South Lanarkshire Council Purpose StatementPage1
Head Teacher’s Letter2
Aims of Law Primary School4
School Information5-6
School Hours10
School Calendars11-12
Emergency Arrangements13
School Curriculum14-15
Social, Moral and Cultural Values16
Better Behaviour, Better Learning17
Assessment, Recording and Reporting18-19
Special Educational Needs20
Child Protection Procedures20
Equal Opportunities and Social Justice20
Towards a Safer School21
Extra Curricular Activities21
Attendance at School22-23
General Information
Catering Arrangements24-25
School Clothing26-27
Insurance for Schools28
Health Care29
Home and School Links30
Parental Involvement
(School Boards, PTAs, Parent Forum/Councils)30-32
Parent Teacher Association32
School Board33-35
Transfer to Secondary37
Parking Arrangements39
Important Addresses40
Transferring Data About Pupils41-42
Data Protection Act42
Appendices 1, 2 & 343-45
To offer education to the highest quality by:-
- Providing a stimulating curriculum to meet the needs of learners
- Promoting partnership with pupils, parents, staff and the wider community
- Assuring the quality of education with establishments
- Encouraging learners to achieve their maximum potential
- Ensuring equality of opportunity
- Establishing opportunities for staff development
- Encouraging effective teaching and learning
- Providing safe and appropriate premises
- Promoting access to education as a lifelong process
- Maximising the use of resources
LawPrimary Schoolis one of 124 primary schools throughout South Lanarkshire Council.
South Lanarkshire Council is the fifth largest authority in Scotland. It covers the following main areas:
- Clydesdalein the south which features extensive rural areas.
- Cambuslang, Rutherglen, Blantyre, and Uddingston to the north, as well as the towns of East Kilbride and Hamilton.
South Lanarkshire Council is committed to the provision of education of the highest quality. The services delivered through Education Resources reflect the Council’s Core Values set out with the Council Plan for 2003/07 (Fourcast). The Core Values are to:
- Improve the quality of life for all its citizens.
- Work in a way that is responsive to the needs of its citizens.
National and Council values and priorities of education are taken forward through Improvement Objectives.
The aims of South Lanarkshire Council, Education Resources are shown on the back cover of the handbook.
It is hoped that with your support and the support of other parent/carers that the school can work together in an environment where children can learn and develop.
LawPrimary School, which opened in February 2006, is a modern, spacious single storey building set in grounds which are being continually developed to provide a pleasant environment for our children.
As this is the only school in the village of Law, we are aware that we have an important part to play in the local community.
- To help pupils to learn that courtesy and consideration for others are important qualities.
- To encourage pupils to foster a caring attitude towards others.
- To provide a stimulating language programme which will enable children to become literate.
- To provide teaching activities and learning experiences which will promote knowledge and understanding of basic mathematics and also help children to acquire the numeracy skills required for everyday life.
- To develop awareness of social, historical and cultural heritage and to encourage an appreciation of, and a responsibility to, the community and the environment.
- To encourage confidence, self-discipline, independence, self-respect and ability to work co-operatively with others.
SCHOOL NAMELawPrimary School
ADDRESSLawhill Road
TELEPHONE01698 350816
FAX01698 357077
The classes are organised as follows:
P127 Pupils
P1/223 Pupils
P2/322 Pupils
P328 Pupils
P3/423 Pupils
P4/522 Pupils
P531 Pupils
P630 Pupils
P6/723 Pupils
P732 Pupils
MAXIMUM CAPACITYCurrent planning capacity is ??? pupils.
Current working capacity is 396 pupils.
Parents/Carers should note that the working capacity of the school may vary, dependent upon the number of pupils at each stage and the way in which the classes are organised.
STAGE COVEREDPrimary 1 to Primary 7.
LawPrimary School is a non- denominational, co-educational school.
Education is provided for both male and female pupils.
COMMUNITY FACILITIESThe school is available for letting purposes on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday evening.
The school has a nursery which provides a learning environment for young children. Parents/Carers from any area may apply to attend nursery class. To find out more about the nursery, please contact the school. However, it should be noted that if you register your child for nursery it does not mean that they will automatically be enrolled at the school when they are ready to start primary school.
We have one Nursery Teacher and two Early Years Workers employed in our nursery.
We are fortunate to be in the exciting position of having two nursery classes in LawPrimary School. At present, there is a 30-30 provision, i.e. 30 places in the morning and 30 places in the afternoon.
If you wish to register your child for nursery, you will be able to fill an application form at the school during the week beginning 15January.
Senior Management Team
Mrs. M. Maxwell-Head Teacher
Mrs. S. McGhie-Depute Head Teacher· Support for Learning Co-ordinator
· Religious & Moral Education
· Pastoral care for the Nursery
· Development Plan Co-ordinator for Nursery
Teaching Staff
Mrs. L. Gibson- Class TeacherPrimary 1
Mrs. A. Myszker- Class TeacherPrimary 1/2
Mrs. C. Kiamari- Class TeacherPrimary 2/3
Mrs. J. Brodie- Class TeacherPrimary 3
Mrs. S. Andrews- Class TeacherPrimary 3/4
Mrs. G. Kerr- Class TeacherPrimary 4/5
Mrs. J. Young- Class TeacherPrimary 5
Miss S. Kennedy- Class TeacherPrimary 6
Mr. S. Chapman- Class TeacherPrimary 6/7
Miss C. Muldoon- Class TeacherPrimary 7
(3.5 days)
Mrs. S. Hughes- Class TeacherClass Contact Reduction teacher
and general support.
Mrs. C. Walker- Class TeacherI.T. mentor for Carluke & Biggar
(1.5 days)Learning Communities
Miss N. Corr- Class TeacherClass Contact Reduction teacher
and absence cover.
Total number of teaching staff10
Senior Management2
Total number (FTE)12
Lesley ArmstrongArea Cover
(Based in LawPrimary School)
Mr. D. Hatcher- Nursery Teacher
Mrs. A. M. Gracie- Early Years Worker
Miss L. Purse- Early Years Worker
School Support Assistants
Mrs. M. Thomson-35hrs
Mrs. K. MacKenzie-29¼hrs
Mrs. N. Docherty-27½hrs
Mrs. E. Arbuckle-27½hrs
Mrs. L. Bryce-27½hrs
Mrs. P. Allan-20½hrs
Mrs. V. Riley-20hrs
Mrs. E. Blades -10hrs
Mr. I. MacMillan-Janitor
Ancilliary Staff
Mrs. L. Johnston-Cleaning Supervisor
Mrs. M. Brown
Ms. J. Cossar
Mrs. L. Hamilton
Ms. M. Cossar
Mrs. M. Knapp
Catering Staff
Mrs. M. Tennant-Catering Supervisor
Mrs. C. McClair-Catering Assistant
Mrs. E. Morrison-Catering Assistant
Morning Session-9.00am to 12.15pm
Interval-10.00am to 10.45am
Lunch-12.15pm to 1.00pm
Afternoon Session-1.00pm to 3.00pm
Primary 1 pupils attend school for the morning session only from August until a date in September specified by South Lanarkshire Council.
Nursery Times
Morning Session-9.00am – 11.45am
Afternoon Session-1.00pm – 3.45pm
Session 2006-2007
First TermTeachers returnThursday 17 August 2006
Pupils returnMonday 21 August 2006
Local HolidayClose:Thursday 21 September 2006
Re-open:Tuesday 26 September 2006
Mid-termClose:Friday 13 October 2006
Re-open:Monday 23 October 2006
Close:Friday 22 December 2006
Second TermRe-open:Monday 8 January 2007
Local HolidayClose:Thursday 8 February 2007
Re-open:Wednesday 14 February 2007
EasterClose:Friday 30 March 2007
Third TermRe-open:Monday 16 April 2007
Local HolidayClose:Thursday 3 May 2007
Re-open:Tuesday 8 May 2007
Local HolidayClose:Thursday 24 May 2007
Re-open:Tuesday 29 May 2007
Summer HolidayClose:Friday 29 June 2007
Teachers ReturnThursday 16 August 2007
In-Service Days (no children please)
Thursday 17 & Friday 18 August 2006
Monday 20 November 2006
Friday 9 February 2007
Friday 4 May 2007
Tuesday 14 August 2007
Wednesday 15 August 2007
Session 2005-2006
First TermTeachers returnMonday 15 August 2005
Pupils returnTuesday 16 August 2005
Local HolidayClose:Thursday 22 September 2005
Re-open:Tuesday 27 September 2005
Mid-termClose:Friday 14 October 2005
Re-open:Monday 24 October 2005
Close:Friday 23 December 2005
Second TermRe-open:Monday 9 January 2006
Local HolidayClose:Friday 10 February 2006
Re-open:Wednesday 15 February 2006
EasterClose:Friday 31 March 2006
Third TermRe-open:Tuesday 18 April 2006
Local HolidayClose:Friday 28 May 2006
Re-open:Tuesday 2 May 2006
Local HolidayClose:Thursday 25 May 2006
Re-open:Tuesday 30 May 2006
Summer HolidayClose:Wednesday 28 June 2006
Teachers ReturnThursday 17 August 2006
Emergency Arrangements
We make every effort to ensure the school is open, but on some occasions circumstances arise which can affect the school. Schools may be affected by, for example, severe weather, power failures or difficulties with supply of fuel.
In such cases we shall do all we can to let you know if this happens. We shall keep you in touch using letters, notices in the local shops and community centres, announcements in local churches and announcements on the local radio and through the Council’s website (
Please ensure that you notify the school of any change to your mobile/home telephone number.
If you are unsure if the school is open, please contact the school or Education Resources, Operations Service, Communications & Information section, Almada Street, Hamilton. Tel. 01698 454545
All pupils follow what is known as the 5-14 programme, which focuses on the following areas:
·Language (including modern language – German)
·Environmental Studies (Social Subjects, Science and Technology)
·Expressive Arts and Physical Education
·Religious and Moral Education with Personal and Social Development and Health Education.
Information on what your child is learning will be provided to you throughout the year.
This includes all activities involving listening, talking, reading and writing within a context. Many of these aspects will also be developed through other areas of the curriculum.
Although ‘The Longman Book Project’ and ‘On Target English’ provide the core of our language programme, a variety of other materials and on-line resources are available to staff who will ensure the selection of the most suitable books and materials meets the needs of individual children, thus ensuring that our language programme addresses the requirements of 5-14 guidelines for language.
To help with letter formation, the children will follow a programme designed to develop pencil control. This involves many and varied activities in drawing, plasticine, structured play and pattern making. When the children have reached the appropriate stage in their development, letter formation, in the form of linked script, will be introduced. Guidelines and models of the style of script used are made available to parents/carers during information evening.
At present the mathematics programme followed is New Scottish Heinemann throughout levels A, B, C, and D. In conjunction with a wide variety of support material, this programme encourages the children to develop an awareness of the various aspects of mathematics:-
- Problem Solving and Enquiry
- Information Handling
- Number, Money and Measurement
- Shape, Position and Movement
This ensures that the recommendations of the 5-14 Mathematics are addressed
Environmental Studies
Children are encouraged to adopt a questioning attitude and emphasis is placed on the development of study and research skills. Educational visits and the use of the environment are integral parts of the programme. The children will follow a topic or project approach and will cover aspects of the subject understood by the words ‘Environmental Studies’ i.e. history, geography, science. (Science is taught as a discreet subject). Health Education, Personal and Social Education, Technology and ICT are also part of our planned curriculum.
Expressive Arts
Within this aspect of the curriculum, Music, Art and Design, Drama and PE are covered. Through involvement in these activities, the children will learn to communicate and explore their feelings.
Social & Moral
In LawPrimary School, we attempt to give the children every opportunity for the learning of social skills that will enable them to understand and cope with the many situations they meet in the outside world.
Religious and Moral Education
The activities in school contribute to the religious and moral education which children receive at home. Although religious festivals of the Christian church are celebrated within the school, we would hope that the children would gain an increased awareness and understanding of other faiths in accordance with 5-14 requirements.
Assemblies are held on a regular basis and are presented by the children in each class. Parents/carers and friends are invited along to share in the experience with the children.
Parents/carers may request that their children be permitted to be absent in order to celebrate recognised religious events. Advance notice should be provided to the school when the children will be absent. Appropriate requests will be granted and the pupils noted as an authorised absentee in the register.
The three religions which are researched by the children in Law Primary are:
ChristianityHinduism Judaism
Better Behaviour, Better Learning
We actively promote positive behaviour and the maintenance of good discipline. The school approach is based on the principles of care, consideration and co-operation (the 3 C’s). By promoting positive behaviour, we encourage the children to be responsible for their own behaviour and to apply self-discipline.
It is the responsibility of senior staff within the school to ensure that staff, School Board members, parents/carers and pupils are involved in the creation of a positive school ethos which encourages good behaviour. Equally, the school, while trying to promote positive behaviour, must support young people should instances of bullying occur. Parents/carers have a significant role to play in working with the school so that teachers, parents/carers and pupils know what is expected of them in trying to change the behaviour and attitudes that contribute to bullying behaviour.
Our approach is to create an environment where better behaviour will encourage better learning. The school, along with the support of parents/carers, can work together to create a learning environment in which young people can enjoy and feel safe.
Incidents of bullying should be reported to the school immediately so that each alleged incident can be looked at. Together we can work towards creating a safer school for our children and staff.
In addition, a guideline (Management of Challenging Behaviour) has been produced to support all teaching and support staff and inform them of their roles and responsibilities in respect of dealing with the small number of children and young people who display challenging behaviour. Early identification is crucial so that intervention can be provided to support children and young people to help them address their issues and concerns. Staff training is provided to help develop the skills needed to respond to and manage challenging behaviour. A wide range of appropriate staff development opportunities has been developed for this purpose.
Assessment of children’s work and monitoring of their progress are part of the daily routine of all teachers. While working with individuals, small or larger groups, teachers observe and note children’s results and progress, using a variety of methods.
Formative Assessment
Observation/visual awareness
Oral assessments
Diagnostic tests to identify areas of difficulty
Evaluation of samples of work over a period of time
National Assessment in Maths, Writing and Reading are also used as a form of assessment. Only when a child has achieved the targets set for the level he/she has been working on, will he/she be formally assessed, prior to moving to the next level, thus confirming and supporting the results gained from other methods of assessment. This information will be reported to parents/carers at the formal/informal parent consultation sessions.
Records of work and progress are kept throughout a child’s school life. A Record of Achievement folder passes on with each child as they move from class to class. The school keeps an official record folder for each child. This contains personal details and copies of yearly reports to parents/carers. School records are passed from class to class/to a new school at the time of transfer and may be seen by parents/carers on request.
LawPrimary School recognises that good teamwork among parents/carers, children and school is the key to a successful education for your child.
We will provide parents/carers with reports so that you can see what your child is doing and how he/she is progressing. In addition, there will be parents’ meetings/workshops which offer you the opportunity to discuss how your child is doing in school and you can contact the school at any time with any matter that you wish to raise.
Our style of ‘pupil reports’ will help you tolearn more about the 5-14 curriculum which each child follows. The reports describe what has been taught and areas where you can help.
We welcome any comments or additional information from parents/carers to help us provide the best possible education for your child.
Special Educational Needs
It is not unusual for a child to experience some difficulty with particular aspects of learning during his/her school career. We try to identify difficulties as soon as possible and to supply appropriate support. We have a comprehensive Support for Learning programme in operation within the school. If difficulties persist, the Area Support for Learning Team based at Lanark will be called upon for advice or some practical input. Such additional work will be provided in school as part of the child’s daily programme.
The Educational Psychologist is also available for consultation and direct input, as are a number of specialist support bases, depending on the area of expertise which needs to be accessed.
Support for Learning is also offered to those children who require additional challenges in their work to ensure that their needs are also being addressed.
At all stages of support, both parents/carers and children work with staff to ensure positive experiences in learning.