Play Therapy / A form of counselling or psychotherapy that usesplayto communicate with & help children, to prevent or resolve challenges. It helps them towards better social integration, growth & development, emotional modulation & trauma resolution. / Any pupil in school - through a referral
Art Therapy / Art therapists use visual art media to help people who may struggle to communicate verbally or to express their feelings.
Art therapy is used as a medium for confronting difficult emotions & to help with awareness and self-development. / Any pupil in school - through a referral
Music Therapy / Music therapy is a psychological therapy that aims to facilitate positive changes in emotional wellbeing and communication through the engagement in live musical interaction between client and therapist. / Any pupil in school - through a referral
Mental Health Training & support / Training linked to developing staff awareness and appropriate responses towards mental health issues for pupils. Information is linked to ‘Futures in Mind’ project. / All staff
School Clothes / School uniform for pupils / Identified pupils
SALT Training / Training for staff on Speech and Language Support for pupils / Pupils across school
Horse Riding –Primary / Horse riding provides freedom of movement, the gaining of confidence, relationshipbuilding as well as physiotherapy & communication. / Pupils from Years 5-6
Residential trips Frontier Centre / Blue Peris / Barcelona / The pupils participating in residential trips are able to develop their independence and also build their self-esteem. The pupils were able to develop social relationships with their peers as well as a focus on problem solving and communication. / Pupils in Year 6 and in Years 9,10 and 11
SP Resources / Additional resources to help address Sensory Processing issues for our pupils. / Pupils across school
Leisure and play resources / Additional resources to help and support pupils in aspects of their play, communication, leisure skills and social skills / Pupils across school
Parent engagement / Parent support and engagement provides a link between home and professionals involved with pupils. It helps to ensure that parents work in partnership with the school and outside agencies in order to provide the best for all pupils. Workshops for Parents, homework support etc / Pupils across school
One to one tuition / A pupil is given individual intensive tuition for short, regular sessions over a set period of time. This may develop into paired or very small group work. / Identified pupils across school
Swimming / Engaging in sports to increase educational engagement and attainment. Swimming sessions also help to provide regular exercise and physio as well as develop confidence, self-esteem and communication. / Pupils in Year 3 and above
Family Support Worker / A Family Support Worker is part funded through Pupil Premium money and is employed across a number of schools to support families. / Pupils across school
Visits and Trips / Visits provide pupils with opportunities to develop communication skills; build confidence and self-esteem; as well as develop their physical wellbeing and enrich experiences. / Pupils across school
Communication / Resources to develop strategies - both high and low tech / Pupils across school
Fine Motor / Writing and training / Development of the stages of fine motor skills and equipment through OT support and advice / Pupils across school
Play equipment / Resources to develop play equipment / Pupils across school
Reading Resources / Additional money to purchase resources and books including motivating reading materials / Pupils across school
ICT Hardware and software / Laptops, Ipadsand apps purchased and used to support individual pupils / Pupils across school
Additional courses and qualifications / A pupil attends college for a number of sessions and money from Pupil Premium is used to support this. / Identified pupil in Year 11