North East School Division Planning Organizer

Mathematics Grades K - 5

Stage 1 – Begin With the End in Mind
Big Ideas What do we want students to remember 40 years from now?
Communication / Connections
Reasoning / Technology
Visualization / Problem Solving
Mental Math and Estimation
Logical Thinking
Develop and be able to apply mathematical reasoning processes, skills, and strategies to new situations and problems.
o  Inductive and deductive thinking
o  Proportional reasoning
o  Abstracting and generalizing
o  Exploring, identifying, and describing patterns
o  Verifying and proving
o  Exploring, identifying, and describing relationships
o  Modeling and representing (including concrete, oral, physical, pictorial, and symbolical representations)
o  Conjecturing and asking “what if” (mathematical play) / Number Sense
Develop an understanding of the meaning of, relationships between, properties of, roles of, and representations (including symbolic) of numbers and apply this understanding to new situations and problems.
o  Decomposing and composing of numbers
o  Relating different operations to each other
o  Modeling and representing numbers and operations (including concrete, oral, physical, pictorial, and symbolical representations)
o  Understanding the origins and need for different types of numbers
o  Recognizing operations on different number types as being the same operations
o  Understanding equality and inequality
o  Recognizing the variety of roles for numbers
o  Developing and understanding algebraic representations and manipulations as an extension of numbers
o  Looking for patters and ways to describe those patterns numerically and algebraically.
Spatial Sense
Develop and understanding of 2-D shapes and 3-D objects, and the relationships between geometrical shapes and objects and numbers, and apply this understanding to new situations and problems.
o  construction and deconstruction of 2-D shapes and 3-D objects
o  investigations and generalizations about relationships between 2-D shapes and 3-D objects
o  explorations and abstractions related to how numbers (and algebra) can be used to describe 2-D shapes and 3-D objects
o  explorations and generalizations about the movement of 2-D shapes and 3-D objects
o  explorations and generalizations regarding the dimensions of 2-D shapes and 3-D objects
o  explorations, generalizations, and abstractions about different forms of measurement and their meaning. / Mathematics as a Human Endeavour
Develop an understanding of mathematics as a way of knowing the world that all humans are capable of with respect to their personal experiences and needs.
o  encourage and value varying perspectives and approaches to mathematics
o  recognize and value one's evolving strengths and knowledge in learning and doing mathematics
o  recognize and value the strengths and knowledge of others in doing mathematics
o  value and honour reflection and sharing in the construction of mathematical understanding
o  recognize errors as stepping stones towards further learning in mathematics
o  require self-assessment and goal setting for mathematical learning
o  support risk taking (mathematically and personally)
o  build self-confidence related to mathematical insights and abilities
o  encourage enjoyment, curiosity, and perseverance when encountering new problems
o  create appreciation for the many layers, nuances, perspectives, and value of mathematics
Outcomes Circle the verbs or skills, underline the qualifiers
Strands are: Number (N), Patterns & Relations (P), Shape & Space (SS) and Statistics & Probability (SP)
Understandings What do we hope students will come to understand as a result of learning? Think: Students will understand that… / Essential Questions Questions for deeper understanding that invite deep thinking about the ideas and issues throughout the unit.
Students need to know: What is essential knowledge for students to have in order to demonstrate their understanding of the outcomes? / And be able to do: What should they eventually be able to do as a result of their learning experiences in order to achieve the outcome? Should reference the indicators. Think: verb.
Stage Two – Critical Evidence of Understanding
Formative Assessment Through what multiple sources of evidence will students demonstrate their understanding on a daily basis. / Summative Assessment Is an assessment of what students know and can do according to the outcomes. It is a snapshot in time, used for reporting.
Stage Three – Learning Plan
The Learning Plan should guide your day-to-day operations based on the natural order of learning experiences necessary to achieve the outcomes by all students.
How did each student experience the learning through the unit? How did my plan transfer to practice?