4A compare and contrast prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells

Place the following in the appropriate spots in the Venn diagram

  • Membrane bound organelles
  • No membrane bound organelles
  • Ribosomes
  • DNA
  • Cytoplasm
  • Plasma membrane

Prokaryote Eukaryote


4 B investigate and explain cellular processes, including homeostasis, transport of molecules

Define the following type of solution environments:

  1. Hypertonic:
  1. Hypotonic:
  1. Isotonic:

Identify each picture as a cell in a hypertonic, hypotonic, or isotonic environment.


4 B investigate and explain cellular processes, including homeostasis, transport of molecules


  1. What is homeostasis?
  2. How does the semi-permeable cell membrane help to maintain homeostasis?

Identify the process as osmosis, diffusion, active transport or facilitated diffusion. Then write the numbers of the activities below that describe the process.

Name of process ______
# ______/ Name of Process ______

# ______
Name of Process ______
# ______/ Name of process ______

# ______
  1. Moves from high concentration to low concentration
  1. Moves ions from low concentration to high concentration

  1. Uses energy
  1. Movement of specific molecules via carrier or transport proteins

  1. Movement of small, lipid-soluble molecules
  1. Movement of specific molecules via protein carriers or pumps

  1. Moves water from high concentration to low concentration
  1. Moves ions from high concentration to low concentration

  1. Movement of water
  1. Moves ions from high concentration to low concentration

= water= ion= energy= protein


9B compare the reactants and products of photosynthesis and cellular respiration in terms of energy and matter

4Binvestigate and explain cellular processes, including energy conversions

Chloroplast / Produce sugars and oxygen
C6H12O6 + 6O2--> 6CO2 + 6H2O / Produce carbon dioxide and water
6CO2 + 6H2O --> C6H12O6 + 6O2 / Plants
Animals / Plants
Glucose sugar combusts with oxygen / Carbon dioxide + water + ATP energy
Carbon dioxide + water + solar energy / Sunlight reacts carbon dioxide and water

CELLULAR ORGANELLES: meeting the needs or prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells for 4-4.3 billion years

Instructions: Match possible candidate organelles from an employment pool to a possible “job”. Jobs may not be available to all organelles. If no job is available, write” N/A”

Chloroplasts: Job # ______

Cytoplasm: Job # ______

Cytoskeleton: Job # ______

Golgi apparatus: Job # ______

Lysosome: Job # ______

Mitochondria: Job # ______

Nucleus: Job # ______

Ribosome: Job # ______

Vacuole: Job # ______

JOB # 1
Looking for a great opportunity to lead? Do you enjoy making decisions for others and directing projects? We are seeking a full managerial position as a control center for the cell. Should have experience in reading and de-coding DNA. / JOB # 2
Enjoy working with your hands and building something that matters? Can you read and follow instructions to build the right product for the right job? Then join our team and build something great. Positions available at the RER as well as free agencies within the cytoplasm. / JOB # 3
Looking for personnel familiar with combustion processes involved in energy production. We have a long history of a great symbiotic relationship with the cell and want to maintain that working relationship. Must be willing to work long hours to provide energy for the everyday needs of our customers.
JOB # 4
Custodial crew needed to help maintain a functional and efficient office. Your job will be to help break down old parts for recycling and removal of foreign objects from the building. Must provide your own digestive enzymes. / JOB # 5
Are you strong? Are you tough? Do you have cellulose? Well come along and be our own special cell body guard. You can find us in plants, Algae, Bacteria, Fungi and some Archaea, any of these company offices will welcome you to the job but unfortunately this won’t be available in animal cells. / JOB # 6
Needed: shipping personnel in a fast paced and busy city. Job duties: modify, package, and apply address labels to products for shipping. Offices are modularly stacked to expedite shipping.


4C compare the structures of viruses to cells, describe viral reproduction, and describe the role of viruses in causing diseases such as human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and influenza


Identify which infections below could be treated with an antiviral (AV) and which would be treated with an antibiotic (AB).


_____2.Chicken pox


_____4.Common cold

_____5.Heliobacter pylori


_____7.HIV/ AIDS








_____15.Strep throat


What is a vaccine? Which from the list above have vaccines available for prevention?


_____1.Most bacteria are harmless, and some are beneficial (ex. L. acidophilus and E. coli that help aid in human digestion).

_____2.Most viruses do cause disease

_____3.Viruses are not specific about the cells they attack

_____4.All viruses eventually enter a lytic stage and burst in order to spread.


  • Plasma membrane
  • Capsid
  • Genetic material
  • Ribosomes
  • Replication
  • Growth and development
  • Response to stimuli
  • Evolution
  • Cell cycle
  • Mitosis/ Meiosis/ Binary fission
  • Copying mechanism
  • Lysogenic cycle
  • Lytic cycle
  • Requires host cell



Place events in viral replication in the correct or, 1- 5

______a)Assembly – Cellular activity of the host cell help assemble new viruses until the host cell is filled with new viruses.

______b)Attachment – A virus comes attaches to host cell (lock and key attachement)

______c)Entry –DNA or RNA is injected into host cell.

______d)Release – When assembling is complete, the virus particles release enzymes that digest the host cell wall. The new virus particles released go to infect new cells where the cycle is repeated.

______e)Replication – When inside a cell, the virus takes over and instructs the host cell to make more viral DNA and proteins

Lytic or Lysogenic?

______: when the virus releases its DNA, the cell is tricked into making new viruses and dies after the new viruses burst out. The cell dies and there are new viruses made in the process.
______: the viral DNA becomes part of the original DNA, and the cell lives and reproduces with the viral DNA.

Draw and label the stages of the lytic cycle

Draw and label the stages of the lysogenic cycle