Volunteer Descriptions Cont…

President Responsibilities (10 units)

·  Approve budget and oversee committees

·  Determine Swimming Fees and hire coaches

·  Compile KGR operating plan

·  Schedule and run meetings

·  Create season calendar and schedule

·  Create Team Handbook to provide at registration

·  Coordinate with Senior Swimmers to assign Big Buddies for all 8 & under swimmers

·  Midlakes Parent Representative from KGR

·  Provide the coaches with the scores from each Midlakes team in our division after each meet

·  Provide our scores to each team in our division after each meet

·  Work with coaches to register all A swimmers for the A champs

·  Coordinate post season volunteers as necessary

Bookkeeper (10 units)

·  Work with Registration to collect all fees

·  Set up payment arrangements and collections when needed

·  Access to computer program to track payments and budget

·  Keep records of all purchases

·  Approve all purchases according to budget

·  Write checks & maintain checking account

·  Maintain payroll & taxes

Volunteer Coordinator (10 units)

·  Update volunteer sheets before registration, if necessary

·  Print and mount volunteer sheets on bright poster board

·  Attend registration to assist parents in signing up for volunteer positions before they register.

Registration Leader (10 units)

·  Conduct registration, collect forms and process fees

·  Work with Treasurer to process fees

·  Compile roster for the handbook addendum including phone numbers and e-mail addresses

·  Compile comprehensive registration report to give to the HOA Representative and President.

·  Maintain registration information throughout season

·  Recruit any other volunteers as necessary

Fundraising Pop machine (10 units)

·  Responsible for keeping pop machine filled throughout the summer and track profits.

·  Deliver deposits to the bookkeeper.

Fundraising Ice Cream (10 units)

·  Inventory and stock ice cream throughout the summer and track profits.

·  Deliver deposits to the bookkeeper

Fundraising Concessions Leader (10 units)

·  Determine Menu and pricing

·  Purchase all food and paper goods needed

·  Maintain accurate records

·  Responsible for setup and clean up

·  Oversee snack bar at each home meet

·  Check volunteer schedule and recruit volunteers if necessary.

Concession Food Preparation (10 units)

·  Prep food for concessions for each home meet, cook chicken, prepare lettuce, slice tomatoes and onions

Newsletter (10 units)

·  Design, layout and print newsletter

·  Communicate/collaborate with the President and coaches for content

·  Make copies and work within budget

·  Distribute to each swimmers mailbox.

·  Email a copy to the President

·  Display copy of newsletter on bulletin board

Scorekeeping (10 units)

·  Able to run scoring program during meet there is training by Midlakes on the HyTek Meet Manager software.

·  Train new volunteers

·  Check volunteer schedule and help recruit volunteers if necessary.

Telephone Committee (5 units)

·  Make weekly reminder calls to those who signed up on the Baking Schedule

·  Make weekly reminder calls to those who signed up to bring Friday Treats

·  Recruit any other volunteers as necessary

Flapjack Friday Leader (5 units)

·  Make pancakes at morning workouts, get volunteers as necessary

Pizza Party Leader (5 units)

·  Collect orders, order pizza and soda, clean up

Camp Out Leader (5 units)

·  Work with HOA rep to determine requirements, make flyers, plan meals and activities, recruit volunteers as necessary.

Camp Out Chaperones and Volunteers (5 units)

·  Various two hour shifts, staying up all night.

Team Handbook Addendum (5 units)

·  Work with registration to get the roster

·  Gather information from volunteer coordinator for the volunteer positions.

·  Be sure to print the map to the away pool on the back of each volunteer page for each away meet.

·  Deliver and pick up from printer, make 20 extra copies. Work within budget.

·  Distribute handbook addendum to each swimmers folder before the first meet.

Trophies (5 units)

·  Work with coaches and team president to determine numbers and types of trophies & plaques

·  Price and purchase trophies working within designated budget

·  Inspect all trophies and deliver to Award Banquet assist coaches in handing out trophies

Team Photos (4 units)

·  In early April call photographer and schedule dates and times

·  Give the order forms to the President to include in the handbook

·  Notify newsletter coordinator of date and time of team picture

·  Set up pool area, supervise photo shoot, and distribute photos during team banquet

·  For individual photo’s priority should go to those who have baseball games first, then by age.

Registration Helpers (2 units)

·  Attend registration and help collect forms

Volunteer Coordinator Helpers (2 units)

·  Attend registration and help parents sign up for duties.

Pizza Party Helpers (2 units)

·  Serve Pizza and Pop, help clean up.

Swim Suits (2 units)

·  End of this season and early in April

·  At the end of this season meet with senior swimmers to choose a team suit for the following year. (if our suits are no longer available)

·  Coordinate with team Presidents and Sylvia’s to schedule swim suit sales generally the 2nd week of practice.

T-Shirts (2 units)

·  In early April Design T-shirts and other logo items for this season

·  Create order forms and give to President in April so they can be included in the handbook.

·  Collect order forms and place the order

·  Distribute the items when the order arrives

Wild Waves (2 units)

·  Collect order forms and place the order

·  Distribute the tickets

Awards Banquet (2 units)

·  Decide menu and make a plan for supplies needed

·  Create and distribute informational flyers

·  Make sure information is given to Newsletter

Coaches Gift (2 units)

·  Determine type and cost of coaches gift working within budget

·  Purchase gift and present to coaches at team banquet

Home Owners Association (HOA) Parent Rep (2 units)

·  Communicate with Homeowner’s association as needed

·  Work with Bookkeeper regarding payroll taxes to make sure they are paid to HOA on time

Head Timer (1 unit each meet)

·  Bring the stop watches to and from each meet.

·  Check to be sure the watches are all in working order

·  Provied timer training 15 minutes before the meet

·  Check volunteer schedule and recruit volunteers if necessary.

Starters, Stroke & Turn Judges (1 unit each ½ of a meet)

·  Attend all required meetings & trainings, Midlakes provides training generally in early June.

·  Arrive early to meets to assist and confirm the facility is set up properly

·  Supervise or attend mandatory meeting 15 minutes before the meet

·  Check and confirm equipment is working properly notify the President if there is a problem.

·  Check volunteer schedule and help recruit volunteers if necessary.

Announcers (1 unit each ½ of a meet)

·  Arrive early to meets to assist and confirm the facility is set up properly

·  Review the outline and if you have any concerns be sure to ask for assistance.

·  Check volunteer schedule and help recruit volunteers if necessary.

Facilities (1 unit each ½ of a meet)

·  Set Up and Take Down for each home meet

·  Check the Starting Buzzer and AP System are in good working order.

·  Rope off pool deck for stroke & turn judges

·  Set up seating for Coaches

·  Set up and take down announcers and scorekeepers tables

·  Assist with Concession set-up

·  Check volunteer schedule and help recruit volunteers if necessary.

Ribbons (1 unit each ½ of a meet)

·  Inventory, price, and purchase ribbons, labels and any other supplies necessary.

·  Work within designated budget

·  At each home meet, set up and put away ribbons.

·  Check volunteer schedule and recruit volunteers if necessary.

Team Parent (1 unit each ½ of a meet)

·  Check in all swimmers before their heat

·  Supervise line-up of all participants according to heat sheets

·  Check volunteer schedule and recruit volunteers if necessary.

Timer (1 unit each ½ of a meet)

·  Arrive 15 minutes early for manditory meeting

·  Confirm swimmer is the same as name on time card

·  Time each race, record time on time cards

Card Runners (1 unit each ½ of a meet)

·  Collect cards from the timers and deliver to the scorekeeper.

Scorekeeper Helper (1 unit each ½ of a meet)

·  Read time cards to the scorekeeper.

Ice Cream Sales (1 unit each ½ of a meet)

·  Sell Ice Cream from pool office

Concessions Helper (1 unit each ½ of a meet)

·  Work the concessions booth.

·  Duties vary based on what shift you sign up for.

Baking Commitments 2 per season, per family

·  Bake brownies, rice krispie treats, chocolate chip bar cookies, or potatoes

·  Or bring Donuts to Friday Workouts

R o y a l s!