Endorsers and Funders

(as of July 10, 2001)

Abyssinian Baptist Church

Abyssinian Development Corporation*


Altman Foundation**

The American Institute of Architects, New York Chapter

The American Planning Association, New York Metro Chapter

The Architectural League of New York

Asian Americans for Equality

Associated Builders & Owners of Greater New York Inc.

Association for Neighborhood and Housing Development*

Association of Community Employment Programs for the Homeless

Association of Service Providers to Homeless Adults

Association to Benefit Children

Astella Development Corporation

Bank of New York*

Bedford Stuyvesant Restoration Corporation

Bensonhurst Council of Jewish Organizations

The Bergen St. Residence

Bluestone Seavey Builders and Developers

Bridge Street Development Corporation

Broadway Housing Development

Brooklyn Community Housing and Services, Inc.

Brooklyn Neighborhood Improvement Association (BNIA)

Catholic Charities of Brooklyn and Queesns

Center for Urban Community Services, Inc.

Citibank/Citigroup Foundation**

Citizens Advice Bureau

Citizens' Committee for Children of New York, Inc.

Citizens Housing and Planning Council

City Project

Coalition for the Homeless*

Columbia University

Common Ground Community

Communications Workers of America, District 1

Community Access

Community Association of Progressive Dominicans, Inc.

The Community Preservation Corporation

Community Service Society of New York*

The Cooper Union for the Advancement of Science and Art

Corporation for Supportive Housing*

The Council of Churches of New York

Deutsche Bank**

The Dime Savings Bank of New York, FSB*

Dunn Development Corp.

Enterprise Foundation*

Erasmus Neighborhood Federation

Faith Center for Community Development, Inc.

Fannie Mae

Fannie Mae Foundation**

Fifth Avenue Committee

Fifth Avenue Presbyterian Church

Fleet Bank*

Fordham Bedford Housing Corporation

Goddard Riverside Community Center

Good Old Lower East Side, Inc.

Greenpoint Bank*

Habitat for Humanity New York City*

Harlem Congregations for Community Improvement


Heritage Health and Housing, Inc.

Highbridge Community Life Center

Hope Community, Inc.

Housing and Services, Inc.


Independence Community Foundation**

Information for Families, Inc.

Institute for Community Living, Inc.

Interfaith Assembly on Homelessness and Housing

J.P. Morgan Chase & Co./The Chase Manhattan Foundation**

The Jericho Project

L & M Equity Participants Ltd.

Lend Lease Real Estate Investments, Inc.

Lenox Hill Neighborhood House

Local Initiatives Support Corporation*

The Low Income Housing Fund*

M & T Bank*

Mallin & Goldstein, P.C.

Meltzer/Mandl Architects, P.C.

Metropolitan Council on Jewish Poverty

Mount Hope Housing Company, Inc.

Mountco Construction and Development Corp.

The Municipal Art Society*

Neighborhood Coalition for Shelter

Neighborhood Housing Services of New York City, Inc.*

Neighbors Helping Neighbors, Inc.

New Destiny Housing Corporation

New York City AIDS Housing Network

New York City Coalition of Domestic Violence Residential Providers

The New York Community Trust**

New York Congregational Community Services

Endorsers and Funders


New York Housing Conference

New York State Association for Affordable Housing

New York Urban League

Northern Manhattan Improvement Corp.

Northwest Bronx Community and Clergy Coalition

Pathways to Housing

The People's Firehouse Inc.

Phase Piggy Back Inc.

Phipps Houses

Planners Network

Pratt Institute Center for Community and Environmental Development*

Project FIND

The Project for Psychiatric Outreach to the Homeless, Inc.

Project Hospitality, Inc.

Project Renewal

Project Return Foundation

Providence House Inc.

The Real Estate Board of New York

Regional Plan Association

The Richman Group of New York, LLC

Rose F. Kennedy Family Center

St. Cecilia's Parish Services

St. John's Place Family Center

St. Nicholas Neighborhood Preservation Corporation

The Settlement Housing Fund, Inc.*

Scherman Foundation*

Shinda Management Corporation

Sinergia, Inc.


South Bronx Churches, Morrisania Cluster HDFC, Inc.

Southside United HDFC (Los Sures)

Supportive Housing Network of New York

Thorpe Family Residence, Inc.

Tier Two Coalition

Unique People Services

United Jewish Organizations of Williamsburg, Inc.

United Neighborhood Houses

United Way of New York City*

University Neighborhood Housing Program

Urban Pathways, Inc.

West End Intergenerational Residence

West Side Federation for Senior and Supportive Housing, Inc.

Weston United Community Renewal

Women in Need, Inc.

Women's City Club of New York

Women's Housing and Economic Development Corporation

Yorkville Common Pantry

* indicates funding commitment of at least $1,000

** indicates funding commitment of $50,000