Community Connectivity Consortium
Consortium General Meeting
May 8, 2014
1:00 PM to 3:30 PM
City of Bellevue, Washington, Room 1E-108
Board Members Present:
Brenda Cooper-City of Kirkland, Chelo Picardal-City of Bellevue, Ron Tiedeman (by phone)-City of Auburn, Mehdi Sadri-City of Renton, Andy Stankovics-City of Seattle, Roland Rivera-University of Washington, Lora Ueland-Valley Communications Center, Sally Askman-Lake Washington School District.
Other Invitees Present:
Donna Gaw, City of Kirkland; Thomas Fichtner, City of Federal Way; Frank Iriarte (by phone), City of Tukwila; John Storch/Darryl Hunt/Bill Kehoe/David Mendel, King County; Bill Schrier, OneNET; Linda Hermanson, City of Redmond;George McBride, CCC; Mark Schmidt, City of Seattle; Tim Longpre, Bellevue College; Gina Rogers, City of Bellevue; Nathan Way, NORCOM
Approval of Minutes from March 13, 2014Motion to approve by Sally Askman, seconded by Mehdi Sadri. Motion Passed.
FirstNet Presentation
Bill Schrier spoke on the efforts of FirstNet, Washington’s OneNet and next generation public safety wireless communications.PSERN Presentation
David Mendel spoke on the Puget Sound Emergency Radio Network (PSERN)that will replace our region's aging infrastructure.Fiber Projects Update Report
George McBride reported the agreement with the City of Tukwila and the Consortium to complete the segment between the Fun Center and Sabey has successfully passed legal review. The project does depend on Tukwila’s road improvement plan and possibly will be completed by end of 2014.George is working with the City of Bellevue to obtain a six-month extension of the 2010 UASI grant.
The 2014 UASI grant application was not successful.
Fiscal Report
Chelo Picardal reported the consultant contract was re-competed and GM2 Systems was the winning bidder.The financial status of the consortium continues to be good. The ending fund balance is over $66,000, spending to date is below projections and reserves are building. There should be capacity to finish the Tukwila project should the grant extension not be awarded.
The 2015 proposed budget was presented. The direction from the Board was to maintain membership fees and to continue with the current spending model. The 2015 budget includes Seattle moving to non-voting status, insurance considerations, and the adopted administrative policies that clarify funding of replacement fiber reserves. Motion to adopt the 2015 Budget as presented made by Roland Rivera, seconded by Sally Askman. Motion passed.
Annual Policy Review
The bylaws require an annual review of the bylaws and policies that govern the Consortium. A proposal for changes was brought by George McBride:- Project agreement changed to remove reference that ties each project agreement to the ILA. Each agreement would then require the ILA go through the approval process. This language was inadvertently left in the document from 2003.
- Bylaw change to remove requirement the Annual Board meetings be held at Bellevue City Hall. The location is to be flexible based on availability. All meeting notices are posted on the website.
- Bylaw change to allow vote by proxy and electronic voting. This recommendation was amended to state the Board Chair will have discretion on what constitutes a vote by proxy.
Board Elections
The Board Officers recommends re-election of City of Renton and Renton School District on the Board. As City of Seattle has requested to vacate their Board position, the Board of Officers recommend King County be elected to fill the position. In addition, the Board Officers recommend election of City of Bellevue-Chelo Picardal as Board Chair, Renton School District-Tom Howley as Board Vice-Chair and to assign City of Bellevue as Fiscal Agent for a three-year term. The floor was opened for nominations; none received. Motion to accept the recommended slate made by Sally Askman, seconded by Mehdi Sadri. Motion passed.Work Plan Status
Brenda Cooper reviewed the 2013/14 work plan. Items completed included the 2015 budget, obtaining insurance, procurement of consultant. Progress was made on fiber mapping, overseeing UASI grant projects, PSAP connectivity, shared services discussion and some work done with regional fiber owners.The outreach to other consortiums has not been started.The 2014/15 work plan is not yet ready for presentation.
Strategic Planning
The Strategic Plan was updated to reflect updated information and adjustment of timelines. Members were asked if there were other considerations to bring forward; none provided. Motion to accept the Strategic Plan as presented made by Lora Ueland, seconded by Sally Askman. Motion passed.Open Discussion
Brenda Cooper talked briefly about the WATOA and NTOA Conference opportunities.Lora Ueland suggested all members stay up to date on the PSERN radio replacement effort as this effort will require support from all agencies, cities and entities in King County. Both PSERN and OneNet representatives will be invited back for the December meeting to provide updates.
Motion to adjourn by Brenda Cooper, seconded by Lora Ueland. Motion passed; meeting adjourned at 2:55 pm. /Minutes respectfully submitted by,
Lora Ueland
Valley Communications Center, Executive Director
Consortium Secretary