Safety Risk Assessment
Who will be managing the works? / Phillip Island Nature Parks - Visitor Services / DATE / 8/11/2017
Provide details of the work to be undertaken / Work Experience including shadowing of rangers and assisting on tasks
Provide details on who is conducting the work and where the activities will be undertaken / Visitors Services Staff, Conservation Staff
Across all nature parks sites, including major attractions, and beaches and reserves.
Acts, Regulations, Compliance Codes, Codes of Practice, Australian Standards, procedures...etc / Workplace Health and Safety Act 2004
Provide details of the equipment to be used, including any mobile plant, power tools...etc / Environmental works gear including but not limited to tree planting and guarding equipment, propagating equipment, and weed removal equipment. (Shovels, rakes, wheelbarrows, secateurs, and other non-powered gardening equipment)
Provide details of the PPE to be worn / Gloves, safety goggles, sleeved shirts (no singlets), long pants (no shorts) while working in scrub areas or long grass, hat, sunscreen and dust masks if necessary.
Safe Work Procedures, Safe Work Method Statements, Training required, Safety Briefings…etc. / Pre-start communication to be held at the beginning of each day and before the start of each new task to ensure work experience students are aware of task being undertaken, safety and PPE requirements, and emergency response procedures.
Helen Masters / OH&S Representative / PINP
Clair Jinnette / OHS Representative / PINP
Kimberly Dunstan / Education Coordinator / PINP
Katy Nicol / OHS Coordinator / PINP / / 06/12/2017
Safety Risk Assessment – Work Experience StudentsPage 1 of 7
Safety Risk Assessment
Physical – Unguarded machinery, trips, falls...etc. / Radiological – UV radiation, RF radiation...etc. / People – Crowds,aggression…etc.
Psychological – Stress, bullying, work pressure...etc. / Chemical – Bleach, diesel, window cleaner...etc. / Environmental –Wildlife, wind, rain, temperature...etc.
Biological – Blood, insects, sewage...etc. / Ergonomics – Poor workstation setup, reaching above shoulders, pushing or pulling movements...etc.
LEVEL OF RISK – Risk Matrix
Likelihood Ratings / Consequence Ratings
Almost Certain / L5 / Is expected to occur in most circumstances / Catastrophic / C5 / Fatality or irreversible significant impairment
Likely / L4 / Will probably occur in most circumstances / Major / C4 / Permanent impairment
Possible / L3 / Might occur at some time / Moderate / C3 / Short term impairment
Unlikely / L2 / Could occur at some time / Minor / C2 / First aid treatment
Rare / L1 / May occur in exceptional circumstances / Insignificant / C1 / No physical injury
Negligible (C1) / Minor (C2) / Moderate (C3) / Major (C4) / Catastrophic (C5)
Likelihood / Almost Certain (L5) / Medium / High / High / Very High / Very High
Likely (L4) / Medium / Medium / High / High / Very High
Possible (L3) / Low / Medium / Medium / High / High
Unlikely (L2) / Low / Low / Medium / Medium / High
Rare (L1) / Low / Low / Low / Medium / Medium
Very High –Intolerable risk, Very High /High order controls to be used
High – Generally intolerable risk, Very High / High order controls must be implemented before proceeding. In some circumstances where the risk cannot be eliminated Medium order controls may be used only upon approval from a manager.
Medium – Residual risk, tolerable only if further risk reduction is impracticable. Medium order controls or greater should be used.
Low – Risk reduction is unlikely as it is not practicable. Low order controls or greater should be used.
CONTROLS – Hierarchy of Controls
Most effective
Least effective / Very High and
High Order Controls / Elimination – Remove the hazard or need to complete the task
Substitution – Reduce the hazard, i.e. use a boom lift instead of a ladder, or determine an alternative method of completing task
Medium Order Controls / Isolation – Separate people from the hazard, i.e. use barriers or fencing…etc.
Engineering - Make physical changes to the hazard, i.e. plant guarding…etc.
Low Order Controls / Administrative – Use procedure to reduce the risk, i.e. Safe Work Procedures…etc.
Personal Protective Equipment – Safety Boots, hardhat, gloves, fall protection…etc.
Describe each step of the activity to be undertaken. / HAZARDS
List any hazards associated with the activity. / LEVEL OF RISK
Provide a risk level using the matrix
i.e. L3 x C2 = Medium / CONTROLS
List the control measures to be used. / PERSON RESPONSIBLE
List the organisation/ persons responsible for this step of the activity. / Residual Risk
Provide a residual risk level using the matrix. i.e. L3x C3 = Medium
Working in an outdoor environment / Lack of Supervision could result in injuries or missing students. / L1 x C5 = Medium /
- Students will be supervised at all times by nature parks staff
- Phillip Island Nature Parks has up-to-date public liability (can be provided to any school)
Slipping or tripping on sealed surfaces, or in natural habitat areas such as grasslands, scrub, beaches etc. / L3 x C3 = medium /
- Safety briefing at beginning of program
- Nature parks staff will assess sites before conducting works
- Staff supervision at all times
- Regular maintenance of all walk-ways/tracks and boardwalks
- All rangers first aid trained and have access to first aid kits at all times, either on site kits or vehicle kits
Falling trees and branches
Working in outdoor Environment / L2 x C5 = High /
- Nature parks staff regularly undertake tree inspections
- Nature parks staff will assess sites before conducting works
- Broken or loose branches are taken down by staff or contractors
- When high winds avoid working under trees
Working in an outdoor environment / Snake bite / L4xC3 = high /
- Rangers current first aid trained
- First aid kit accessible at all times
- Students supervised at all times
- Mobile phone or radio carried.
- Students to complete medical form before attending the nature parks
- Safety briefing held at beginning of day and also when a task changes
Stings (spiders, fleas, ticks, mites, bees, bull ants, mosquitoes etc.) / L4xC3 = high /
- Rangers current first aid trained
- First aid kit carried at all times
- Mobile phone or radio carried
- Rangers trained in anaphylaxis management. Epi-pens to be carried by those who require them.
- Students to complete medical form before attending the nature parks
- Safety briefing held at beginning of day and also when a task changes
Swooping Birds / L2 x C2 = low /
- Reduce exposure by moving activity to different area
Working in outdoor Environment / Fire (on walkways or bush land) / L1 x C5 = medium /
- Staff members carry radio or mobile phone at all times.
- All staff members trained in emergency management.
- Staff monitor weather condition prior to activities.
- Staff know current evacuation points and process.
Exposure to extreme weather – heat and cold including Electrical Storms. / L2 x C4 = High /
- Appropriate clothing to be worn according to weather and activity.
- Activities cancelled in extreme weather. Indoor alternatives to be provided.
- Staff monitor Bureau of Meteorology warnings and radars.
Travel in vehicles driven by Nature Parks Staff / Car Accident / Mechanical Failure / L3 x C4 = High /
- Work vehicles regularly serviced.
- Staff members are fully licensed and drive according to weather conditions.
- Staff first aid trained.
- Only PINP work vehicles are used to transport volunteers and students.
Work Experience Students medical conditions response / Allergic reactions / L2 x C4 = medium /
- Rangers current first aid trained
- First aid kit carried at all times
- Mobile phone or radio carried
- Rangers trained in anaphylaxis management. Epi-pens to be carried by those who require them.
- Students to complete medical form before attending the nature parks
Asthma Attack / L2 x C4 = medium /
- Rangers current first aid trained
- First aid kit carried at all times
- Mobile phone or radio carried
- Rangers trained in asthma management. Medications to be carried by those who require them.
- Students to complete medical form before attending the nature parks
Work Experience Students medical conditions response / General Illness / L3 x C3 = medium /
- Rangers current first aid trained
- First aid kit carried at all times
- Mobile phone or radio carried
- Medications to be carried by those who require them.
- Students to complete medical form before attending the nature parks
Management of Children / Missing Children / L2 x C3 = medium /
- Students to be supervised at all times.
- Staff to check student number with attendance records.
Students working with other students (from different schools) / L2 x C3 = medium /
- All staff hold Working with Children’s Check (WWC) and/or Victorian Institute of Teaching (VIT) registration
- All staff current level 2 first aid trained with CPR yearly refreshers.
- All staff trained in asthma and anaphylaxsis management.
- All staff and volunteers have undertaken a OHS induction prior to beginning program.
- All staff are familiar with activity locations and conduct site check before activity.
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