Basketball Standards Covered: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6


James Naismith taught PE in Massachusetts and was given the task of organizing some type of activity to fill the months between football and baseball season that could be played indoors during the winter months. He had the idea of a noncontact sport where peach baskets were hung from the balconies at either end of the gym. Five players from each team took the court and the game was started with a jump ball in the middle of the court. The object was to shoot the ball into your basket and prevent the other team from doing the same. The first game was played in December of 1891, and was named basketball.


  • Dribble with fingertips and absorb the ball without slapping at it
  • Dribble to your side and at waist level
  • Dribble with knees bent and your head up

Double dribble is where a player stops dribbling and resumes dribbling OR dribbling with two hands

Traveling is where a player moves illegally with the ball by running or walking without dribbling

A player has five seconds to get rid of the ball after they stop dribbling


  • B balance- weight is on the balls of your feet and shoulder width apart with knees bent
  • E elbow- elbow is under the ball and is bent at a 90 degrees and forms a “C”
  • E elevate- elevate by extending your legs with your body leaving the floor in straight up direction
  • F follow through- extend your arm up and flip your wrist as if you were reaching into a cookie jar

Each basket is worth two point or three points depending if the ball was shot inside or outside the arc

If a player is fouled while shooting then a free throw occurs. This is worth one point per shot attempt

Passing- The quickest way to advance the ball down the court

  • Step with non-dominate foot toward target
  • Extend your arms toward your target and throw a good hard pass
  • Flip your wrist so that your thumbs are facing the ground and palms are facing out

The three types of passes are the chest pass, bounce pass, and overhead pass

A player has five seconds to throw the ball in while taking the ball out of bounds


  • Weight is on the balls of your feet and they need to be at least shoulder width apart
  • Back needs to be straight and bottom down while knees are bent
  • Move your feet in a sliding motion while never crossing your feet over each other

A defensive foul occurs if the defender makes contact with the offensive player while they have the ball


  • Dribble and shoot with outside hand
  • Outside hand will raise towards the basket at the same team as the outside leg raises toward basket
  • Shoot the ball at the top corner of the square on the backboard


  • Establish inside position between the opposing player and the goal and jump up to get the ball
  • A foul occurs when contact is made with the opposing player without establishing inside position