


“Ours is the only organization I know that is dedicated to the individual. We work together to bring out the best in each of us and then we apply our skills to help others.” –Ralph Smedley, Founder Toastmasters International


The mission of Ingram Microphones, a chapter of Toastmasters International is to provide a mutually supportive and positive learning and developing environment in which every member has the opportunity to develop communication and leadership skills which, in turn, fosters self-confidence and personal growth.

Ingram Microphones is an open Ingram Micro Toastmaster Club that meets on Thursdays from12:00-1:00PM in the Mira Loma Room, 1600 Building, 1stFloor.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact any of the officers listed below.

President / Tyronda Neal / 714-382-3255
VP of Education / Wenny Safanayong / 714-382-2339
VP of Membership / Amy Shih / 714-382-4959
VP of Public Relations / Alexandra Gorrell / 714-382-1816
Secretary / John White / 714-382-2414
Treasurer / Nathan Thorpe / 714-382-2389
Sergeant at Arms / Ed Park / 714-382-2042
Area A1 Governor / Becky Smith / 949-951-8430
Email: /
Division A Governor / Sawarnjit Singh / 949-302-0128
Email: /


All new members receive a Communication and Leadership Program Kit mailed directly to them from the Toastmasters International Office. This kit includes five manuals: (1) Gestures: Your Body Speaks, (2) Your Speaking Voice, (3) Effective Speech Evaluation, (4) book A Toastmaster Wears Many Hats and (5) the Communication and Leadership Program Workbook. The Workbook explains how the Toastmasters program works and how to develop your skills one step at a time. Members also receive the monthly Toastmasters Magazine.

The cost to participate in Ingram Microphones, a chapter of Toastmasters International, is $80.00 per year, plus a one time, new member fee of $20.00. Dues for new members are pro-rated by the month in accordance with the table below. Thereafter, dues are collected semi-annually, in October and April.

Month the new member is joining / Toastmasters International Dues / Ingram Microphones Dues / Pro-rated
New Member / One-time New Member Fee / Total for New Members
OCT / $27.00 / $13 / $40.00 / $20.00 / $60.00
NOV / $22.50 / $11 / $33.50 / $20.00 / $53.50
DEC / $18.00 / $9 / $27.00 / $20.00 / $47.00
JAN / $13.50 / $7 / $20.50 / $20.00 / $40.50
FEB / $9.00 / $5 / $14.00 / $20.00 / $34.00
MAR / $4.50 / $3 / $7.50 / $20.00 / $27.50
APR / $27.00 / $13 / $40.00 / $20.00 / $60.00
MAY / $22.50 / $11 / $33.50 / $20.00 / $53.50
JUNE / $18.00 / $9 / $27.00 / $20.00 / $47.00
JUL / $13.50 / $7 / $20.50 / $20.00 / $40.50
AUG / $9.00 / $5 / $14.00 / $20.00 / $34.00
SEPT / $4.50 / $3 / $7.50 / $20.00 / $27.50

For example, a person joining Ingram Microphones Toastmasters Club in November would pay the above $32.50 plus an additional (one-time) $20.00 new member fee, for a total of $52.50. That person would then pay the regular dues amount of $39.00 in April along with the rest of the Club.

In some instances,dues are refundable – prospective members should inquire with their managers about being reimbursed for Club Dues. Ingram Micro recognizes this as Training and in most cases authorizes the dues to be reimbursed back through Petty Cash (see our Club Treasurer for more information).

New member applications are available upon request from any Officer.

Toastmasters is a Goals Based Organization

Toastmasters is all about motivation and self improvement. It’s about setting goals for yourself and achieving them. Toward that end, Toastmasters has developed a continuous and ongoing award program based on member participation. The numbers of Competent Toastmaster (CTM), Advanced Toastmaster Bronze (ATM-B), Advanced Toastmaster Silver (ATM-S), and Advanced Toastmaster Gold (ATM-G), Competent Leader (CL), Advanced Leader (AL), and Distinguished Toastmaster (DTM) awards issued to members are measures of a Club’s success in helping its members learn not only speaking skills but also leadership skills.

These are the Individual member goals set in order of achievement.

Communication Track:

Competent Toastmaster (CTM) -

  • Completed the 10 speeches out of the Communication and Leadership Program manual

Advanced Toastmaster Bronze (ATM-B) -

  • Achieved Competent Toastmaster award
  • Completed two Advanced Communication and Leadership Program manuals

Advanced Toastmaster Silver (ATM-S) -

  • Achieved Advanced Toastmaster Bronze award (or achieved Able Toastmaster award)
  • Completed two additional advanced manuals (may not be those completed for any previous award)
  • Conducted any two programs from The Better Speaker Series and/or The Successful Club Series (may not be those completed for any previous award)

Advanced Toastmaster Gold (ATM-G) -

  • Achieved Advanced Toastmaster Silver award (or achieved Able Toastmaster Bronze award)
  • Completed two additional advanced manuals (may not be those completed for any previous award)
  • Conducted a Success/Leadership Program, Success/Communication Program or a Youth Leadership Program (may not be one completed for any previous award)
  • Coached a new member with the first three speech projects

Leadership Track:

Competent Leader (CL) -

  • Achieved Competent Toastmaster award
  • Served at least six months as a Club officer (President, Vice President Education, Vice President Membership, Vice President Public Relations, Secretary, Treasurer, or Sergeant at Arms) AND
  • While an officer participated in the preparation of a Club Success Plan
  • While a Club officer, participated in a District sponsored Club officer training program
  • Conducted any two programs from The Successful Club Series and/or The Leadership Excellence Series (may not be those completed for any previous award)

Advanced Leader (AL) -

  • Achieved Competent Leader award
  • Served a complete term as a District Officer (District Governor, Lieutenant Governor, Public Relations Officer, Secretary, Treasurer, Division Governor, Area Governor)
  • Completed the High Performance Leadership program
  • Served successfully as a Club Sponsor, Mentor, or Specialist

Distinguished Toastmaster (DTM) -

  • Achieved Advanced Toastmaster Gold award
  • Achieved Advanced Leader award
  • Distinguished Toastmaster is the highest recognition a member may receive.

Not only that, but there is an award program based on Club participation too!

The Distinguished Club Program is an annual program, running from July 1 through June 30. The program consists of 10 goals every Club should strive to achieve during this time using the Club Success Plan as a guide.

Achieve 5 of 10 goals to be a Distinguished Club

Achieve 7 of 10 goals to be a Select Distinguished Club

Achieve 9 of 10 goals to be a President’s Distinguished Club

Here are the ten possible goals our club might set for itself:

  • (2) Competent Toastmaster (CTM)
  • (2) Additional CTMs
  • (1) Advanced Toastmaster
  • (1) Additional ATM
  • (1) Competent Leader (CL), Advanced Leader (AL), or Distinguished Toastmaster (DTM)
  • (1) Additional CLs, ALs, or DTMs
  • (4) New members
  • (4) Additional new members
  • (4) Officers trained (both are required)
  • (4) June-August
  • (4) December-February
  • (1) Submitted on time (both required)
  • October or April semi-annual Member list and Dues
  • Officer list

The Structure of Toastmasters International

Club #2592 / Ingram Microphones is anOpen club for Ingram Micro associatesand non-associates.
Area 1 / We’re part of Area 1 along with 5 other clubs: Toxic Toast, OC Civic Center, Smedley 1, and Tools 2 Lead.
DivisionA / Division A consists of Costa Mesa, Garden Grove, Orange, Santa Ana, and Tustin and includesAreas1, 2, 3, 4, and 5.
DistrictF, Founder’s District / District F covers Divisions A-G which comprise cities in Orange and Los Angeles counties.
Region II / Region II includes Southern California; Districts F, 4, 1, 52, 12 and 5.
World Headquarters / PO Box 9052 Phone: 949-858-8255
Mission Viejo, CA
92690 USA
Board of Directors /

We’ve all joined Toastmasters to accomplish our individual learning objectives. We strive to provide a comfortable and welcome environment.

We hope you will join us!