Curriculum Vitae
Personal Data:
Name / Surname / Date of Birth /Nationality
/ Marital StatusTajbakhsh / Navid Chakherlou / 18,09,1968 / Iranian / M / Married
Telephone / Fax / E-mail
0411-3392492 / 0411-3354153 /
Educational Background: (Last One First)
Certificate Degree / Field of Specialization /Name of Institution Attended
/ Date ReceivedPh.D / Mechanical Eng. / University of Bath (UK, England) / 2002
MSc / Mechanical Eng. / Iran University of Science and Technolgy / 1995
BSc / Mechanical Eng. / Amir Kabir University of Technology / 1992
Title of Post-Graduate Thesis: An investigation about the fatigue behaviour of notched members
Title of Doctorate Thesis: An evaluation of cold expansion methods used for improving the fatigue life of fastener holes in aerospace aluminium alloy 7075-T6
Teaching Experiences: (Last One First)
Title of Course / Level /Dates
/Name of Institution
From / ToFinite element methods I and II / Ph.D, MSc / 2002 / now / University of Tabriz
Fatigue and fracture / MSc, PhD / 2002 / now / University of Tabriz
Theory of plasticity / Ph.D / 2002 / now / University of Tabriz
Thermoelasticity / Ph.D / 2002 / now / University of Tabriz
Continuum mechanics / MSc / 2002 / now / University of Tabriz
Metal forming / BSc / 2002 / now / University of Tabriz
Machine elements design I and II / BSc / 2002 / now / University of Tabriz
Dynamics / BSc / 2002 / now / University of Tabriz
Statics / BSc / 2002 / now / University of Tabriz
Statics / BSc / 1996 / 1999 / Sahand University of Technology
Dynamics / BSc / 1996 / 1999 / Sahand University of Technology
Strength of materials / BSc / 1996 / 1999 / Sahand University of Technology
Workshop / BSc / 1996 / 1999 / Sahand University of Technology
Administrative Responsibilities: (Last One First)
Job Title /Place of Work
/Name of Institution
From / ToWorkshop director / Material Eng. Dept. / 1996 / 1999 / Sahand University of Technology
Organizing of Eng Dept in Mianeh / Mianeh / 2006 / 2010 / University of Tabriz
Academic Positions: (Last One First)
Title of Position /Field of Specialization
/Name of Institution
Associated Prof. / Solid Mechanics / 2008 / now / University of TabrizAssistant Prof. / Solid Mechanics / 2002 / 2008 / University of Tabriz
Lecturer / Solid Mechanics / 1996 / 1999 / Sahand University of Technology
Master and Doctorate Thesis Supervision:
/Full Name of Student
/ Level /Title of Thesis
1 / Reza Hashemi Oskuei / MSc / An investigation about bolt clamping effect on stresses and strains distributions near fastener holes and its effect on fatigue life2 / Babak Abazadeh / MSc / An investigation about bolt clamping effect on crack propagation from hole under static load
3 / Afshin Babaei / MSc / An investigation about teperature effect on fatigue life of cold expanded fasterner holes
4 / Ali Hedayati / MSc / An investgation about interference fit levels on fatigue life of fastener holes
5 / Yagoub Mahdinia / MSc / Comparison of fatigue behaviour for lost foam and green sand casted specimens
6 / Morad Mirzajanzadeh / MSc / Investigating of interference effect on fatigue life of double shear lap joints
7 / Amin Yagoubi / MSc / FE analysis of pressure vessels in elastic-plastic region using radial return algorithm
8 / Mir Jalil Razavi Aghjeh / MSc / FEM analysis of plates in double shear lap bolted joints and investigation of their fatigue performance
9 / Amir Kazemi / MSc / Numerical and experimental investigations on torque coefficient in bolted joints
10 / Hossein Zakeri Asl / MSc / Finite element analysis of large deformations in elastic-plastic region using hyper elastic-plastic and hypo elastic-plastic models and comparison with experimental results
11 / Youness Alvandi-Tabrizi / MSc / An investigation into combined effects of cold expansion and bolt clamping on the fatigue performance of holed plates
12 / Hadi Nasseri Maleki / MSc / Investigation about bolt-preload (clamping) on fracture mode I & II
13 / Masoud Ajri Khameslou / MSc / An investigation on residual (pre-stress) variation in fastener holes under cyclic loading
14 / Hadi Taghi Zadeh / MSc / Comparison of theoretical and experimental interference fit and cold expansion methods in improving fatigue life of holed plates in double shear lap joints
15 / Amin Rozbeh / MSc / Experimental determination of friction coefficient and using it in FE analysis fretting and wear in double shear lap jonts
16 / Babak Abazadeh / Ph.D / The combined effect of bolt clamping and interference fit on fatigue life of double shear lap joints
17 / Mohammad Shakouri / Ph.D / The combined effect of bolt clamping and cold expansion on fatigue life of double shear lap joints
A: Books
Title / Type of Work /Publisher
/Date of Publication
Translation / CompilationPublications:
B: Papers
Title of Paper /Place of Publication
/Date of Publication
Effect of bolt clamping force on the fracture strength of mixed mode fracture in an edge crack with different sizes: Experimental and numerical investigation / Materials & Design(ISI Journal) / Accepted
On the prediction of fatigue life in double shear lap joints including interference fitted pin / Engineering Fracture Mechanics
(ISI Journal) / Accepted
Strain ratcheting and stress relaxation around interference-fitted single- holed plates under cyclic loading: experimental and numerical investigations / Fatigue and Fracture of Engineering Materials and Structures (ISI Journal) / Accepted
Fatigue life estimation of bolt clamped and interference fitted-bolt clamped double shear lap joints using multiaxial fatigue criteria / Materials & Design
(ISI Journal) / 2013
Effect of cold expansion and bolt clamping on fretting fatigue behavior of Al 2024-T3 in double shear lap joints / Engineering failure Analysis
(ISI Journal) / 2012
Investigating clamping force variations in Al2024-T3 interference fitted bolted joints under static and cyclic loading / Materials & Design
(ISI Journal) / 2012
On the variation of clamping force in bolted double lap
joints subjected to longitudinal loading: A numerical and
experimental investigation / Strain (An International Journal for Experimental Mechanics)
(ISI Journal) / 2012
Investigating bolt clamping force effect on the mixed mode fracture strength and stress intensity factor for an edge crack in PMMA specimens / Materials Science and Engineering: A
(ISI Journal) / 2012
Effect of cold expansion on the fatigue life of Al 2024-T3 in double shear lap joints: Experimental and numerical investigations / Materials & Design
(ISI Journal) / 2012
Experimental and numerical investigations about the combined effect of interference fit and bolt clamping on the fatigue behavior of Al 2024-T3 double shear lap joints / Materials & Design
(ISI Journal) / 2012
An experimental investigation of the bolt clamping force and friction effect on the fatigue behavior of aluminum alloy 2024-T3 double shear lap joint / Materials & Design
(ISI Journal) / 2011
The effect of interference-fit on fretting fatigue crack initiation and ΔK of a single pinned plate in 7075 Al-alloy / Engineering Fracture Mechanics
(ISI Journal) / 2011
On the fatigue behaviour of cold expanded fastener holes subjected to bolt tightening / International Journal of Fatigue
(ISI Journal) / 2011
Investigation of the fatigue life and crack growth in torque tightened bolted joints / Aerospace Science and Technology
(ISI Journal) / 2011
Estimation of fatigue life for plates including pre-treated fastener holes using different multiaxial fatigue criteria / International Journal of Fatigue
(ISI Journal) / 2011
Influence of lustrous carbon defects on the fatigue life of ductile iron castings using lost foam process / Materials & Design
(ISI Journal) / 2011
Fatigue crack growth and life prediction of a single interference fitted holed plate / Fatigue and Fracture of Engineering Materials and Structures
(ISI Journal) / 2010
Numerical simulation of residual stress relaxation around a cold-expanded fastener hole under longitudinal cyclic loading using different kinematic hardening models / Fatigue and Fracture of Engineering Materials and Structures
(ISI Journal) / 2010
Analysis of cold expanded fastener holes subjected to short time creep: Finite element modelling and fatigue tests / Materials & Design
(ISI Journal) / 2010
An investigation about interference fit effect on improving fatigue life of a holed single plate in joints / European Journal of Mechanics - A/Solids
(ISI Journal) / 2010
An FE analysis for assessing the effect of short-term exposure to elevated temperature on residual stresses around cold expanded fastener holes in aluminum alloy 7075-T6 / Materials & Design
(ISI Journal) / 2010
Reduction in clamping force due to applied longitudinal load to aerospace structural bolted plates / Aerospace Science and Technology
(ISI Journal) / 2009
Effect of hole lubrication on the fretting fatigue life of double shear lap joints: An experimental and numerical study / Engineering failure Analysis
(ISI Journal) / 2009
Experimental and numerical investigations into the
effect of an interference fit on the fatigue life of
double shear lap joints / Engineering failure Analysis
(ISI Journal) / 2009
The effect of bolt clamping force on the fracture strength and the stress intensity factor of a plate cntaining a fastener hole with edge cracks
(hot paper) / Engineering failure Analysis
(ISI Journal) / 2009
An experimental investigation on the effect of short time exposure to elevated temperature on fatigue life of cold expanded fastener holes / Material and Design
(ISI Journal) / 2008
Experimental and numerical investigation of the effect of clamping force on the fatigue behaviour of bolted plates
(hot paper) / Engineering failure Analysis
(ISI Journal) / 2008
A novel method of cold expansion which creates near uniform compressive tangential residual stress around a fastener hole / Fatigue & Fracture Engineerin Material Structure
(ISI Journal) / 2004
The effect of cold expansion on improving fatigue life of fastener holes / Engineering failure Analysis
(ISI Journal) / 2003
Finite volume use innumerical analysis of prismatic shaft under torque / Journal of Faculty of Engineering ( Uni of Tabriz / 2009
An investigation on bolt clamping force varation in bolted plate under axial loading: experimental and FE method / Journal of Faculty of Engineering ( Uni of Tabriz) / 2008
An investigation on fatigue failure mode of Al –alloy 7075-T6 in bolted joints / Journal of Amiri Kabir (Amir Kabir Uni of Sci & Tech.) / 2007
A nonlinear Finite element method for analysis of stresses in connectiong rod small-end during combustion stroke / Journal of Faculty of Engineering ( Uni of Tabriz) / 2006
Nonlienar FE method for stress analysis of connecting rod in internal combustion engines / Jounal of Engine Research (IRAN) / 2006
Research Activities:
Title of Project
/Place of Work
Fatigue life improvement of holed plates used in aerospace industry / University of Bath (UK) / 2000 / 2002Neuber, intermediate and strain energy density method used to predict plastic strain around notched members and fatigue life / Iran science and technology university / 1995 / 1996
Comparison of fatigue life in lost foam and green sand casted specimens / University of Tabriz / 2005 / 2008
Research Interests:
-Fatigue and fracture-Finite element methods
-Plasticity and thermoelasticity
Papers Presented at National and International Scientific Assemblies:
Title of Paper
/Title and Place of Assembly
Determination from fretting fatigue to fretting wear fatigue in double shear lap joints / 20th Annual (International) Mechanical Engineering Conference May 15-17 2012(Shiraz, Iran) / 2012FE simulation of residual stress in combined cold expansion and interference fit in holed joints / The 11th Conference of Iranian Aerospace Society
Feb 19-22 2012 Tehran / 2012
Fatigue crack growth life prection in cold expanded double shear lap joints / The 11th Conference of Iranian Aerospace Society
Feb 19-22 2012 Tehran / 2012
Numerical investigation of friction coefficient varation to determine fracture location and stresses in double shear lap joints / The 11th Conference of Iranian Aerospace Society
Feb 19-22 2012 Tehran / 2012
Exprimental investigation of fretting fatigue in double sheear lap joints / The 11th Conference of Iranian Aerospace Society
Feb 19-22 2012 Tehran / 2012
Experimental investigation of fatigue life improvement in bolted double shear lap joints of aerospace structures / 1th Iranian aircraft structural integrity program
University of Sharif (Tehran), July 4-6 2011 / 2011
Predicting fatigue crack growth from cold expanded fastener holes after being subjected to bolt tighting / 1th Iranian aircraft structural integrity program
University of Sharif (Tehran), July 4-6 2011 / 2011
Numerical investigation of geometry parameteres and mechanical specification on single lap Al-alloy glued joints / 1th Iranian aircraft structural integrity program
University of Sharif (Tehran), July 4-6 2011 / 2011
Numerical and experimental investigation of fatigue life in bolted Al-alloy double shear lap joint with different bolt pre-loads / 1th Iranian aircraft structural integrity program
University of Sharif (Tehran), July 4-6 2011 / 2011
Determination of fatigue life in compound (bolt/glue) double shear lap joints under different bolt pre-loads by using experimental and numerical methods / 1th Iranian aircraft structural integrity program
University of Sharif (Tehran), July 4-6 2011 / 2011
Experimental and numerical investigation of bolt tightening effect on the fracture of a joint / 19th Annual Mechanical Engineering Conference (Birjand University, Iran) / 2011
Experimental and numerical investigation of lubrication effect on mechanical behaviour in double shear lap joints subject to fatigue loading / 19th Annual Mechanical Engineering Conference (Birjand University, Iran) / 2011
Experimental and numerical investigations of fretting in bolted double shear lap joints under fatigue loading / The 10th Conference of Iranian Aerospace Society
March 1 2011 Tehran / 2011
Simulation of material behaviou for large deformation and strain in metal forming using FE with hyper-elastic plastic models / 11th Congress on Manufacturing Engineering
Oct 19-21 2010 University of Tabriz -Iran / 2010