1. / Course: Introduction to EU State Aid Law
2. / University Department: Faculty of Law, Administration and Economics
3. / Course Code:
4. / Course Type: Optional
5. / Programme: International and European Law LLB
6. / Degree: Bachelor LLB
7. / Year: III
8. / Semester: Autumn
9. / Form of Tuition and Number of Hours:40 (20 – Classes, 20 – Lectures)
10. / Name, Surname, academic title:
Dr Jakub Kociubiński
11. / Prequisites:
1. Basic Knowledge EU Institutional and Material Law
2. Basic Knowledge of Internal Market Regulations
12. / Course Objectives:
1. To provide basic knowledge of the notion of State Aid in EU Law
2. To provide general understanding of the principles of EU State Aid Law
3. To provide general outline of EU State Aid control system
4. To provide basic knowledge of the Block Exemptions Regulations (BER) system
13. / Learning Outcomes:
Student have knowledge of the definition of EU State Aid / K_W05, K_W06
Student have knowledge of the general Treaty rules governing State Aid / K_W01, K_W05
Student have knowledge of the main instruments for compatibility assessment of the State Aid / K_W01, K_W05
Student have general understanding of the Block Exemption System / K_W05, K_W07
Student is able to identify a State measure as a State Aid / K_U06, K_U08
Student is able to assess compatibility of a State measure with the Internal Market / K_U02, K_U03
K_U04, K_U08
Student understands relations between State Aid control system and overall competitiveness of the market and the society / K_K01
Student is able to publicly presents his/her analysis of a State Aid problem / K_K03
No. / Subject of Lecture / Hours
W1 / Introduction – Government and markets / 2
K1 / Case Studies form Lecture 1 including elements of knowledge from Economics and Introduction to Internal Market / 2
W2 / State Aid in EU economic model – law and policy / 2
K2 / European Economic Model – Principles, Priorities, Competences / 2
W3 / Benefit/Advantage and State resources/Imputability criterion / 2
K3 / Case Studies from Lecture 3 / 2
W4 / Selectivity criterion and distortion of competition and effect on trade assessment / 2
K4 / Case Studies from Lecture 4 / 2
W5 / General outline of EU State Aid control system / 2
K5 / Competences of EU institutions in the field of State Aid / 2
W6 / Compatibility assessment – general principles / 2
K6 / Case Studies from Lecture 6 / 2
W7 / Block Exemptions Regulations System (BER) / 2
K7 / General outline of BER’s principles in selected sectors / 2
W8 / Specific Treaty rules for State Aid in transport sector (without secondary law-based instruments) / 2
K8 / Case Studies from Lectures 7 and 8 / 2
W9 / Basic outline of Sector-specific regulations / 2
K9 / Preparation for Final Test and Exam – Case Studies from all previous lectures / 2
W10 / Public Service Compensation as a specific form of State Aid - Introduction / 2
K10 / Final Test / 2
Total Hours: / 40
Recommended Reading:
1 / European Community Law of State Aid, red. K. Bacon, Oxford University Press, Oxford 2009
Additional Reading:
1 / The EC State AId Regime. Distortive Effects of State Aid on Competition and Trade, red. M. Sánchez Rydelski, Cameron May, London 2007
2 / EU Competition Law. Volume IV. State Aid. Book One, red. W. Mederer, N. Pesaresi, M. Van Hoof, Claeys & Casteels, Leuven 2008
3 / EU Competition Law. Volume IV. State Aid. Book Two, red. W. Mederer, N. Pesaresi, M. Van Hoof, Claeys & Casteels, Leuven 2008
4 / Quigley C., European State Aid and Policy. Second Edition. Hart Publishing, Oxford 2009
16. / Ways of earning credits for the completion of a course/methods of assessing academic progress:
Lecture: Exam
Class: FinalTest, Evaluation of Student activity during classes, Evaluation of Student activity during Case Studies, Participation in classes
17. / Course’s language: English
Activity / Average number of hours
for the activity
Classes / 20
Lectures / 20
Preparation for Final Test / 20
Preparation for classes / 10
Preparation for Case Studies / 15
Preparation for Exam / 25
Total hours: / 110
Total ECTS points / 4