02 Feb 2017 doc: 18-17/0033r00

IEEE 802.18

Radio Regulatory-TAG

Radio Regulatory Technical Advisory Group Minutes
Date: 02 Feb 2017
Name / Affiliation / Address / Phone / email
Jay Holcomb,
Vice Chair, RR-TAG / Itron / Liberty Lake, WA / +1(509) 891-3281 /
Officer presiding:
Rich Kennedy,
Chair, RR-TAG / HP Enterprise / Austin, TX / +1(737) 202-7014 /


Minutes of the IEEE 802 RR-TAG Teleconference.

These are the Minutes of the IEEE 802 RR-TAG Teleconference, Thursday, 02 Feb 2017.

Attendees: 7 voters:

Holcomb Jay Itron Inc.

Kennedy Richard Hewlett Packard Enterprise

Lepp James BlackBerry

Nejatian Alireza Ericsson AB

Notor John Notor Research

Scott Andy NCTA

Yaghoobi Hassan Intel Corporation

1.  The Chair called the meeting to order at 14:33 ET.

2.  Chair presents 802.18-17/0030r01as the meeting plan and agenda. The proposed agenda:

a.  Review and approve the agenda

b.  Discussion items

i.  Regulatory work in progress

ii.  Status of completed work

c.  Actions required

i.  ISED (Canada) consultation

d.  AOB and Adjourn

3.  Chair reviews and asks for any agenda changes.

a.  Hearing none, Chair asks if any objections to approve proposed agenda.

b.  Hearing none, 18-17/0030r01 teleconference plan and agenda (slide 2) is approved by unanimous consent.

4.  Chair presents slides 3, 4 and 5; IEEE 802 meeting and participant’s guidelines.

5.  Chair presents slide 6, Discussion Items:

a.  ETSI BRAN and ERM TG11 updates

b.  FCC updates


d.  Department of Commerce IoT Green Paper

e.  Amtrak Waiver Request

6.  Chair presents slide 7, ETSI updates

a.  EN 300 328 (2.4 GHz)

b.  V2.1.1 approved in ENAP; will be published 14-Feb-17

i.  V2.2.1 in process

ii.  Receiver requirements tightening

iii.  Some regulators are asking for tighter receiver selectivity, nothing formal yet.

c.  EN 301 893 (5 GHz)

i.  Approved in BRAN

ii.  Following ETSI EditHelp review, submitted for public comment

iii.  Expecting NATO comments on outdoor noise floor value.

iv.  Have heard there may be more inputs coming.

d.  EN 302 567 (60 GHz)

i.  Ready was approved by BRAN at December meeting (BRAN#91)

e.  EN 301 598 (TVWS)

i.  Completed RED changes; was approved in December BRAN meeting

7.  Chair presents slide 8, ETSI Updates [2]

a.  Technical Reports on 5 GHz band sharing

b.  TR 103 317 EESS in the 5 350 MHz to 5 470 MHz band

i.  Will not be pursued further

c.  TR 103 318 Radiolocation Systems in the 5 350 MHz to 5 470 MHz and 5 725 MHz to 5 850 MHz bands

i.  Will drop the 5.4 GHz band

ii.  French trying to add FH radar outside 5.4 GHz.

1.  There are several points to what is going on here.

d.  TR 103 319 Road Tolling and Intelligent Transport systems in the 5 725 MHz to 5 925 MHz band

8.  Chair presents slide 9; NHTSA NPRM with focus on Vehicle to Vehicle, V2V,

a.  https://mentor.ieee.org/802.18/dcn/16/18-16-0097-00-0000-nhsta-v2v-nprm-toc.doc

b.  National Highway Traffic Safety Administration

c.  U.S. DOT advances deployment of Connected Vehicle Technology to prevent hundreds of thousands of crashes

i.  NHTSA Notice of Proposed Rulemaking on V2V Communications

d.  This NPRM has been published in the Federal Register today. Comments due 12 April.

i.  IEEE 802.18 should review and possibly comment.

9.  Chair presents slide 10, Commerce Dept. IoT Green Paper

a.  https://mentor.ieee.org/802.18/dcn/17/18-17-0032-00-0000-commerce-department-iot-green-paper.pdf

b.  Comments due February 27, 2017


d.  IEEE 802.18 may have interest, though would need comments done in the next week or so.

10.  Chair present slide 11, Amtrak Waiver Request

a.  https://mentor.ieee.org/802.18/dcn/17/18-17-0031-00-0000-amtrak-waiver-request-pn.pdf

b.  Comments due February 27, 2017

c.  “…waiver of Sections 15.407 (a)(1)(iii) an 15.407(a)(3) of the Commission’s rules to allow Amtrak’s trackside network (TSN) in the Northeast Corridor (NEC) to operate under the specifications that apply to fixed point-to-point operation in the 5.15-5.25 GHz (U-NII-1) and 5.75-5.825 GHz (U-NII- 3) bands”

d.  Looks to be just one point to comment on, coexistence with the other 2.4GHz, e.g. WiFi users along the tracks.

11.  Chair presents slide 12, ACMA,Australia Communications and Media Authority, Consultations

a.  Australia Communications and Media Authority

b.  Reconfiguring the 890–915/935–960 MHz band

i.  http://www.acma.gov.au/Industry/Spectrum/Spectrum-projects/800-and-900-MHz-bands/reconfiguring-the-890-915-935-960-mhz-band

ii.  Comments due February 24, 2017

12.  Chair presents slide 13, IEEE 802 positions for WRC-19

a.  Regulators in developing countries are interested in the IEEE 802 positions, to help them formulate their inputs

b.  Applicable agenda items

i.  1.12 ITS harmonization May have someone to help here.

ii.  1.13 IMT

iii.  1.14 HAPS Facebook possibly

iv.  1.15 275 GHz 802.15 3d chair looking at this.

v.  1.16 5 GHz

vi.  Issue 9.1.5

c.  Formal “Position Paper”

d.  Do we want to submit as a sector member?

13.  Chair presents slide 14, FCC updates

a.  January 2017 will bring a new regime,

i.  Chairman Wheeler stepped down, Ajit Pai appointed Chairman

ii.  Republicans will be the majority

iii.  Currently operating with minimum number of commissioners (3)

14.  Chair presents slide 15, Actions Required, ISED (Canada) Consultation

a.  https://mentor.ieee.org/802.18/dcn/17/18-17-0029-00-0000-ised-consultation-on-5150-5250.pdf

b.  Comments due March 29, 2017

c.  “… whether to modify the current technical and policy framework for radio local area network (RLAN) devices operating in the 5150-5250 MHz frequency band.”

d.  Discussion is on harmonization with the USA and ITU.

i.  See agenda for the 3 primary questions being asked.

e.  One thing to consider is the outdoor use is for cars also, which should be considered in comments.

15.  Chair presents slide 17, AOB

a.  Regulatory calendar

b.  Next meeting: February 16, 2017

16.  Chair asks is there any other business?

a.  Hearing none, Chair asks is there any objections to adjourning?

b.  Hearing none, we are adjourned at 15:09 ET

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