Batley Parish J I N C of E School Nursery Newsletter Monday 27th November 2017
Dates to Remember for this Half TermP.E – Every Friday afternoon and Wednesday morning. Please can you dress your child in something suitable, e.g. jogging bottoms or leggings.
Learning Together and Library - Every Wednesday 9:00-9:30 or 1:00-1:30.
Christmas Fair in School
Friday 1st December – School Christmas Fair – 6:00pm – 7.30pm
Christmas Tree Decorating Day – in main school hall
Monday 4th December – DecorateChristmas tree service in school hall (parents welcome) – 2:30pm.
Christmas Activity Session and Sing Along (Stay and Play)
Monday 18th December – 10:15-11:320 or 2:15-3:20. If your child does not attend on this day please feel free to bring them along to join in with our Christmas crafts and sing along.
Nursery Christmas Party
Thursday 21st December – Reception & Nursery Christmas party for all morning and afternoon nursery children – 9.00am – 11.30pm. No afternoon nursery session other than for full day children.
Christmas Service in Church
Friday 22nd December – Christmas Service 2:00pm. School closes 3:30pm for Christmas.
Nursery Re-opens
Thursday 11th January due to home visits for new children. /
Our Class Learning
Last week in nursery we talked about birthdays in the lead up to our Christmas story. The children enjoyed celebrating Boris’ birthday and baking his cake. Thank you to all of the families who sent pictures in of their children baking. It’s so nice to see the children participating and helping at home!
This week we will be continuing our learning about how we welcome a new baby, leading to the story in the Bible about the very first Christmas and the birth of Baby Jesus.
We will be making our Christmas tree decorations this week too ready to hang on the Christmas tree in main school. If the children would like to make any Christmas tree decorations at home and bring them in to hang on our nursery tree it would be lovely to see them!
This week we will be continuing with our story ‘Billy’s Bucket’. The children have been so excited with this learning and it’s amazing how the children have shared their thoughts, feelings and imaginations. You may have noticed our reading and reflection area has become an under the sea theme linking to our story. We have a fantastic display linking to ‘Billy’s Bucket’ with some amazing mark making and writing on it!
Perhaps your child could have a go at designing their own bucket at home! we would love to see pictures of this in their home books or sent to us.
Please send any emails to: or
Messages to Parents
Home-School Learning
We will be continuing this week with making marks to show numbers. Last week you may have seen the start of our ‘Buckets ‘R’ Us’ shop. The children were making marks for how much the buckets cost and selling lots. This area will be moving this week into our outdoor classroom as it needs to be a little bigger. It would be great if you could support your children making marks for numbers. This could be done by asking what favourite chocolates, fruits or colours you may have at home and making marks to show how many people like what.
As mentioned above we are starting our Christmas preparations. If you your child would like to make any decorations for our nursery Christmas tree at home we would love to see them.
Please feel free to email any photographs of your child counting or completing activities with you, to or and add it to your child’s home school book!
Dress Down Day
In preparation for our Christmas Fair Tuesday (28th) is a dress down day and bring a bottle. This is an opportunity for children to wear what they would like and bring a bottle of choice to contribute to our bottle stall. Thank you.
When we do PE in the school hall, the children do this in bare feet. Could we just ask if your child comes to nursery in tights and you prefer their legs to be covered, could you please add a pair of leggings into their school bagand we will happily change them before we go down to school. We do this for safety, as wearing socks or tights can result in the children slipping. Thank you for your understanding.
30-Hour Places
If you are currently claiming 30 hours in nursery, please make sure you renew your code. Unfortunately, without renewing your code (they need to be updated every three months) you may risk losing the 30-hour place, you will not receive a new code but it will renew your current code ensuring that your place remains. Please feel free to speak to a member of the nursery team or the school office for any support with this.
Voluntary contribution
Thank you to everybody who has paid the £1 voluntary contribution last week. Your valuable contributions have paid for items to make Boris’ birthday cake, and resources for his little party as well as our ‘Billy’s Bucket’ book.
Learning Together and Library
This week we will be having our ‘Learning Together and Library Session’.
Every Wednesday is library day and our ‘Parent Learning Together’ session. This is 9:00-9:30 and 1:00-1:30.
Applying for School
You can now apply for your child’s school place for September 2018! Please use the link which will direct you to the Kirklees website with all of the information you need. We have also added the Kirklees Applications email and phone number. The application will take roughly 20 minutes to complete.
The closing date for school applications is Monday 15th January 2018. Any applications made after this date will unfortunately be late and therefore will be looked at last. If you would like any help with the application please feel free to speak to a member of the team. Please remember that unfortunately there is nothing we can do within school to guarantee your child a place at Batley Parish School. Remember to put three choices in your preferential order!
Kirklees Admissions Website -
Kirklees Admissions Email -
Kirklees Admissions Number - 01484 225007
We need you!
Please can we ask you to save any of the following for our junk modelling area;
●Kitchen roll tubes
●Plastic lids
●Yoghurt pots
●Old newspapers
●Cereal boxes
●Magazine with cars, bikes etc
●Children’s magazines for our home corner.
Unfortunately, we are unable to take toilet roll tubes.
Parents comments/ suggestions
If you have any comments or suggestions that you would like to make/ ask about your child’s learning, please feel free to do so here.