The Academy
At Eleventh Street
Student Handbook
Mission Statement and Beliefs
Creating Opportunities for a Lifetime of Success.
- We, the faculty and staff of The Academy at Eleventh Street, believe that students should be responsible for their academic progress and behavior
- We believe that students and parents should be actively involved in learning
- We believe that a safe and structured environment increases student learning
- We believe that all students should learn to become critical thinkers
- We believe that students learn in many ways and at their own pace
- We provide differential instruction to meet the learning needs of all students
- We believe parent/guardian support increases students success
- Notify the school office at 746-2321 as soon as possible when a child is out of school for any reason
- Ensure students are present and on time each day
- Ensure students are in dress code
- Notify the school office personally if there are any changes to telephone or address.
- Parents must pick up the student when notified by the office to do so.
- All prescription medication that must be given at school must be brought in by the parent
- Set up appointments through the front office when you want to discuss any concerns or email staff members individually
General Information
The Academy at Eleventh Street School hours are from 7:30 a.m. until 2:15 p.m.Doors open at 7:15 a.m.
Faculty / Staff
Marisa Duarte,
Jason Grissom, English
Ron Hunter, Instructional
Jennifer Lowe, Transition
William Madison, ASP
Deborah Moran,
Tara Richardson, Instructional
Joel Taylor,
Casey Yates,
Dana Weikel, Administrative Asst.
Student Meals:
The students at attending The Academy at Eleventh Street will participate in the Community Eligibility Option (CEO) program and will receive both breakfast and lunch at no cost. Please check to see if we need for you to complete a HIF form. Students must order lunch during 1st period class or front office if late to school. Students may bring lunch to school for self only. Violation of this will result in privilege being revoked.
The Program
Making Your Day:
The Academy at Eleventh Street is a behavior modification program in which students receive encouragement and skills to become academically successful. Daily goals are set by the students in accordance with each students’ILPA goal. The program duration is on an individual basis and the recommendation of the governance committee. Students making a transition from another facility may spend as little as 20 successful days.
To make adequate progress toward the success of the program, students must meet academic standards and make progress through our Positive Behavior and Intervention and Supports system. Failure to make adequate progress will delay students return to the home school. Students must maintain a minimum of a C average in all classes and be in the third phase before being considered to return to the home school.
Attendance is relevant to learning. Students are expected to be in school when it is in session to avoid being placed in the court system. Students must comply with the district attendance guidelines. Any absences accumulated from the home school will carry over to The Academy at 11th Street.
Dress Code
We view dress code as an important issue. Students who have an attractive, appropriate appearance have a better self image and perform better in class. Compliance with dress code is mandatory and is considered a basic school rule. Students who do not comply with dress code may be sent to isolation and the parents/guardians will be notified to bring the appropriate attire to the school. If the student does not comply with the dress code after the parent has been notified, he or she may spend extended time in isolation or sent home after three consecutive occurrences.
All students must wear the appropriate uniform to school daily and it must be clean and free of dirt/stains.
Uniform: Khaki pants (no shorts or short pants) with belt loops, a belt (black or brown), a collared shirt either white or purple (short or long sleeve) and shoes with laces. Any deviation from the aforementioned is non-compliance.
Check-In / Check-Out Procedures
If it becomes necessary for parents/guardians to take their child out of school for emergencies or appointments, they should notify the school secretary in advance of the planned absences. The school will not accept notes for early dismissals. Parents must sign students in and out through the front office. Appointments should be made after school hours. If the student is tardy to school, the parent must sign the student in at the office.
Students who ride the school bus must comply with the bus driver’s rules, and all rules applying to school bus transportation as stated in the Student Code of Conduct.Students riding with parents or family members must be dropped off in front of the main entrance. Once the student exits the bus and/or vehicle, he/she must come directly into the building. Students are not permitted to drive to school. Violation of school bus transportation may result in bus suspension.
For many students, The Academy at Eleventh Street School is an opportunity to get back on the right track in terms of academics average(middle school students) and credits (high school students) needed to be promoted. Students must be making adequate progress through demonstration of meeting the standards for each classbefore being allowed to return to his or her home school. If at the end of the assigned days (based on each individual), a studenthas not meet adequate standards progress (that is not a direct result of not meeting the standard from his or her home school) he or she will not be referred back to his or her home school.
Average and Credit Scale:
All averages are recorded on a ten point scale.
90 – 100ACan earn credit-making progress
80 – 89BCan earn credit-making progress
70 – 79CCan earn credit-making progress
60 – 69DCan earn credit-limited progress
59 and below Fno credit earned
All assignments are to be done to the satisfaction of the instructor
Again all practice (homework/classwork) assignments must be completed. Students who fail to complete and turn in all assignmentswill be assigned to complete the work during after school detention.
**Students may bring a mesh or clear backpack**
On-Task Behaviors:
Being on task is a minimum expectation. Failure to be on task is a failure to follow the basic school expectations.
Sleeping is prohibited in all classes, at all times. Students should be well rested to prevent falling asleep in class.
Online Program:
Students will be allowed to use the selected online program for their science credit, elective credit, and make credit recovery.
Report Card:
Any student who fails to complete any or all assignments in class or online, will not receive credit and will fail the class. This will cause the student to become behind academically.
Daily Procedures
Morning Procedures:
Students must be in compliance with dress code when they get on the school bus. Students who are car riders must be in dress code prior to entering the school building.
Restroom / Water Breaks:
Students will be given adequate restroom and water breaks. Any student who abuses the privilege will have their breaks reduced to no more than two a day.
Hallway Behaviors:
During class change and restroom breaks, students are expected to move quietly to their designated area. There will be no horseplay, no outbursts and no physical contact with any other student. At no time, should students visit any other classroom. Students are not allowed to visit other classrooms, or other teachers, without permission. Failure to comply with this rule will result in isolation and or loss of lunch with class.
Students enrolled in the Academy at Eleventh Street will be expected to follow all Internet Permission and Acceptable Use guidelines as set forth by the Student Handbook pgs. 18-20.
Violation may result in loss of access, suspension, and or legal action.
Prohibited Items & Behaviors
See the district wide handbook page 13.
Media and Electronic Devices:
Cell phones are not permitted in school until the privilege is earned in the last PBIS phase. If these items are found, they will be confiscated.
1st Offense: The cell will be kept at the school for a period of 5 school days and returned tothe student after that time.
2nd Offense:The cell phone will be kept for 5 school days and a conference with a parent must occur before it being returned.
3rd Offense:The cell will be kept for the remainder of theschool year or suspension may occur and a meeting with the parent must occur.
If a cell phone is discovered, it will be confiscated. They may be picked up at the end of the school day by a parent or guardian after the appropriate kept time. No other media is permissible without direct permission from the director.
Tobacco Products & Controlled Substances:
Students are expected to comply with the district student guidelines in regards to the use of tobacco and controlled substances.
Any illegal weapons or look-a-like weapons will be confiscated and are thus prohibited and legal action will be taken. Law enforcement agencies will be contacted.
Fast Food:
No fast food is allowed.
vending machines:
Students are not allowed to use vending machine at any time without faculty permission.
Students are not allowed to bring candy or gum to school.
Prohibited Behaviors
Property Damage:
Students who commit property destruction will be expected to pay restitution. Failure to pay for property damage could result in suspension, expulsion and/or legal action. Parents must make an appointment to return the student to school after suspension.
Terroristic Threatening:
Terroristic threatening which is deemed to place the staff or students in danger will be reported to the appropriate authorities. Students will be suspended, expelled and/or legal action may occur.
Theft will result in restitution and disciplinary action.
Use of profanity or vulgarity is strongly prohibited. Use of profanity will result inisolation. It may result in extended isolation and/or an office referral. If excessive profanity is used then the Director reserves the right to suspend the student for an appropriate number of days.
Home School Activities:
A student in The Academy program is suspended from all home school extracurricular activities. This includes ball games, dances, proms and club activities. Students are not allowed on their home school’s property for any reason nor any school within the city district. If the student is caught on any school property other than The Academy, the student will be suspended and the authorities may be notified by school principal.
*Students who continue to make progress toward completion of the program may request to have his or her home school activities restored. The progress includes but is not limited to, meeting goals, advancing in academics, and school attendance. The student will be issued a temporary pass if approved by the committee which may be revoked if the student fails to follow the rules set in place by the home school.
Program Disruption
Students who are suspended from school may not return to school until the student and parent/guardian have met with the director. See student discipline guide pgs. 11-12.
Lack of success in the program may result in the student being referred to Day Treatment or the board of education for an expulsion hearing.
Program Completion
Governance Committee:
After the student has completed his or her program according to his or her individualized plan, a referral will be submitted to the Governance Committee for referral back to the home school. Students are required to maintain good attendance and academic standing while awaiting the governance committee’s decisions.
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