Curriculum Vitae
1. General information
Title, name and surname: / DR UPENYU MARUMEDate of birth: / 02/08/1977
Citizenship: / ZIMBABWEAN
Professional registrations: / SASAS
2. Contact details
Organisation where based: / North-West UniversityFaculty or School: / Agricultural Science
Work telephone number: / +27183892725
Work fax number:
Cell phone number: / +27732579065
E-mail address: /
E-mail address: /
Work postal address: / P.Bag X2046. Mmabatho, South africa, 2735
Work physical address: / School of Agricultural Sciences, F1E Block F1E, Room G22, Mafikeng Campus
3. Qualifications (start with highest qualification)
Qualification type: / PhDField of study: / Animal Science
Institution: / University of Fort Hare
Year obtained: / 2011
Qualification type:
Field of study:
Year obtained:
4. Employment history (start with current position)
Position: / Organisation / Appointed from – to:Senior Lecturer / North-West University / 2011-2014
5. Research expertise
Scientific domain: / Animal ScienceMain research field: / Animal nutrition and physiology
Fields of specialization: / Small ruminant nutrition and meat science
NRF rating and year rated:
6. Publications (list publications of the last 3 years)
International publications: / Marume, U., Chimonyo, M., Dzama, K. 2012. Influence of dietary supplementation with Acacia karroo on experimental haemonchosis in indigenous Xhosa lop-eared goats of South Africa Livestock Science. 144, 1-2, 132-139Marume, U., Chimonyo, M., Dzama, K. 2011. A preliminary study on the responses to experimental Haemonchus contortus infection in indigenous goat genotypes. Small Ruminant Research 95 (1), 70-74.
Xazela, N.M., Chimonyo, M., Muchenje V. and Marume. U. 2011. Effect of sunflower cake supplementation on meat quality of indigenous goat genotypes of South Africa. Meat Science 90, 204-208
Xazela, N.M., Chimonyo, M., Muchenje V. and Marume. U. 2011. Consumer sensory evaluation of meat from South African goat genotypes. African Journal of Biotechnology: 10 (21), 4436-4443 (Impact Factor 0.565).
Rani Z.T., Chimonyo, M., Hugo, A., Marume, U. and Muchenje, V. 2011. Effect of parity on the proximate composition and fatty acid profile of milk from Nguni cattle grazing on natural pastures. African Journal of Biotechnology 10(43): 8647-8653 (Impact Factor 0.565).
Ngambu, S., Muchenje, V., Chimonyo, M. and Marume, U. 2011. Correlations among sensory characteristics and relationships between aroma scores, flavour scores, off-flavour scores and off-flavour descriptors of chevon from four goat genotypes. African Journal of Biotechnology: 10 (34): 6575-6580 (Impact Factor 0.565).
National publications:
7. Papers delivered (of the last 3 years?)
International papers: / Marume U. 2010. Effectiveness of extension methods and strategies in Resettlement Areas of Zimbabwe following the fast track land reform programme: A critical analysis. In Kimaro W.H, Mukandiwa L and Mario E.Z.J (Eds), . Towards Improving Agricultural. Extension Service Delivery in the SADC Region. Proceedings of the Workshop on Information Sharing among Extension Players in the SADC Region, 26-28 July 2010, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.I