Charlton Horethorne CE VA Primary School
Learning together in friendship and faith
Newsletter Number 2
Friday 23rd September 2016
Dear Parents
I cannot believe that we have already been back at school for three weeks! I am thrilled to say that the children have all settled very well, especially the Reception children. It seems as though they have been here forever; they are a joy to chat with and are so confident around school.
Here are a few of their thoughts about starting school:
Olivia: “I love school and like playing outside.”
Leanna: “My favourite part of school is the welly walk and I love school.”
Nancy: “I like playing with my friends and I like PE.”
Sophia: “I like playing and eating my lunch.”
Mangir: “I like drawing and painting.”
George: “I love playing outside on the bikes and playing with the farm.”
Fred: “I like snack time and playing horses.”
Frederick: “My favourite thing is playing in the conservatory with my friends and going on the computers.”
Jacob: “I like going on the computers and playing in the home corner.”
Elodie: “My favourite time is going outside and I like writing my name.”
Breaktime Snacks
Thank you to all the parents who have been providing their child/ren with a healthy snack for break time. It is so pleasing to see the children having a healthier snack at playtime and saving their ‘treats’ for lunchtime.
This fits in so well with our Healthy Eating ethos because as a Healthy School we work hard to promote healthy eating and sensible food choices with the children. Thank you for your support with this.
Roald Dahl Day
Thank you to everyone who provided costumes and props for Roald Dahl Day. The children had a great day with Dahl based lessons. In the afternoon KS2 watched a live webcast which included extracts from Matilda and a lesson showing them how to draw like Quentin Blake.
Guitar Lessons?
Would any children like to learn to play the guitar? If so we will do our best to find a guitar teacher. Please let Mrs Vaughan know if your child would be interested.
Dates for this half term:
29 09 16Governors’ meeting 6pm
10 10 16School photos – individual portraits and family groups (if you have younger siblings to be included in the family group please bring them to the hall at 9am as these will be done first)
14 10 16Open morning from 10.30am
17 10 16Parents’ evening (1)
19 10 16Parents’ evening (2)
21 10 16Harvest service in the Church at 1.45pm
24 10-28 10 16Half term
31 10 16Inservice training day