STUDENT GUIDE 2009– 2010
· Class attendance is mandatory . (See «Absence»)
· A missed exam may be retaken only on retake evenings or in a private course. (See «Exam retake ») You must have your retake exam form dually filled out and signed by the teacher in order to register for a retake evening. There is a fee for each exam on the retake evenings. (See «Miscellaneous fees») A student, who writes an exam after the scheduled date and time for his group, will not obtain a grade higher than 70% regardless of the actual grade. (See «Failure»)
· It is recommended that students take note of all their grades.
· Class retake requests are done either in person or by phone with the registrar’s office on weekdays.
· If a student is not present for a retake evening for which they have registered, the fees are neither transferable nor refundable.
· There is a 6-week delay to produce attestations and/or diplomas. (See “Attestations and diplomas”)
· A late payment will result in an administration fee. (See «Miscellaneous fees»)
· Counsellors are responsible for forwarding diplomas to graduates. (See “Counsellors”)
· Permanent group changes are done with a counsellor.
· Registrations are completed with a counsellor.
· It is possible to make payments or instalments at the reception desk or by telephone with a credit card.
· To cancel the contract, students must complete the contract withdrawal form which is on the back of the registration form. (See “Withdrawal”)
· Students may reserve class rooms for study or practice at the reception desk, according to availability. (See “Access to premises”)
· Students are responsible for providing the models required for the student clinics. (See “Student clinic”)
· Smoking is forbidden in the school buildings as well as within a distance of 9 meters of the entrances.
Please note that the masculine gender is used throughout this guide in order to harmonize the text.
1. Absence
Registration for massage therapy training constitutes a COMMITMENT on your part. Your presence in class is mandatory. In the event of an absence, please see “Course retake”.
In the event of an absence of more than two consecutive classes, the instructor will notify a counsellor or the registrar, who will follow up with the student.
For an exam (See «Exams»)
o Exam must be completed on the days and times specified for each class module, in the schedule for which the student is registered.
o Students who are not present for an exam or obtain a failing grade can retake the exam during a retake evening but will not obtain a grade higher than 70%.
o The number of retakes is limited to 2 per exam; otherwise the module must be taken over. (Also see «Exam retake»)
o It is strictly prohibited to leave the classroom before completing an exam
For religious beliefs
o Some religions demand observances that involve non-participation on certain dates.
o If this is the case, the student shall inform his counsellor of this impediment before the first week of classes.
o Administrative services shall then inform the instructor(s) involved, who will then make arrangements with the student for accommodating his/her religious restrictions.
If the instructor is absent or late
o When an instructor is absent or late, the staff will advise the students about actions to be taken.
o If late, the student will not be reimbursed for class time not attended.
o Consequences of lateness shall be as follows:
§ A note shall be made in the student’s record.
§ The student must wait until the break before being able to join the class.
2. Accessibility to the school (Also see “Main entrance”)
Kiné-Concept Institute shares its entrance with Myo-Massage Clinic, which is situated on the first floor. In order for students and clients to circulate freely, please keep the entrance clear at all times.
3. Accessibility to student record by the personnel (also see “student record”)
In respect of confidentiality, the following employees are the only persons who have access to a student’s record without special authorization:
§ Directors
§ Counsellors
§ Administrative services
§ Registrar
4. Accessibility to student record by the student (also see “student record”)
o The student shall have access to his records upon request. He/she need only go to the registrar’s office with a piece of photo ID in hand. Note that no records may be consulted without this ID. We urge the students to take note of their results as they are submitted to them in class, in the table provided for this purpose at the end of this planner.
o Required authorization: any request for distribution or copying, in full or in part, of a file must be expressly authorized in writing by the student involved, in cases where the law requires or permits it.
5. Access to class
o See « Non-payment of tuition fees »
o See « Failure »
o See « Final exams »
o See « Final stage »
6. Access to premises
o Students have access to the premises at no charge for practice and/or study when facilities are available, during institute business hours. A reservation with the reception desk must be made in advance. They must submit a piece of identification documentation in exchange for the key to the premises.
o Other than for reservations of classrooms, keys to the premises are for the sole use of instructors and assistants.
o The practice of massage outside of class hours on Institute premises is done on a volunteer basis.
o It is likely that the student will share the classroom with other students.
o For reasons of hygiene, students and their guests should remove their boots before entering the classrooms.
o The classrooms must be returned to their initial condition when students leave.
o During the reserved period, the students are equally responsible for all borrowed materials. (See “Borrowing material”)
7. Activities
o The activities organized by the Institute are posted on the bulletin boards inside the school and the website, in the periodical Kiné-Info and are sent by email for those with an email address.
o For each activity, students need to register at the reception or with the Center for Professional Success in massage therapy and spa in order to participate. (See “Center for professional Success in massage therapy and spa”)
8. Admissibility
1- You must hold a high school diploma or the equivalent, and all other prerequisites proper to each of the professional training programs.
2- You must be 18 years of age or older. For students under 18 years of age, a written parental authorization is required.
3- You must have satisfactory written and spoken knowledge of the language in which the training is given. (English or French).
4- You must know the basic massage maneuvers for the technique, in other words, have completed the initiation course at Kiné-Concept Institute.
5- A mature student status may be granted to candidates who do not meet the necessary admission requirements if they are 19 years of age or older.
6- In order to be admissible to Kiné-Concept Institute, the candidate must not have an open criminal dossier.
9. Alcohol and drugs
Consumption of alcohol or illegal drugs or attending classes while under their influence is prohibited. Any infraction may lead to expulsion from the Institute. If you suffer from problems of this type, refer to the “Resources” page in the annexes.
10. Appointments
To make an appointment with a member of the Kiné-Concept team, students need to submit their request directly by email to the person concerned. (See page “The Team” in annexes.)
11. Attendance (see “Absence”)
12. Attestations and Diplomas
o Kiné-Concept Institute does not emit partial attestations.
o Registration: to obtain a confirmation of registration, the request should be made to the Registrar.
o Continuing Education
§ The student will receive an attestation for the course(s) he has successfully completed and for which payment has been completed.
§ A delay of six weeks is required for an attestation to be issued. It will be sent to the student by mail.
§ Attestation are issued free of charge.
§ A fee of $10 will be charged for an additional copy.
o Professional
§ The attestation and diploma will be issued for courses for which all evaluations have been successfully completed and for which payment has been received.
§ A delay of six weeks is required for the final attestation and diploma to be issued.
§ The counsellor will contact the student when the documents are ready.
§ A fee of $20 will be charged for another copy of the diploma.
13. Behaviour
o Punctuality and assiduity are of the utmost importance.
o It is not permitted to photograph and/or record on tape (video or audio) any portion of the course. It is also forbidden to copy any of the drawings used in the official course notes provided by Kiné-Concept.
o Neither solicitation, nor sales will be tolerated on the school premises.
o The school will not give out telephone numbers of students, teachers, assistants or support staff for any reason whatsoever.
o Each student and all teaching and school staff are bound to respect each other regardless of age, gender, sexual orientation, ethnicity, religious belief or philosophy. Solicitation is not permitted on the school premises.
o It is understood that all students will be respectful toward each other at all times. Sexual advances and/or insinuations (physical and/or verbal), off-colour jokes or any other show of disrespect toward another student or guest will not be tolerated. The consequence of such an act could be expulsion from the Institute.
14. Borrowing material
o When borrowing material (books, cassettes, keys, other), an identification card with photograph must be left with the reception.
o The borrowed material must not leave the school.
o In the event of loss, the student is responsible for the replacement costs.
15. Brochure
The Institute publishes a continuing education guide in order to keep the students informed on the upcoming continuing education courses and their availability for registration. The brochure is available at the reception. The information is equally available on the website.
16. Bulletin board
Students should take the habit of checking the bulletin boards regularly. It can contain information such as:
o Conferences
o Continuing education class dates
o Activities organised by the Institute
o Administration notices, job offers, memos, etc.
Any information a student wishes to post on bulletin boards must first be approved by the school administration. Students should submit their requests at the reception desk.
17. Business hours
Monday to Thursday from 8:00 am to 10:30 pm Saturday from 8:00 am to 6:00 pm
Friday from 8:00 am to 9:30 pm Sunday from 8:00 am to 6:00 pm
Please note that administrative services are available as of 8:30 am.
18. Center for professionnal success in massage therapy ans spa (Student placement)
For all information concerning student placement, contact Louise St-Denis at or or phone 514.272.3883.
Detailed descriptions of services are available in the annexes.
19. Changing address
o It is important to give your new address to the reception, the registrar or a counsellor.
o In order to stay well informed, even when not attending courses, graduates should keep their contact information up to date.
20. Classroom
o Out of respect for other students and guests, chewing gum is prohibited during class and stages.
o In winter, boots must be left outside the classrooms. Spaces are reserved for this purpose.
o Students are responsible for their surroundings in class (anatomical charts, chairs, tables, walls and floors, radios, televisions, etc). This implies they will be held responsible for any intentional loss or damage and will be responsible for replacement costs determined by the Institute.
o The use of the showers and the bathrooms of the ground floor are EXCLUSIVELY reserved for Myo-Massage® customers. Students are directed to use the bathrooms located on the second and third floors.
o Classrooms 536-101 and 536-102 are located at 536 St-Zotique St. East.
o Classroom 551 is located at 551, Saint-Zotique St. East.
o Classroom 515 is located at 515, Saint-Zotique St. East.
o Classroom 550-101 and 550-102 are located at 550, Saint-Zotique St. East.
o In room 401, there are mats for shiatsu classes. Out of respect for shiatsu students as well as their models who must lie down on these mats, it is absolutely necessary to remove boots and shoes before circulating in the room.
o Before leaving, students should place the room in its initial state and put the chairs on the tables. It is equally important to ensure that the windows are closed and any electronic equipment (A/C, VCR, lights, etc.) is turned off.
21. Classroom reservation
o Classrooms availability:
§ Monday to Thursday: 9:00 a.m. to 22:00 p.m.
§ Friday: 9:00 a.m. to 21:00 p.m.
§ Saturday and Sunday: 9:00 a.m. to 17:30 p.m.
o A photo identity card is required in order to access classrooms for practice.
o The key is the responsibility of the person who borrows it and must stay on school premises.
22. Code of ethics
All students are expected to respect the code of ethics which will be given to them in their Professional issues course.
23. Complaint (See “Ombudsman” or “Problems or conflicts”)
24. Conferences
Throughout the year, various free conferences are presented at the Institute. Information regarding these conferences will appear in the publication Kiné-Info, on the bulletin board and website. To attend a conference, you must register either at the reception desk or at the Center for Professional Success.
25. Conflict (See “Problems or conflicts”)
26. Continuing education
o You will find information about these courses in the Continuing Education brochure, the Kiné-Info, on the bulletin board and website.
o Students can meet with a counsellor for information regarding courses, dates and registration.