Ancient Egypt

Homebase: "Your mission is of the utmost importance! You must locate the burial mask of the Ancient Egyptian Pharaoh, Tutankhamen (King Tut.) On the inside of the mask is written a message. If you successfully decode this message you could solve our earth's environmental crisis. Your quest is to decode the Ancient Egyptian message and return to our time. To be successful, you must utilize all your available resources (books, experts, and your computer.) Your quest will be completed when each mission is finished successfully (see missions below.)

Travel Log to be submitted

During your quest, you will complete a travel log of your experiences. Your travel log should include the following items

  1. Supply list of items needed for your trip to Ancient Egypt.
  2. Pick 3 of your most popular sites of Ancient Egypt, Write a paragraph describing each site.
  3. Choose your favorite 3 books about Ancient Egypt. Discuss these with a friend.
  4. Complete a paragraph and illustration describing the objects you made for an Ancient Egyptian Market Day.
  5. Reflection on the game of Mancala. (two paragraphs)
  6. Illustrations of the Ancient Egyptian mummification process and your two projects from that mission.
  7. Your Ancient Egyptian Pharaoh project
  8. A Ancient Egyptian cartouche with your name written in Egyptian hieroglyphics
  9. Your "Ancient Egypt Webquest" completion certificate.


Mission 1

/ Make two Ancient Egyptian products to barter with at an Egyptian Market.

Mission 2

/ Why did the Ancient Egyptians make mummies?
What process did the Ancient Egyptians use to make mummies?
Have their mummies performed the job that they were created for?
Suggested activities:
Exploratorium: Make a Mummy
Experiment: Make a Fruit Mummy

Mission 3

/ You must visit each of the tombs. Study the artifacts and mummy that you find there to determine which tomb is the burial place of king Tut.

Mission 4

/ How did Ancient Egyptians Communicate with each other in writing?
Your wise instructor has told you to design and make a cartouche with your name.

Mission 5

/ Why is King Tut so crucial to our modern understanding of the Ancient Egyptians?

Mission 6

/ Decode the Message and Return to Homebase. Hurry, our time is running out! You are our last chance...

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