Councillor Singleton (Chair) David Clarke

Councillor Marsh Councillor Talbot

Ian Anderson Jill Buchanan-Huck

David Jones (CSIP) David O’Connor

Jill Guild Peter Gittins

Carolyn Kus Tony McArdle

Lucy Gayler (Minute Taker) Rachel Holynska (Deputy Regional Director Social Care and

Partnerships Department of Health: East Midlands)

Ref / Item / Action
Apologies were received from Pete Moore, Rob Moore, Steve Lidbetter, Colin Pitman, Jill Guild and Andy Brookes.
-  Cllr B Singleton had not received the schedule of meetings from GB and JG, which was indicated on page one of the previous minutes. These need to be sent again.
-  Cllr B Singleton had not received the banding document from CK, which is indicated on page 3 of the previous minutes.
-  DJ made some changes to section 8 of the minutes, which had been previously emailed to LG and not yet changed. The board were happy for these changes to be made.
Accuracy of minutes agreed otherwise.
Cllr C Talbot raised the following question: ‘Do we ever have anyone here from Health?
IA explained that people from Health will be attending, not necessarily consistently but they will be coming as often as is possible.
IA discussed that CSCI have produced ‘The Pan’ (Performance Assessment Notebook) which is a cumulation of your performance for the year including ARM SAS and notes of the Business Relationship Meeting. The Provisional star rating is due on October 20th but will be embargoed until the end of November. / JG to send again.
CK send banding document to Cllr B Singleton.
LG make DJ’s changes to previous minutes.
IA presented a slide entitled ‘Personalised Services Based on Levels of Well Being’. Paul Jackman put the slide together. The programme aims to demonstrate how Lincoln as a local authority leads in implementing the workstreams.

Part of the programme is based on developing the processes to ensure people have a good quality of life. The process shows how ASC intervenes at a point of crisis to make the journey back up again for that individual much easier. It shows the process of responding to the crisis, stabilising the individual and then reablement in terms of recovery. Investment in reablement has a long-term investment in organisations.
IA clarified the meaning of reablement – “Rehabilitation with a purpose”. The final part of the process is where personal budgets are important in supporting the person more long term.
Cllr Singleton: Q Is this something we will physically have as a document or is it just a methodology?
IA – This is the process that will be followed. However, each individual will have a different package to cover his or her needs.
Cllr B Singleton thought that the process needed a system to monitor and log the information and outcomes. IA explained that it would become the responsibility of the work streams in how to organise this.
IA presented a slide entitled ‘Action Learning Programme’ which is a model based on how this work starts to be delegated. The three core blocks to the model are ‘Health & Wellbeing’ (Prevention), ‘Crisis Management & Reablement’ and ‘Maintenance’ (Personal Budgets). Each workstream will have an identified lead and will be facilitated as required by the P.P.F. team.

Tony McGinty will lead on ‘Health and Wellbeing’. The other workstreams are yet to be assigned. The leads will be responsible for overseeing ‘Health and Wellbeing’, ‘Crisis Management & Reablement’ and ‘Maintenance’.
The 3 month programme begins in January based in Skegness and is going to test new systems and processes. The aim is to trial as much as possible regarding Putting People First, in order to work together to understand the impact on Adult Social Care, Health, District Council and other partners.
Skegness is the location that was chosen due to it being part of the Individual Budget Pilot Area and is a discreet area to work in. Small enough to work within, but large enough to be able to learn lessons from. IA and CK have had a discussion with Chris Slavin who explained that LPFT are keen to be involved.
Cllr B Singleton: Q Is this in addition to what we are doing or is it part of what we have been doing? (ESCR)
DC explained that it is now about realigning and supporting the 3 critical phases in a person’s journey through ASC.
Cllr B Singleton: Q Will anything we have been doing with ECSR suffer?
DC confirmed that it would not and would be there to support it. The scale of the programme will continue to develop and expand nationally and ASC can start to do the things that they want to do with a view to Putting People First.
Cllr B Singleton: Q How will you report it?
IA explained it would be reported with targets and dates to meet.
TM: Q What are the key risks in being able to do this?
IA outlined that the risks involved are within ‘Crisis Management’ and ‘Reablement’. Tolerance levels of people being admitted to hospital will be a lot less.
‘Reablement’ is a key challenge to our OT’s.
In respect of ‘Personal Budgets’ there will be a vast cultural shift in how staff approach their task, we need to make sure our Resource Allocation System (RAS) is correct to ensure people are allocated realistic amounts to meet their needs.
IA hopes that health colleagues will be engaged within this programme.
CT – Q How are we going to get this information proactively out to the service users?
There will be a meeting in Skegness to bring together key partners. The focus is new customers. It will be fully communicated to all people who use services. CK will sit down with JBH so that it is planned and organised effectively.
IA talked about the plan to bring new people onto personal budgets from April 2009 and then anyone else who wants to make the change. This is to be reviewed and timescales set following the Action Learning Programme.
Cllr B Singleton thought that the team should stay away from the word ‘Change’.
JBH described the self-assessment form that is going to be implemented which will evaluate a personal budget for the individual. It has three boxes, which consist of ‘My view’, ‘Workers View’ and then ‘Final Agreement’. Jill BH has recently spoken to Norfolk who has now gone to two boxes, which are ‘My view’, and ‘Shared View’ so there is an area where there is room for development.
Cllr B Singleton thought that a personal budget needed to be managed and the individual needed to be informed of how to manage their budget.
The Board members agreed the methodology that will be put into place. / CK & JBH to look into this.
CK introduced the ‘Members Packs’ and ‘Terms of Reference’ to the board. The Members Packs are for board members to keep and update as papers and future minutes are passed out over the next year. It contains a number of key documents.
The ‘Terms of Reference’ outlines the key members, invited members, expectations of a member and a number of house rules. The agenda will clearly indicate which papers are for information only and which papers will require a decision making at the meeting.
There were a number of changes made to the T.O.R:
-  CSIP member on ‘Invited Guests’ were agreed to be changed to Rachel Holynska.
-  Cllr Barry Fippard to be added to the Key members. Cllr Fippard is attending as the shadow member for Adult Social Care Spokesperson.
-  Cllr Christine Talbot was removed from the Improvement Board Key members.
-  Cllr Graham Marsh’s role will be the ‘Member link between Governance and Putting People First Board’.
CK: Q If people are unable to attend the meeting will we accept substitutes for them?
Cllr G Marsh did not think this would be beneficial. People who cannot be at a meeting can send some input to the meeting instead, as a substitute person may not have the entire knowledge to be able to input enough into the meeting.
The board decided that Chris Slavin and John McIvor are able to send a substitute, they are the only exceptions.
It needs to be made explicit what exactly IA will be reporting on, for example which workstreams in the Directors Report.
JBH made these updates to the document within the Board meeting.
The board members agreed and signed off the ToR and Members Packs.
DC presented the ESCR Highlight report to the board.

DC said we are on target and there are no particular risks. As part of the overall programme itself, the achievements are that we have bought in new reporting tools, which have given a platform for improved performance reporting. Today, the team are starting to test the document management part of the product, which has been installed over the last few weeks.
ESCR has realigned with the Action Learning Programme, it will be piloting it and the achievement targets are going to be focused on getting everything ready for that piece of work.
ANITE are in negotiation with a company called North Gate in working with them, which will be very positive.
It needs to be ensured that the system works for both old and new service users, although there are some risks it will also cause Lincolnshire a lot of interest.
Q: Are we investing in workflow and financial Modules?
DC explained that he is meeting with a number of people from the financial part of the LCC to look at which elements of the process the team will start to switch financial aspects on, both are in place.
Q: Is there sufficient support from the process team?
DC stressed that to date all the support that was needed has been there.
The Action Learning Programme has been put to ESCR and there were concerns from the Board that it will not be ready in January. DC stated he was comfortable with sufficient available to have a valid evaluation and use of the systems and processes. There will be additional functionality coming out in May time but for now given that piloting new systems and processes is being looked at then the next set of developments have been put into place.
Cllr B Singleton: Q Is everyone happy with everything in ESCR report in regards to the Action Learning Programme in January?
CK suggested doing another analysis to look at the risks again and decide from that. DC stated that this does not mean plenty will not be understood from the pilot it just means there will be things included after it.
Second Part of DC’s Report: Home Support Electronic Rostering and Monitoring.
(See above document for second report)
Cllr B Singleton: Q What does the project start and end date on the report mean?
DC hopes that the tendering process will have been completed and the targets for next period we will know whom the suppliers are and how long it will take to be implemented.
Cllr B Singleton: Q Is Cllr G Marsh going to be involved in tendering?
DC explained that the panel has not yet been fully decided but it would be beneficial to have either Cllr B Singleton or Cllr G Marsh to be there and involved.
The board members thought that it would be helpful to have critical target dates on the beginning of any ESCR reports.
DC was not sure we could get Independent Service Providers to use the same system but it had the ability to take a link to other peoples systems so we can monitor what is going on. Ken Fairbairn is keen to start the dialogue with the Independent sector with their use and feeding in their use on this service.
The next report will be in December but Cllr G Marsh will be involved with any engagement in the mean time. / CK to have meeting about this.
DC to implement this.
JBH presented an update on the Risk Register to the Board.
Jill BH described the risk register that is being compiled with Sarah Tennant and others as a group exercise; it is work in progress and is a vast programme. The whole of the programme risks will be looked at and then correspond with the three core boxes from the Action Learning Programme. The targets is for it to be completed by the next meeting. JBH is hoping to have a meeting with Martin Bennett in reference to putting the risk register onto Performance Plus. / JBH bring document to next meeting.
PG in CP absence, presented an Exception Report for Directly Provided Services to the Board.

This is an example of everything discussed within today’s meeting. In reference to what providers are going to be doing, meeting governance arrangements and bringing exception reports. The report is a demonstration of how far things have moved on since last year.
The work is now very different, it started looking at creating a new arrangement of what was a very traditional provider of services, but with the new developments then we need to slow down and expand the whole provider services trading project. Some relationships and elements to the report will still go on and progress. The Governance Board need to be kept aware so that we do not hit the original objective of having a detailed plan starting from April of next year.
Cllr B Singleton raised concerns that the report demonstrated areas that we could not fit to deadlines and asked how much of the report was being deferred.
PG explained that out of the 64 diagnostics, it is only one that is being deferred. This diagnostic is ‘Changing the relationship between the in house provider service and ASC’.
Cllr B Singleton stressed that it would have been beneficial if that information had been put in the report.
IA confirmed that the sector that will change is what the In House Service do; however, the important parts from original project remain.
DC decided that we need a clear definition of the outcomes we are aiming to change and the critical path of how we get there and what needs to be done. A timescale is also needed.
The board members agreed to sign off to defer this piece of work subject to it being integrated to the workstreams with clear timescales coming back in the December meeting. / Timescales to be brought to next meeting.
Cllr B Singleton enquired whether a schedule for ESCR could be sent in time for the December meeting. / DC to look into this.
Tuesday 9th December 2008 14:00-16:00 - Committee Room 1.

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