Faculty of Education, Humanities and Law
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CRICOS Provider No. 00114A
Research Components of Postgraduate Coursework Awards
Mid-Point Review of Progress
(Applicable to Research Components of 18 units or more, or 12 or 13.5 units with DVCA approval)
Read Section 9: Progress and Reports of the Policy and Procedures for Research Components of Postgraduate Coursework Awards ().
This form is to be completed by the student and the principal supervisor, who are encouraged first to discuss progress to date and future plans. The order of completion is for the Student to complete Parts A and B, then forward this form to the Principal Supervisor; the Principal Supervisor to complete Part C, then forward this form to the Dean of School (or Nominee); and for the Dean (or Nominee) to complete Part D, and initiate any such further action as may be required.
Students and supervisors should retain a copy of the completed and signed review for their records.
Student ID:Student Name:
Topic Code(s):
Title of Research Project(s):
Unit Value of Research Component:
PART B: STUDENT PROGRESS REPORT (to be completed by the Student)
►Has your supervisor specified a timeline for the completion of your research proposal?
►Have you submitted a research proposal within the agreed timeframe?
►Has your supervisor specified timelinesregarding expectationsthat you meet certain milestones to guide your work on your research project?
►Have you met the milestones to date?
►How would you rate your overall progress towards completion of your research project compared with your expected schedule?
Well behindA little behindOn targetA little aheadWell ahead
►If you have not submitted a research proposal, or not met agreed milestones, or otherwise consider yourself to be behind schedule at this stage, comment on the reasons, including any factors (eg, professional or personal circumstances) that have affected your progress, indicating the extent and duration of this impact.
►Outline your expectations for completing the Research Component in relation to the timelines specified by your supervisor. If you have indicated above that your progress to date is behind schedule, explain how any challenges to timely completion will be overcome or dealt with.
I have discussed the progress of my research project with my supervisor(s).
I certify that this report is an accurate record of my progress at the mid-point of my research project.
Student Signature:Student Name: / Date
Student now to forward this form to Principal Supervisor
PART C: SUPERVISOR PROGRESS REPORT (to be completed by Principal Supervisor)
►Report on the mid-point progress of the student. In particular, please address whether the student has:
- submitted a research proposal to acceptable standard;
- made adequate progressin relation to agreed timelines and milestones; and
- reported accurately and satisfactorily (above) concerning progress and other related matters.
►If the student is behind schedule, briefly describe the steps that are being taken to address the situation.
►Please outline your expectations as to how the student’s work will proceed from this point in time, and outline any recommendations you would like to make to the Dean (or Nominee).
I believe this report is an accurate record of the student’s progress at the mid-point of his/her research project.
Principal Supervisor Signature:Name of Principal Supervisor: / Date
Supervisor now to forward this form to Dean of School (or Nominee)
I am of the opinion that the student has made satisfactory progress at the mid-point of the research component and recommend that the student be allowed to continue.
Prior to making any of the following recommendations, the Dean (or nominee) must discuss this Progress Report with the Student and ensure that its contents, particularly the Supervisor’s evaluation and remarks, are disclosed to the Student. If the student disputes any element of the Supervisor’s evaluation or comments, the Dean (or nominee) must consult further with the Supervisor.
I am of the opinion that the student has not made satisfactory progress at the mid-point of the research component and recommend that the following course of action be taken:
take no action (the student may continue their enrolment in the normal way); or
permit the student to continue his or her enrolment subject to the following conditions; or
ask the student to show cause why he or she should not be transferred to another appropriate award*; or
ask the student to show cause why he or she should not be precluded from re-enrolling in the course for up to five years*; or
ask the student to show cause why his or her enrolment in the course should not be terminated*.
* The Secretary of the Faculty Student Progress Committee will initiate the show cause process. Please forward a copy of this form to the Secretary, Mrs Charmaine Laattoe, in the Faculty Office.
Set out below the reasons for taking the above course of action:
I confirm that appropriate student (and, if necessary, supervisor) discussion and disclosure has occurred.
Reasons for recommending above course of action:
Signature of Dean of School (or nominee):Name of Dean of School (or nominee): / Date
Research Components of Postgraduate Coursework Awards: Policies and Procedures
9. Progress and Reports
9.1 It is the responsibility of the supervisors to monitor the performance of the student relative to the research project objectives, and to ensure that inadequate progress or work below the standard generally expected is brought to the student's attention in writing. Regular contact between the student and supervisors, as outlined in the responsibilities of the student and supervisor, should facilitate the early identification of problems and the provision of timely academic counselling.
9.2 The Faculty will undertake a formal review of the progress of each student at the mid-point of the research project. The review will take the form of written reports to the Dean of School, or nominee, from the student and the supervisors documenting progress and outlining expectations for completion. The Faculty may at any other time review the progress of the student in the research component of the course, taking into account recommendations from the supervisor or Dean of School, or nominee
9.3 To enhance the development of students' skills, each School will organise activities such as seminars, work-in-progress sessions, and workshops, whereby students are able to make regular oral presentations to staff and their peers on the progress of their research.
9.4 During the research component of a postgraduate coursework award, the principal supervisor will specify a timeline for the completion of a research proposal and timelines by which the student is expected to meet milestones towards his or her research project to enable review of the student's progress.
9.5 Unsatisfactory progress in a research component of a coursework postgraduate award is defined as:
(a) failing to submit a research proposal within the specified timeline or failing to submit a proposal of an acceptable standard in the opinion of the supervisors; or
(b) failing to provide a satisfactory report at the mid-point of the research project in the opinion of the supervisors and Dean of School (or nominee); or
(c) failing to make adequate progress towards timelines set by the supervisor required to meet the objectives of the research project.
9.6 If the progress of a student in a research component of a postgraduate coursework award is deemed to be unsatisfactory, the Faculty may take one of the following courses of action. In each case, the reasons for taking a particular course of action will be fully documented:
(a) take no action (which means that student may continue their enrolment in the normal way); or
(b) permit the student to continue his or her enrolment subject to such conditions as the Faculty may impose; or
(c) ask the student to show cause why he or she should not be transferred to another appropriate award; or
(d) ask the student to show cause why he or she should not be precluded from re-enrolling in the course for up to five years; or
(e) ask the student to show cause why his or her enrolment in the course should not be terminated.
9.7 Should the Faculty determine to ask a student to show cause why one of the courses of action listed in clause 9.6 should not be taken, the following procedures will apply:
(a) the student will be sent a letter to their nominated postal address by registered mail and University email account inviting him or her to show cause why one of the courses of action listed in clause 9.6 should not be taken;
(b) the letter will be in a standard format approved by the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic) and will notify the student that if he or she does not reply within a specified time period the specified course of action will be taken;
(c) a student who receives such a letter may request an interview (as detailed in the letter they receive) to discuss his or her response to the letter. If requested, an interview must be granted.
9.8 The Faculty will consider the case of any student whose progress has been identified as unsatisfactory, taking into account any response from the student, and shall determine which course of action outlined in Clause 9.6 of this policy is appropriate. If a student fails to respond to a request to show cause, the Faculty will take the course of action as detailed in the show cause letter The Faculty will inform the student by letter, without delay, of its decision and the reasons for the decision. The letter will be sent to the student's nominated postal address by registered mail and University email account.
9.9 Appeals against Outcomes of Review of Student Progress
A student who wishes to appeal against the decision of a Faculty in relation to unsatisfactory progress will, in the first instance and without delay, discuss the matter with the Secretary or Chairperson of the relevant Faculty Committee Should the student still be dissatisfied with the response he or she may appeal to the Student Appeals Committee. An appeal may be lodged only on the following grounds:
- the appropriate policy was not adhered to or correct procedures were not followed in considering the matter; and/or
- the decision was made without due regard to facts, evidence or circumstances; and/or
- the penalty was too harsh.
9.10 A student wishing to appeal to the Student Appeals Committee must lodge the appeal with the Manager, Student Policy and Projects within 20 working days of the date of the notification of the Faculty's determination. The appeal must:
- be accompanied by the original show cause submission, any correspondence which the student has received from the University in relation to the request to show cause, and the outcome of the deliberations;
- include details of the grounds for the appeal, including evidence in support of the student's case (together with supporting documentation);
- include any additional information which the student considers relevant;
- specify what outcome is sought.
9.11 All other matters relevant to an appeal and its conduct will be governed by the provisions of the Student Appeals and Complaints Policy and Procedures.
9.12 Recording of outcomes of review of student progress
9.12.1 Termination or preclusion from re-enrolment in a course will appear on the student's official academic transcript. Preclusion will only appear for the duration of that preclusion.
9.12.2 No other outcomes of a review of a student's progress will be recorded on the academic transcript.
9.12.3 Information on terminations, preclusions, restricted enrolments and contract enrolments will be entered into the Student Information System in order to be available to staff members processing enrolments.
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