- Find an article in any newspaper that addresses a topic in the BIOLOGICAL sciences.
- The news article must be at least five paragraphs long. (Internet articles must be at least20 sentences.)
- The article must be dated no earlier than Aug. 1, 2013. (Publication dates must appear on Internet articles.)
- Attach the original newspaper article to your report. COPIES WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED. You may use an Internet article of comparable length (at least 20 sentences) that YOU have researched and printed yourself.
- Original magazine articles will not be accepted! (Internet copies – with dates – are acceptable.)
- Your summary and response must be at least one page (approximately 150 words) in length.
7. You must attach a “Grade Report” to your current event that includes your NAME, the DUE DATE, and
NOTE: Failure to meet any of the minimum requirements 1 – 7 will result in a grade of “0”.
Extra credit (up to 10 points) will be given if the topic of your current event is the same as our current (previous or current week) classroom study. To receive extra credit you must explain in your “reaction” how it relates to our current classroom studies.
Use the following format (in this order) to prepare your report. (Reports may be typed or handwritten.)
- Begin your report with:
- the TITLE of the article
- the NAME of the source
- the DATE of publication (The publication date must appear in print on your article.)
- SUMMARIZE (do not re-write; that would be plagiarism) the contents of the article.
- Write your REACTION to the article. This should include an explanation of how this article is relevant to biology as well as your feelings and opinions about the topic and its social significance. (Remember: To earn bonus points your reaction must include an explanation of how the article relates to our current classroom studies.)
- Current event reports with articles are due at the beginning of class on the following DUE DATES:
1st Six Weeks: / 2nd Six Weeks: / 3rd Six Weeks:
A-day / B-day / A-day / B-day / A-day / B-day
9/9 / 9/10 / 10/7 / 10/8 / 11/18 / 11/19
9/23 / 9/24 / 10/28 / 10/29 / 12/9 / 12/10
- Grading is based on the completion of minimum requirements as well as the quality of the
summary and reaction. Each current event assignment will count as a daily homework grade.
SAMPLE Grade Report:- The report includes (in this order):
- Title of Article( 5 )
- Name of Source( 5 )
- Dateof Publication( 5 )
- SUMMARY adequately explains the article:(30)
- REACTION adequately and clearly stated:(30)
- ORIGINAL article with WRITTEN report