Research and Teaching Steering Group

Frequency of meetings:As required

Secretary:A member of Academic Registry (Alison Venis)

Reporting relationships:Reporting to University Learning and Teaching Committee

Quorum:50 % +1


Deputy Vice Chancellor Learning and Teaching (Chair)

  • Prof Craig Mahoney (from April 2007)

An Associate Dean(Learning and TeachingorResearch) from each School, ensuring a balance between Learning and Teaching and Research

  • Chris Wiggington(ASS), Jackie Guille (DE), Rebecca Strachan (CEIS), Helen Manns (AS), Kevin Robertson (PSS), Sharon Mavin (NBS), Charlotte Clarke (HCES), Debbie Rook (Law), Lesley Matthews (BE)

Head of Learning and Teaching Support

  • Alan Dordoy

Head of Research Support

  • Ruth Siddals

Terms of Reference

1.To advise the University Learning and Teaching and Research Committees on actions required in view of HEFCE’s strategic priority for the period 2006-9, of ‘ensuring that teaching is informed and enriched by research’

2.To devise and keep under review criteria for allocation of funding to School-based projects designed to meet the HEFCE objectives of:

  • Keeping the curriculum up-to-date and active, effectively supported by appropriate learning resources linked to recent research
  • Enabling staff to engage with developments in their field and link to developments in their teaching
  • Ensuring that courses are designed in ways that support the development of learning outcomes appropriate to the knowledge economy, including appropriate pedagogy – that is, students experiencing research, and developing research skills

3.To receive bids from Schools for projects as above, make judgements and allocate funding as appropriate

4.To monitor the progress of School-based projects, receive reports and review the operation of the scheme

5.To make recommendations on and provide support for dissemination of project outcomes and on staff development events, including conferences, to support the above objectives

6.To make recommendations on actions required to meet the fourth HEFCE objective of:

  • Embedding research-informed teaching in institutional structures, including human resources strategies and quality assurance processes

Notes: a) ‘Schools’ in the above can include the GraduateSchool

b) ‘Research’ can include pedagogical as well as subject-based research, where appropriate