POSITION TITLE: Social Worker, Grade Two


DIVISION: Social Work

McKellar Centre and University Hospital Geelong

REPORTS TO: Manager, Social Work


DIRECT REPORTS: Grade One Social Workers and Students as directed

APPROVED: Manager, Social Work



PRIMARY OBJECTIVE: Provision of a Social Work service within Barwon Health, as part of a larger Social Work team

Our Social Workers work across a diverse range of the Health areas including Acute, sub-acute and community based program areas in a number of campuses of Barwon Health and require to have established clinical knowledge and skills relevant to working as an advanced clinician in a health setting. The role will deliver an excellent social work service. The social work clinician will have an awareness and understanding of the health service environment and be skilled at working in a multidisciplinary team.
BARWON HEALTH VISION – To be Australia’s Leading Regional Health Service – Building a Healthier Community




Your Health

We will work with the community to deliver significantly improved health outcomes

Our Service

Our health care service will be well-connected to ensure a positive experience for those we serve

Our Region

We will have strong partnerships with all providers who influence health in our region

Our People

Our workforce will be thriving, collaborative and highly skilled


To provide accessible high quality healthcare services to our Barwon South western region communities /


For the unique qualities of each individual, family and community, for our partners, the organisation we represent and for each other


For the circumstances of the people we care for


To facilitate high quality health outcomes by working collaboratively with all stakeholders


For all our actions and outcomes by working to clear objectives in a transparent manner


To lead the way and develop creative initiatives to address the health needs of our community




Without referral to Manager (RESPONSIBLE)
  • Provide psychosocial assessment involving the patient, family and engaged agencies.
  • Work alongside treating team, providing consultation where required.
  • Provide clinical intervention ensuring that the needs of the client and family are attended to.
  • Refer patients to appropriate Barwon Health departments or external agency as appropriate.
  • Maintain appropriate records as required by Barwon Health and statutory authority
After Consultation with Manager or others (CONSULTED)
  • Participate in wider service meetings, education opportunities and working groups.
  • Management of complex risk situations
  • Training and Leave Arrangements
Referred to Managers or others (CONSULTED)
  • Formal complaints
  • Sentinel Events
/ Purpose/Frequency of Contact / Contact/Organisation
  • Informally as required.
  • Monthly Clinical Supervision
  • Monthly case load management supervision
  • Annual Performance review
  • Monthly within Peer review process
/ Clinical Supervisor


Key Result Area /

Major Activities


Performance Measures

1. Direct Practice: / Appropriateness of social work assessment, intervention and outcomes
  • Demonstrate advanced level professional competencies in: undertaking multi-dimensional comprehensive psychosocial assessments, clinical reasoning, and formulating appropriately targeted treatment plans with realistic/achievable goals, and providing proficient interventions for clients (with regard to context and time constraints).
  • Demonstrate understanding of, and sensitivity to, ethical and multicultural issues
  • Practice in accordance with the relevant health care or industry standards.
  • Record planned social work intervention, rationale and expected outcome with clear indication of intervention time frames incorporating activities.
  • Complete and record all patient contacts identifying reason for referral, plans for intervention and activity.
  • Document assessment indicating relevant multicultural issues, which may impact on intervention planning.
  • Adherence to applicable health care or industry standards.

Knowledge, skills and resources of the social worker
  • Demonstrate independent behaviour and of thought, awareness of own effectiveness and internalised responsibility.
  • Demonstrate flexibility/responsiveness within professional practice/duties/roles in order to meet organisational goals/priorities.
  • Demonstrate a comprehensive understanding of the principles of discharge planning practices.
  • Demonstrate an understanding of relevant community resources and systems.
  • Demonstrate a comprehensive understanding of relevant social work theory and its relationship to clinical practice.
  • Demonstrate knowledge and utilisation (where possible) of appropriate standardised social work processes and outcome measures.
  • Demonstrate a developing awareness/understanding of contextual State or Commonwealth governmental programs/initiatives and their potential impacts on service provision.
  • Demonstrate knowledge of professional bodies associated with area of clinical practice and professional group.
  • Demonstrate proficient communication with sound verbal, non-verbal and written skills within the social work service, multi-disciplinary team, organisation, and with external agencies.
  • Demonstrate proficient conflict resolution and negotiation skills and a willingness to seek appropriate support/assistance as required.
  • Demonstrate a willingness to seek clarification, or support, with clinical duties as needed.
  • Participate in, or lead, group-work approaches as appropriate.
  • Work as an effective component of the multidisciplinary team by contributing assessment and planned intervention and how this impacts on treating tams progress.
  • Proactively plan for successful patient discharge and document interventions to inform other staff.
  • Develop in conjunction with other staff initiatives, which will improve social work processes and outcome measures.
  • Present to staff group any legislative changes, which directly impact on social work practice.
  • Always maintain an awareness and respect of agreed social work department values
  • Record social work intervention contributing to discharge planning
  • Inform broader treating team and social work team of up to date information about community resources and professional bodies relevant to patient care and provide this information to colleagues at staff meetings, peer supervision or department presentations.
  • Present professional development attendances.
  • Actively contribute to staff meetings, multidisciplinary meetings.
  • Lead staff meetings as Chairperson and/ or note taker roster.

Multidisciplinary work environments
  • Actively participate in a coordinated team approach to client care including facilitating family meetings (as appropriate).
  • Actively promote and develop positive relationships within the service, health sector, and community that promote appropriate service delivery and patient care.
  • Effectively participate and contribute within meetings (eg departmental team meetings, relevant ward/unit meetings).
  • Effectively promote an understanding of the professional social work role within the organisation.
  • Provide high-level consultation and liaison to other professional organisational staff.
  • Attend & participate in team meetings
  • Participate annually in a Social Work department planning day and
social work promotion
Client involvement
  • Demonstrate a commitment to client-centred practice (eg involve clients/carers/external providers in decision-making and advocate on their behalf as necessary) and providing specialised education and/or information to clients/carers appropriate to their needs.
  • Document patient goals in medical records
  • Develop up to date and relevant information for patients as the need arises

  • Actively participate in supervision with the designated supervisor.
  • Seek out and utilise informal consultation opportunities as required.
  • Develop (and independently pursue) own learning plan in conjunction with supervisor.
  • Respond appropriately/professionally to feedback on performance.
  • Acknowledge limitations of professional knowledge and experience, and seek assistance as required.
  • Provide appropriate supervision and support to grade ones when required.
  • Participate /provide in monthly supervision
  • Participate and / or facilitate peer supervision monthly

Recording and record keeping
  • Complete departmental documentation/statistical input promptly and fully (as required).
  • Complete stats weekly

Referral/termination/interruption of service.
*Effectively identify client(s) needs for ongoing assistance and refer on as appropriate. /
  • Provide information and advice on services to patient and team members to facilitate decision making
  • Actively explore appropriate referral pathways identifying opportunities in the medical record.
  • Document all referrals to other support services.

2. Service Management: / *Demonstrate high-level organisational skills through efficient time management and professional responsibility including the ability to appropriately prioritise workload.
*Demonstrate efficient and effective use of resources.
*Participate within duty-allocation system for unallocated cases as required.
*Demonstrate a willingness to assist the Senior SW clinicians in the day-to-day management and effective functioning of the program/site/department (e.g. assist in the orientation of new staff; professional mentoring/support of less experienced staff).
*Demonstrate appropriate professional behaviours in all areas of practice, including punctuality and appropriate dress.
*Exhibits a commitment to Barwon Health’s values including team based above and below behaviours.
*Comply with Health Service and Departmental policies and procedures (e.g. annual staff appraisal).
*Demonstrate a capacity and willingness to accept referrals of higher complexity (where indicated).
*Demonstrate willingness to assume extra responsibilities/duties consistent with employee’s skill level and classification (e.g. leading/overseeing a sub-program or special interest group within clinical stream or site or assisting with duty allocation process when Senior SW Clinician is unavailable), by negotiation or as required.
*Perform all other duties as directed within the limits of skill, competence and training to maximise flexibility and effectiveness. / *Prioritise workload independently and as needed in consultation with senior staff to ensure patients with the highest prioritised needs are seen first.
*Prioritise patients to ensure effective and efficient discharge arrangements are made to assist patient flow.
  • Arrive at work on time & work ready
  • Participate in STARS time & attendance recording
  • Accept referrals with increased complexity
  • Co work with grade 1 social workers when there is increasing complexity
  • Actively support other social workers to ensure an effective discharge plan
  • Barwon Health values modelled at all times.
  • Accept allocated referrals for social work intervention and respond appropriately
  • Accept extra responsibilities when requested
  • Performance review.

3. Organisational Development and System Change /
  • Demonstrate an advanced understanding of the organisational structure and where/how social work services contribute to organisational goals.
  • Demonstrate contribution to the development, implementation and evaluation of clinical programs.
  • Actively participate in, and provide leadership within, a departmental committee portfolio and/or Allied Health Committee.
  • Conduct self in a manner that will not endanger self or others.
  • Follow Barwon Health's Occupational Health and Safety policies and procedures.
  • Maintain an awareness of the Occupational Health and Safety Act 1985 and the Accident Compensation (Work Cover) Act 1992.
  • Contribute to safety awareness and promotion by contributing ideas and suggestions.
  • Maintain knowledge and practice of infection control / hygiene precautions and Barwon Health infection control policies and procedures.
  • Report all incidents through incident management system.
  • Undertake special projects or reports required by the social work department on a wide range of issues.
/ *Participate in portfolio areas
  • Identify potential service gaps and develop remedial strategies in consultation with social work management team.
  • Report any unsafe work practices, hazards, near miss incidents and accidents.
  • Demonstrated use of incident management system.
  • Performance review.

4. Policy: /
  • Demonstrate an understanding of relevant legislation and relevance to professional practice/decision-making.
  • Contribute to the development of new policies and procedures (as needed).
  • Comply with relevant Barwon Health policies and procedures.
  • Provide staff group with information regarding policy changes which directly impact on decision making
  • Adherence with Barwon Health policy and procedures.

5. Research: /
  • Demonstrate an understanding of quality improvement and accreditation processes.
  • Participate in quality improvement activities and research/evaluation activities relating to clinical work.
  • Demonstrate an understanding of the principles of evidence-based practice and their applicability to the workplace.
  • Comply with Health Service Quality Management policies and procedures.
  • Participate and / or contribute to a quality initiative annually.
  • Undertake review of a component of work area annually.
  • Provide evidence of impact of service improvements and / or changes.
  • Active participation in required quality improvement activities.

6. Education and Professional Development: /
  • Demonstrate initiative and responsibility for individual professional development.
  • Actively seek out appropriate learning opportunities and maintain ongoing professional learning through participation in internal and external continuing education as identified within supervision plan (e.g. show evidence of continuing development of clinical skills and reflective practice through extended reading).
  • Demonstrate a capacity to provide clinical supervision for Grade 1 staff (as required) and meet organisational accountability requirements in reporting/advising/informing SW management of relevant professional/clinical issues identified within their supervisory role (especially relating to potential client or organisational risk).
  • Demonstrate a commitment to providing social work student supervision (or co-supervision) at least biennially.
  • Provide education and training within the social work department or to other network or community staff (as appropriate).
  • Present (or co-present) at seminars, workshops, and conferences as appropriate.
  • Complete mandatory training and education.
  • Attend at a minimum 2 professional development experiences annually
  • Participate in all Social Work department initiated professional development opportunities.
  • Provide social work student supervision (or co-supervision) at least biennially (after 2 years professional experience).
  • Demonstrated completion of mandatory training.

  • Exhibits a commitment the Barwon Health’s Values including team based above and below behaviours
  • Undertake special projects or reports required by the manager on a wide range of issues
  • Report all incidents through the incident management system
  • Practice in accordance with the relevant health care or industry standards
  • Complete mandatory training and education
  • Comply with relevant Barwon Health policies and procedures
  • Participate in quality improvement activities
  • Perform all other duties as directed within the limits of skill, competence and training to maximise flexibility and effectiveness
  • Demonstrate an understanding of appropriate behaviours when engaging with children
  • Barwon Health values modelled at all times.
  • Performance Review
  • Demonstrated use of incident management system
  • Adherence to applicable health care or industry standards
  • Demonstrated completion of mandatory training
  • Adherence with Barwon Health policy and procedures
  • Active participation in required quality improvement activities
  • Performance Review
  • Adherence with Child Safe Standards


Barwon Health Leadership Capabilities

Leadership Behaviour 1 – SHAPES STRATEGIC THINKING
Articulates how they contribute to the big picture.
  • Shows interest and deals effectively with ambiguous information
  • Understands and interprets complex information.
  • Quickly grasps the main ideas of an argument.
  • Acknowledge their strengths and development needs.

Leadership Behaviour 2 – ACHIEVES RESULTS
  • Uses sound judgement to ensure tasks are performed correctly and safely.
  • Is responsive and completes tasks within set timelines.
  • Takes a proactive rather than reactive approach to activities.
  • Reschedules and reorganizes work to reflect changes in priority.
  • Contributes positively to change.

  • Works effectively with others by building sound relationships to achieve outcomes.
  • Shares ideas and opinions openly with others and invites them to do the same.
  • Takes the first step to settle conflict between themselves and others.

  • Clearly delivers information and influences an outcome where appropriate.
  • Communicates effectively both verbal and in writing.
  • Demonstrates a professional approach to service delivery.

  • Builds trust by treating people fairly and with empathy. And respecting confidentiality.
  • Gains credibility by showing reliability and consistency in principles, values and behaviour.
  • Adopts a flexible attitude towards changing circumstances, adapting if necessary.
  • Acknowledges that different situations require different approaches.



  • An AASW accredited Bachelor Degree or entry level Master’s Degree of Social Work that provides eligibility for membership of the Australian Association of Social Workers.
  • Sound theoretical knowledge and the ability to apply that knowledge
  • Excellent verbal and written communication skills
  • Skills in the effective participation in a multi-disciplinary team and in working as a member of the social work team
  • The ability to maintain effective work relationships and clinical effectiveness in an environment which is often pressured and characterised by competing demands
  • Skills in conducting investigative literature searches.
  • Ability to apply principles of evidence to inform practice
  • Participation in a variety of tasks, as delegated, commensurate with experience.


  • Advanced social work skills.
  • Evidence of ongoing commitment to professional development (eg. post-graduate education, accredited courses, seminars conferences etc).
  • Demonstrated capacity to function independently (needing consultation for exceptional cases rather than routinely requiring guidance/direction).
  • Demonstrated capacity to articulate social work practice to other professions.
  • Demonstrated experience in social work student supervision and/or teaching.
  • Demonstrated understanding of health care systems.
  • Evidence of understanding of research/evaluation principles.