2001 Introduction of Parliamentary ProcedurePage 1

1)The bylaws for a local organized society should establish a procedure for calling special meetings. / A. True / B. False
2)A motion refers to a formal proposal by a member, in a meeting, that the assembly take certain actions. / A. True / B. False
3)The quorum in a committee is a majority of its membership unless the assembly has prescribed a different quorum. / A. True / B. False
4)There are nine elected National FBLA officers. / A. True / B. False
5)The order of business in a convention is usually known as the program or agenda. / A. True / B. False
6)To make a main motion, a member must obtain the floor when no other question is pending. / A. True / B. False
7)The term of office for the national officers begins at the close of the National Leadership Conference. / A. True / B. False
8)The chair must restate a resolution read by a member. / A. True / B. False
9)When a committee is appointed with power, this means with power to take all action necessary to carry out its instructions. / A. True / B. False
10)The presiding officer may enter into debate on all motions. / A. True / B. False
11)The National FBLA president serves as an ex officio, nonvoting member of all committees. / A. True / B. False
12)An ex-officio member of a committee has the same rights as the committee members. / A. True / B. False
13)The chair need not ask for the negative vote when the affirmative vote sounds loud enough. / A. True / B. False
14)The national bylaws allow for a mail vote by the national executive council. / A. True / B. False
15)A tie vote on an appeal sustains the decision of the chair. / A. True / B. False
16)To consider a main motion later in the same meeting or at another meeting can be proposed by moving to postpone indefinitely. / A. True / B. False
17)The official colors of FBLA shall be blue and yellow. / A. True / B. False
18)The motion to Lay on the Table is correctly used to kill a motion. / A. True / B. False
19)Minutes should record all main motions whether they are adopted or lost. / A. True / B. False
20)An acronym for the Future Business Leaders of America is “F.B.L.A.” / A. True / B. False
21)In the consideration of a resolution having a preamble, the preamble is always amended last. / A. True / B. False
22)If previous notice is given at a meeting, it must be in writing. / A. True / B. False
23)Under certain circumstances, the chair can declare a meeting adjourned without a motion. / A. True / B. False
24)The fiscal year of the Future Business Leaders of America – Phi Beta Lambda shall be July 1 through June 30. / A. True / B. False
25)A motion made by the direction of a board of more than one person requires no second from the floor. / A. True / B. False
26)The quorum should be fixed at the number of members who can reasonably be depended on to attend the meeting. / A. True / B. False
27)The reason for special meetings is to deal with important matters between regular meetings. / A. True / B. False
28)A subsidiary motion can be applied to any main motion. / A. True / B. False
29)The power to appoint a committee carries with it the power to appoint the chairman and to fill any vacancy. / A. True / B. False
30)Motions to limit or close debate are not allowed in committee meetings. / A. True / B. False
31)The maker of a motion can withdraw it before it is stated by the chair. / A. True / B. False
32)A member can propose a short intermission by moving to Recess. / A. True / B. False
33)Members of an assembly / A. may make motions, debate, and vote. / B. may vote only if their dues are paid. / C. are required to vote.
34)In cases where the next session will not be held until after more than a quarterly time interval has elapsed, the only means by which a question can go over to another session is by being / A. referred to a committee. / B. postponed to a certain time. / C. laid on the table.
35)A special committee / A. is on-going from administration to administration. / B. ceases to exist when it makes its final report. / C. is always created by the chair.
36)When a decision is to be based on more than a majority vote, a common requirement is a / A. two-thirds vote and/or previous notice. / B. show of hands. / C. ballot vote.
37)Motions are brought before the assembly by these three steps: a member / a. rises, addresses the chair, and makes a motion. / B. addresses the chair and makes a motion; then the chair states the question. / C. makes a motion, another member seconds it, and the chair states the question.
38)The mass meeting is a meeting / A. held as a demonstration for or against a cause. / B. of an unorganized group. / C. held in an open area or in a large building.
39)In organizations that hold regular business meetings throughout the year, the minutes of the annual meeting should be read and approved at the next / A. regular meeting. / B. annual meeting. / C. special meeting.
40)As soon as a member has made a motion, he / A. resumes his seat. / B. remains standing, knowing that he will be recognized first. / C. remains standing in case any member wishes to suggest a change in the motion.
41)Large boards and large committees / A. follow parliamentary procedure to a lesser degree than does the average deliberative assembly. / B. generally follow parliamentary procedure the same as any assembly. / C. establish its basic structure and manner of operation.
42)The seconder of a motion / A. should always stand and give his name. / B. need not obtain the floor. / C. does so only after being recognized.
43)A motion to go into executive session requires / A. a majority vote and previous notice. / B. a majority vote. / C. previous notice.
44)The corporate charter should contain only / A. the name and object. / B. the name, object, and qualifications for membership. / C. what is necessary to obtain and to obtain the desired status under the law.
45)The lack of a second has become immaterial / A. after the chair has stated the question. / B. after the debate has begun. / C. when the maker of the motion asks for permission to withdraw it.
46)FBLA’s national bylaws place the responsibility for managing the affairs of the association on which of the following? / A. The CEO / B. The National President / C. The Board of Directors / D. The National Officers
47)The term rules of order refers to / A. the constitution. / B. the bylaws. / C. the written rules of parliamentary procedure adopted by an assembly or organization.
48)The purpose of FBLA is to provide, as an integral part of the instructional program, additional opportunities for secondary students in grades / A. 6-12 / B. 8-12 / C. 9-12 / D. 10-12
49)When a motion has been made and seconded, the chair places it before the assembly by / A. putting the question. / B. stating the question. / C. having the motion repeated by the maker of the motion.
50)The quorum of an assembly / A. is the largest number that can be depended on to attend any meeting. / B. is two-thirds of the members present at the meeting. / C. is the number of members who must be present for business to be legally transacted.
51)If a member makes a motion that is not in order, / A. he should be ruled out of order by the chair. / B. it is accepted by the chair unless another member objects. / C. the chair may suggest an alternative motion that would be in order.
52)With a very limited number of exceptions, a member never speaks / A. until a motion has been seconded. / B. if he has already spoken once. / C. while seated.
53)The maker of a motion / A. has the right to speak first in debate on the motion. / B. must speak first in the debate. / C. may assign his/her right to speak first to another member.
54)A term used by the presiding officer in opening a meeting is / A. Are you ready to begin? / B. The meeting has started. / C. The meeting will be in order.
55)National FBLA offers how many classes of membership? / A. One / B. Two / C. Three / D. Four
56)The bylaws list how many specific goals of FBLA-PBL? / A. Five / B. Seven / C. Nine / D. Eleven
57)Unless there is a rule to the contrary, a member may speak / A. twice during the same day. / B. twice on the same question on the same day. / C. once during the same day.
58)Calling a meeting to order is / A. not a part of the order of business. / B. the first item of business. / C. done by the secretary.
59)Proposed amendments to the bylaws shall be submitted in writing by local or state chapters or by a national officer to the association president and chief executive officer by no later than ______. / A. April 15 / B. May 15 / C. March 1 / D. April 1
60)Any member has the right to / A. require that a voice vote be retaken as a rising vote when there is some doubt as to which side prevailed. / B. question the voice vote under any circumstances. / C. demand a counted vote.
61)In the standard order of business, new business comes / A. at the discretion of the president. / B. immediately after reports of officers. / C. after unfinished business and general orders.
62)When the bylaws provide that the president shall appoint all special committees, / A. this power does not transfer to the chair if someone else is presiding. / B. a vote is taken on the appointees of special committees. / C. appointment may not be delayed until after adjournment.
63)The five administrative regions consist of each of the following EXCEPT / A. Eastern / B. Southern / C. Mountain / D. North-Central
64)The national bylaws give responsibility for managing the association’s finances to which of the following? / A. The CEO / B. The National President / C. The Board of Directors / D. The National Officers
65)A main motion is one that / A. brings business before the assembly. / B. can be made while another motion is pending. / C. has the highest rank.
66)If the chair makes a mistake in assigning the floor, / A. a member may raise a question of privilege. / B. a member may raise a point of order. / C. he immediately asks the assembly to ratify the action taken.
67)The basic form of motion by which business is introduced is / A. a subsidiary motion. / B. an incidental motion. / C. a main motion.
68)When the bylaws provide that the president shall be ex-officio a member of all committees, the president / A. is counted in the quorum. / B. has the right, but not the obligation, to participate in committee proceedings. / C. must attend all the meetings.
69)A local chapter with 100 members may send how many voting delegates to the National Leadership Conference? / A. Two / B. Three / C. Four / D. Five
70)A secondary motion must be acted upon or disposed of before / A. a main motion is in order. / B. an incidental motion is in order. / C. direct consideration of the main motion can be continued.
71)Subsidiary motions / A. assist the assembly in disposing of a main motion. / B. are of higher rank than incidental motions. / C. are all debatable.
72)A motion to postpone indefinitely is used when a member wishes to / A. postpone the motion to the next meeting. / B. postpone the motion to a later time. / C. avoid an embarrassing matter.
73)The motion to commit or refer / A. sends the main motion to a committee for study. / B. is not debatable. / C. is not amendable.
74)To reduce the time for debate, a member would move to / A. Postpone Indefinitely / B. Object to the Consideration of a Question. / C. Limit Debate.
75)With a main motion pending and a motion to amend being debated, which of the following motions would be out of order? / A. Lay on the Table / B. Limit or Extend Limits of Debate / C. Postpone Indefinitely
76)When a member wishes to have the pending matter given special study, what does the member do? / A. Move to lay the matter on the table. / B. Move to postpone indefinitely. / C. Move to refer to a committee.
77)When a member wishes to bring a pending question to an immediate vote, he should / A. rise to a Question of Privilege. / B. move to Refer the question. / C. move the Previous Question.
78)The secretary records in the minutes / A. what was said in the meeting. / B. the opinion of the secretary. / C. what was done in the meeting.
79)Which of the following is NOT a national officer position? / A. Treasurer / B. Parliamentarian / C. North Eastern Regional Vice President / D. President
80)To put a motion aside temporarily, with no definite time for resuming its consideration, a member should / A. rise to a Point of Order. / B. move to Lay on the able. / C. move to Postpone Indefinitely.
81)A motion to Lay on the Table takes precedence over / A. all subsidiary motions. / B. the motion to Take from the Table. / C. all privileged motions.
82)The minutes of a special meeting are approved / A. at the next special meeting. / B. at the next regular meeting. / C. at a special meeting called for such purpose.
83)When a motion to Recess is made while another motion is pending, it / A. is a privileged motion. / B. is an incidental main motion. / C. is an incidental motion.
84)Incidental motions / A. usually deal with questions of procedure arising out of another pending motion. / B. are not in order when another has the floor. / C. have rank.
85)If a member does not want a motion even discussed at a meeting, he/she can / A. move to Postpone Indefinitely. / B. raise an Objection to the Consideration of the Question. / C. rise to a Question of Privilege.
86)A state chapter with 1,500 members in 25 chapters is entitled to how many state voting delegates at the National Leadership Conference? / A. Two / B. Three / C. Seventy-five / D. Fifty
87)A single member can require a ______. / A. counted vote / B. standing vote / C. ballot vote
88)If there is a tie vote on a main motion, the result is / A. the motion is lost. / B. the vote is taken again. / C. the chair must vote to break the tie.
89)To change what the assembly has adopted requires / A. something more than was necessary to adopt it in the first place. / B. that the action take place before the end of the next regular meeting. / C. previous notice and two-thirds vote.
90)When minutes are approved by a committee appointed for that purpose, the assembly / A. can make additional corrections. / B. cannot require excerpts from the minutes. / C. cannot change the minutes.
91)An incidental main motion / A. relates to the business of the assembly, or its past or future action. / B. is incidental to the pending question. / C. must be germane to the original main motion.
92)A main motion is still within the control of the assembly after / A. rejection by a negative vote. / B. it has been laid on the table. / C. adoption.
93)Which of the following is NOT an official class of membership for FBLA? / A. Active member / B. Honorary life member / C. Associate member / D. Professional member
94)When a main motion and two amendments are pending, the first vote is taken on / A. the secondary amendment. / B. the primary amendment. / C. the assembly will decide which to vote on first.
95)The basic principle of decision in a deliberative assembly is that / A. a proposition must be adopted by a two-thirds vote. / B. propositions must be adopted by a majority vote. / C. a counted vote may be demanded by two members.
96)A local assembly of an organized society is limited to persons who / A. have paid their dues by the deadline date. / B. are charter members. / C. are recorded on the rolls as voting members in good standing.
97)An individual holds membership concurrently in all of the following levels of FBLA-PBL EXCEPT / A. Local / B. State / C. Regional / D. National
98)A person who is not the first to rise and address the chair may be given preference in being recognized if / A. the chair knows and approves of his position on a question. / B. he asks for preferential treatment because of another engagement. / C. he is the maker of the motion and has not spoken to the question.
99)In putting a question to a vote, the chair should usually call for / A. the affirmative and negative votes and then for any abstentions. / B. abstentions first. / C. the affirmative and negative votes.
100)National dues for FBLA members are currently how much? / A. $4.00 / B. $5.00 / C. $6.00 / D. $10.00