any young men who would be interested in coming to EA and playing football please let our staff know.


Part of my job is to do what I can to get your son enrolled into the best college possible. Whether football will be a part of that decision or not, I will do what I can to see that you’re son has the best opportunity to attend the school of his choice. If football is a possibility after EA, I will use my connections with college coaches, our recruiting services and our video system while working with our college guidance to promote you’re son to the right schools.


Our parents are very important to the success of our program. The parents of our captains manage the parent’s roles and responsibilities each year. We appreciate all the help we can get, if interested in helping out in anyway please let our Captain’s parents know.


Our camp starts August 17th all freshman depart for North Carolina on the morning of the 19th. On August 17th and 18th I will be in communication with Cheryl McLaughlin as to when the players can participate in our practices. Freshman return on Aug 24th, on August 25th all freshman should report before 9 am. The freshman will be expected to participate in all scheduled practices once they return from outward bound. SEE ATTACHED CALENDAR FOR FULL SCHEDULE LEADING UP TO 1st DAY OF SCHOOL.


All players in grades 9 through 12 will practice together. We will designate certain segments of our practice for freshman and Junior Varsity to work together as a unit to prepare for games. Once school begins we will practice each day from 3:45-6:00 pm. All players are to be dressed and on the field ready to practice by 4 pm. All injured players are required to be at practice. Any players that are not in school because of being sick or other excused reasons need to email me by noon the day of practice informing me. Practices are structured so that players receive instruction for their individual positions each day working on our fundamentals and techniques to develop the best football players possible. We incorporate time for group segments where several positions will work together (7 on 7, inside and outside run periods), we also will come together as a unit each day to work on our Offense and Defense.


The Freshman team will usually play their games on Thursday afternoons and should expect 8 games throughout the year. Freshman can also play in Junior Varsity games on Mondays; any Freshman who plays in a Freshman game cannot play in a Varsity game. Our main goal during freshman and JV games is to develop our young players, we will play to win but development of our athletes is our priority. All freshman will be expected to attend our Varsity games, we are all working together to win the Inter-Ac and all players will be a part of it. (SCHEDULE PENDING)


During the summer we will be working hard to prepare ourselves for the Fall. Starting the second week of June we will hold four workouts. We will have team lifts Monday and Tuesdays at 3:30 pm. Wednesday and Thursday we will lift at 5 pm and be on the field at 6:30pm. We will also be attending West Chester University football overnight camp as a team July 24th-26th. We would love to have your Son join us, contact me if interested. I understand families go away during the summer and our players also are involved with other sports commitments, participation is encouraged and any conflicts should be communicated before the week of the practice.

Steps that should be taken before the season begins

·  Parents should get on our email list (see below)

·  Have all medical forms completed by August 1st (physical, emergency info, impact test- You will receive these from the school)

·  Attend summer workouts, get to know your teammates and coaches

·  If planning on purchasing new cleats for the season, please buy white cleats or wait until we do our team cleat order over the summer.

·  Schedule a meeting with your advisor before school starts to set a plan of action for your academics next year.

*If you are not already on the EA football email list please see me tonight or email me at