Minutes of the Physics Division ES&H Committee
April 17, 2006
John Emes
Maurice Garcia-Sciveres
Richard Kadel
John Kadyk
Ron Madaras
Nick Palaio
Frank Rosado
Tony Spadafora
Marty White
Phyllis Pei (Excused)
Cathy Thompson
SRC Report
- March: Annual meeting with Director
o Chu very concerned with PIs involvement with safety at LBNL
o Safety responsibilities should not be passed down to a second party
o Some instances may require designating another responsible person
o Safety starts at the top!
- MESH Report for Directorate/Operations Division
o Reviewed after 2 years, instead of 3
o Addressed advertising reportable injuries in TABL; now being done
o Summary report is available from Richard Kadel
EH&S Org Update (Physics)
- Breakdown of tasks and responsibilities (handout)
- Some items are still subject to change
- Group leaders have increased responsibility
- Important for group leaders to do informal walkthroughs THEMSELVES
- More direct involvement needed from PIs and Group Leaders
- Safety Committee is still working on the transition with Kathie Hardy now gone
2006 Vertical Slice Draft (Handout)
- Raw data not included
- Feedback from committee encouraged
- Employee, Guest, GSRA, Students: Results
o 31% are aware of a job description
o Not all students have a job description – Discussion
o 90% work actively with supervisor
o 17% did not know what ISM is
o Most were given a tour of LBNL and are aware of their responsibilities
o 69% don’t know what Pub-3000 is
o Wide variety of answers about emergency info
o 62% know the safety coordinator
- Group Leaders: Results
o 60% delegate safety responsibilities to someone else
o 40% rely on JHQ for safety training requirements
o 30% address ergo through classes, 60% through evals
o 80% include safety awareness in employee evaluations
o Many people mentioned ergo issues during their interview
o There is no paper trail to show that these things are being done
- Ergo seems to be an issue for both supervisors and employees
Action Item: Committee will look over draft and provide feedback to Marty
Review of EH&S Activity Quarterly Report and Checklists
- Some changes have been made to the form since the last meeting
- Forward any corrections to Ron Madaras (List of labs, etc.)
- Report provides a paper trail to show that Group Leaders and PIs are addressing safety
- Qtrly vs. Monthly walkthroughs: Qtrly is more formal; require database entry into CATS
- How do we know what to look for? Do we go strictly by what the checklists say?
- Instructions for safety databases are currently being developed
- Is a Project Notebook necessary? Discussion
Ergo Training
- Physics Division will now go back to Lab standard
- EHS0060 requirement based on answers in JHQ
Other Safety Committee Issues
- Everyone needs to retake JHQ; online version preferred
- Let Marty White know if there are any inaccuracies in employee profiles
- All Hands Meeting: May 2 @ 3:30PM, B50-Aud
- Fire escape in B50: Operable? Ron Madaras to check with Cathy Thompson
- Fire alarms are not located where listed – Entered into CATS
Next Meeting: May 15, 11AM-Noon, 50B-4205