Arkansas Tech University

Master of Education


Counseling and School Leadership

Educational Leadership

Teaching, Learning and Leadership

Professional Portfolio

Unit Vision

Students are “Professionals of the 21st Century” who will internalize, initiate, and sustain a life-long commitment to impact learners in diverse and evolving learning communities.

The Center for Leadership and Learning

The Vision for the Center for Leadership and Learning is to develop leadership capacity at all levels for a future which continually redefines itself.

The Center for Leadership and Learning prepares and develops school leadership teams to work collaboratively for learner success. The CLL Mission will be accomplished through professional learning communities, advanced degrees and twenty-first century partnerships.

Revised 2009-2010 & Revisited 2010, 2011, 2012

Course Syllabus

1. Course Number

COUN 6152: Professional Portfolio

EDLD 6992: Professional Portfolio

MTLL 6152: Professional Portfolio for the Master Teacher

2. Course Title

Professional Portfolio

3. Instructor Information

Center for Leadership and Learning Information

CLL Secretary: CLL Secretary Voice: 479.498.6022 Fax: 479.498.6075

4. Catalogue Descriptions

COUN 6152

Students will develop a portfolio organized to provide evidences demonstrating proficiency

supporting the standards for Arkansas licensure requirements for counselors. This

professional portfolio will be a comprehensive collection of artifacts reflective of the

program of study designed to meet the standards for school counselors.

EDLD 6992

Students will develop a portfolio organized to provide evidences demonstrating proficiency

supporting the standards for Arkansas licensure requirements for building level

administrators. This professional portfolio will be a comprehensive collection of artifacts

reflective of the program of study designed to meet the standards of school leaders.

MTLL 6152

This course will examine the role of the student portfolio and the teaching portfolio. The

main focus will be the professional portfolio for the candidate’s completion of their degree


5. Justification/Rationale for the Course

The purpose of this course is to prepare the graduate candidate for the culminating

performance (the portfolio review) for the School Counseling and Leadership (COUN), the

Educational Leadership (EDLD) or the Teaching Learning and Leadership (MTLL) degree

programs and the Arkansas Department of Education Licensure Requirements for building

level leaders and the school counselor leader.

6. Course Objectives

Upon completion of this course, students will:

have an understanding of the various purposes of a portfolio.

know how to organize a portfolio to provide artifact evidence representative of the

appropriate Arkansas Standards for Licensure for School Leaders.

have an understanding of basic professional design.

be able to use technology as a tool to facilitate the completion of the portfolio.

have an understanding of the portfolio review process.

7. Licensure Standards

Objectives of this course meet the general educational requirements for the Master of

Education in School Counseling and Leadership (COUN), in Educational Leadership

(EDLD) or in the Teaching Learning and Leadership (MTLL) degree programs as outlined in

the Arkansas Tech University Graduate Catalogue. Course objectives also meet the

appropriate standards outlined in the Arkansas Standards for Licensure of School Leaders

and the ISLLC Standards for School Leaders.

8. Statement of Prerequisites

Students must be admitted to graduate school and must satisfy the entrance requirements to

the Master of Education in School Counseling and Leadership (COUN), Educational

Leadership (EDLD) or Teaching, Learning and Leadership (MTLL) degree program or with

approval by the Center for Leadership and Learning (CLL) Director. COUN 6152, EDLD

6992 and MTLL 6152 are sequenced courses within the COUN, EDLD or MTLL programs

of study.

9. Required Text

Center for Leadership and Learning (2007). EDLD/MTLL portfolio manual. Russellville, AR:


American Psychological Association. (1994). Publication manual of the psychological

association (6th ed.). Washington, DC: Author.

10. Assessment Instruction and Methods

Instructional delivery in this course will include:

experiential learning

facilitative dialogue

cooperative learning

reflective practice

The following methods of assessment will be used

On-site Performance (Weight 2)

Student attendance, professional dispositions and engaged participation is required for all

class sessions.

Culminating Artifact (Weight 3)

The (exit) portfolio will be the culminating artifact for this course of study. The portfolio will

show evidence of what the students know and are able to do. Students will complete written

reflections and analysis of selected course artifacts matched to the ISLLC Standards2008 for

School Leaders. The portfolio will be committee ready at the end of this course.

Each course requirement will be assessed to the following levels of proficiency:

Level Three - Exceeds expectations

Level Two - Meets expectations

Level One – Unacceptable

11. Bibliography

National and State Standards

Selected Internet Sources

Selected Reference Articles

Selected Multimedia Resources

Brown, G., and Irby, B.J. (2001). The principal portfolio (2nd Ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA:

Corwin Press, Inc.

Campbell, D., Cignetti, P., Melenyzer, B., Nettles, D., & Wyman, R. (2001). How to

develop a professional portfolio: a manual for teachers (2nd ed.). Needham Heights,

MA: Allyn & Bacon.

Danielson, C. and Abrutyn, L. (1997). An introduction to using portfolios in the classroom.

Alexandria, VA: Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development.

12. Portfolio Class Dates and Assignments

Date: Portfolio Topic: Assignment:

Monday, June 28, 2010 Orientation Collect, edit and proof artifacts, prior

Course Overview to beginning of portfolio course

For each class:

·  Bring laptop and flash drive

·  Bring extension cord

·  Begin matching artifacts to standards

·  Draft information for resume

·  Begin drafting Program of Study timeline

Session 1 Norm Begin thinking about colors and Wednesday July 7, 2010 Portfolios Types and schemes for portfolio

Purpose Completed resume

Introduction to CLL Completed standards matrix page

Portfolio Review Completed program of study Process timeline

Session 2 Draft Leadership Framework Bring to the next class session:

Thursday July 8, 2010 Portfolio Manual Completed portfolio introduction

Draft Five-Year Goals COUN Standard page

Artifact/ Standard Match Draft Leadership Framework

Dialogue Rough Draft- 5 Year Goals

Select Critical Friend

Draft ideas for portfolio design

Session 3 Critical Friend: Bring to the next class session:

Wednesday July 12, 2010 Resume Completed Standards page

Standards Matrix Page Completed Leadership Framework

Program of study timeline Completed five-year goals

Portfolio introduction Standard One artifact, introduction

COUNS Standards page and reflection

Session 4 Critical Friend: Bring to the next class session:

Friday July 13, 2010 Leadership Framework Revise standard one

Five-Year Goals Draft artifact, introduction, and

Standards Matrix reflection standards two, three

Standard One and Artifact and four

Introduction, and Continue refining and proofing


Session 5 Critical Friend: Bring to the next class session:

Monday July 19, 2010 Standard Two Artifact, Introduction, and

Standard Three reflection completed for

Standard Four standards five and six

Culminating reflection for

program of study

Session 6 Critical Friend: Bring to the next class session:

Monday July 19, 2010 Standard Five Artifact introduction, and

Mock Portfolio Review reflection completed for

Culminating Questions standard five

Culminating reflection for

program of study

Monday July 26, 2010 Completed Portfolio Completed Portfolio

(No class meeting, but all

work must be turned in.)

All Portfolios must be due by: Monday July 27, 2010

COUN 6152 EDLD 6992 MTLL 6152 2

Arkansas Tech University – Center for Leadership and Learning