1. Open MNGRGA web site http:nrega.nic.inand Click on District/Block Admin.

  1. Click on Programme Officer
  2. Click on Data Entry
  1. Select State for data entry

  1. Enter password for login
  1. After successful login following option will appear for Stretch allocation and Survey

  1. Allocation of Stretch for JobcardHolder

Through this option user can allocate stretch of road to a Jobcard holder for maintenance of plants.

Corresponding to each stretch a unique work code is generated in NREGASoft.Demand, Allocation and muster roll generation of the Job Card holder will be generated by normal procedure as in MIS on this stretch work code. The period of demand, allocation and muster roll will be of one month. Two muster Roll can be generated for each month.

  1. Total Length of Road (km): The figure will reflect from the data base earlier created for the total length of road, on which tree plantation was carried out. The total length of road may include multiple categories of roads like PMGSY, NH, & others.
  1. Total No. of plants: It will reflect total number of plants planted on the total length of road as mentioned above in point 1.

3. Data entry for ICON – Job card Holder

3.a. Name of the Road: This is name of a road from place A to place B,which belong to one of the category as mentioned below in point 3.c.

3.b. Plants located between Kilometre Stone: It refers to the exact location of the plants which are allotted to a particular Jobcard holder along the roadside. The Kilometre mentioned on the kilometer stone should be recorded. For illustration - 200 plants allotted to a Job card holder located between kilometer stone 333 to Kilometre Stone 334. A maximum distance upto 2 km will be allowed to an individual job card holder

3.c. Category of Road:Select the road, i.e. PMGSY or National Highways (NHs) or other roads. (Other roads include all roads (except PMGSY and NHs) including canal side plantations, State Highways etc.).

3.d. No. of plants allotted:Enter number of plants allotted to a Job card(JC) holder. (It will be up to a limit of 200 plants per JC holder).

3.e. Village: Name of the village to be entered

3.f. Job Card No.: The Job card number to whom trees are allotted to be entered.

3.g. Stretch Allocation Date:Enter the date of planting, which will be the stretch allocation date.

3.h. Work code for the stretch: The system will automatically generate a work code for the stretch of the road allocated to a JC holder.

3.i. Selected Plant species:Enter the names and number of plant species allotted to a JC holder.

(Note – While feeding the names of the plants, it should be the same name of that particular plant in all the Districts, so as to get uniformity and correct reporting)

3.j. Click submit to save information and it will generatea report

  1. Survey of Road side Tree Plantation

Surveyor will inspect/survey the maintenance work,done by the JC holderfor the allocated plants

  1. Select Work : Select work code from the drop down list
  1. Select Stretch Work: Select Stretch code from the drop down list
  1. Stretch Allocation Date: Automatically will be generated by the system.
  1. Survey Month:Select the month in which survey has been conducted, to estimate the survival of plant species and to check whether the notified tasks are accomplished or not.
  1. Expected No. of days: Automatically will be generated by the system.
  1. No. of Plants allotted: Automatically will be generated by the system.
  1. Stretch length (km): Automatically will be generatedby the system
  1. Notified task: If done, click YES, if not click NO.
  1. Name of the Plant and No. of plants surviving: It is to be entered on thedate of survey and it is the specie wise number of live plants counted.
  1. Survey date: To be entered. (The survey date will be in between last day of the month and up to seven days of the succeeding month., for illustration, if the Survey month is Jan 2015, then the survey date will be any of the dates between 31st Jan 2015 to 7th Feb. 2015)
  1. Designation:To be selected from the drop down list. The designation of the Official/person who conducted the survey.
  1. Name of the person: To be entered. Name of the Official/person who conducted the survey.

Click submitto save information and it will generatea report

By entering all these inputs, the system will be able to generate report- for an individual Job Card Holder, for a GP, for a Block, And for the State-

S.No / Name of GP / Name of Village / Work ID / Category of Road / Name of Road / From KM stone / To KM Stone / Survey Month / Name of Job Card Holder / Name of Plant / Speciewise No. of plants allotted / Speciewise No. of plants surviving
1 / 1.Mango / 100 / 90
2. Tamarind / 200 / 190