New Library Materials

January 14, 2002


National Association of State Directors of Special Education (NASDSE). (2001). Autism spectrum disorder: An update on politics and interpretations. s.l.: Author.

Call Number: SS-AVIS-08439

Keywords: Autism/Policy Development or Analysis

Curtis, Jamie Lee and Burton, LeVar. (n.d.). I am your child: Ready to learn. Dorling Kindersley.

Call Number: SS-AVIS-08460

Keywords: Child Development or Developmental Areas/Family Focused/Parent Audience

University of North Carolina Center for Public Television. (2000). North Carolina now: Day Care ratings. Research Triangle Park, NC: Author.

Call Number: SS-AVIS-08461

Keywords: Child Care Services/Quality or Effectiveness Indicators

Martin, Ginny and Tranchin, Rob. (2000). Ready for life: Investing in our children's future. Dallas/Fort Worth, TX: KERA.

Call Number: SS-AVIS-08462

Keywords: Child Development or Developmental Areas/Family Experience/Parent Audience

National Association of State Directors of Special Education (NASDSE). (2000). Accessing the general curriculum. Gibsonia, PA: Western Instructional Support System, Distance Learning Center.

Call Number: SS-AVIS-08463

Keywords: Assistive Technology/LRE or Inclusion

Veronica Bird Charitable Foundation. (2000). The different shades of autism: The screening and diagnosis of autistic spectrum disorders. Riva, MD: Author.

Call Number: SS-AVIS-08464

Keywords: Autism/Autistic or Pervasive Developmental Disordered (PDD)/Screening/Child Identification

Poulsen, Marie K and Cole, Carol K. (1996). Project relationship: creating and sustaining a nurturing community. Los Angeles, CA: Los Angeles Unified School District, Division of Special Education, Infant and Preschool Programs.

Call Number: SS-AVIS-08468

Keywords: Group Process and Meetings/Communication/Child Care Services/Special Education/Special Educators/Early Childhood Education/Early Intervention (General)

Child Assessment

Connecticut Birth to Three System. (1998). Service guideline 4: Infant mental health: Assessment and intervention guidance for service providers and families of young children. Author.

Call Number: FF-CHAS-08451

Keywords: Child Assessment Instrument/Assessment (or) Evaluation and Assessment/Child Development or Developmental Areas/Mental Health Focus/CT/Guidelines/Social or Emotional/Instrument or Questionnaire

Child Care

The David and Lucile Packard Foundation. (2001). Caring for infants and toddlers. Los Altos, CA:

Call Number: SS-Jour-08438

Keywords: Child Care Services/Child Care Providers/Child Development or Developmental Areas/Family Support Services/Policy Development or Analysis/Head Start/Federal Programs and Legislation

Child Development – Mental Health

Stark, Deborah R. (2000). A commitment to supporting the mental health of our youngest children: Report of the Infant Mental Health Forum, October 23-24, 2000. Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Administration on Children, Youth and Services.

Call Number: FF-CHDV-08422

Keywords: Child Development or Developmental Areas/Mental Health Focus

Cohen, Elena and Kaufmann, Roxane. (2000). Early childhood mental health consultation. Washington, DC: Center for Mental Health Services & U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration.

Call Number: FF-CHDV-08427

Keywords: Child Development or Developmental Areas/Mental Health Focus

Gowen, Jean W. and Nebrig, Judith B. (2001). Enhancing early emotional development: Guiding parents of young children. Baltimore, MD: Paul H. Brooks, Pub. Co.

Call Number: SS-CHDV-08435

Keywords: Child Development or Developmental Areas/Social or Emotional/Parent Audience


(2001). Teaching in the digital age: Emotional intelligence. San Rafael, CA: George Lucas Educational Foundation.

Call Number: FF-EDUC-08423

Keywords: Education/Social or Emotional

Koki, Stan, Broekhuizen, David L., and Uehara, Denise L. (2000). Prevention and intervention for effective classroom organization and management in Pacific classrooms. Honolulu, Hawai'i: Pacific Resources for Education and Learning.

Call Number: FF-EDUC-08443

Keywords: Education/Administration or Management/Social or Emotional

Mengel, Patricia, Payne-Betts, Beverly, Trohanis, Pascal, and Baars, Kathryn. (2001). North Carolina preschool services for children with disabilities: A profile of local education agency programs and practices, 2000-2001 School Year. Chapel Hill, NC: Frank Porter Graham Child Development Center, Department of Public Instruction, Exceptional Children Division.

Call Number: FF-EDUC-8428

Keywords: Directory Listing/NC/Local level/Preschool 3 through 5/Collaborator or UNC Product/NECTAS/Education/ECSE/Preschool in Public Schools

National Governors' Association, Center for Policy Research and Analysis, Task Force on Readiness. (1986). Time for results: The governors' 1991 report on education: Supporting works. Washington, DC: Author.

Call Number: SS-EDUC-03056-Supplement

Keywords: Position Statement/Education

Gardner, Howard. (1991). The unschooled mind: How children think & how schools should teach. New York, NY: Basic Books.

Call Number: SS-EDUC-08434

Keywords: Education/Educational Reform/Child Development or Developmental Areas/Cognitive

Burness, Patty, Snider, William, Kirby, Roz, Duckett, Randall, Hartford, Jane, and Kinney-Chion, Linda. (1997). Learn & live. Nicasio, CA: The George Lucas Educational Foundation.

Call Number: SS-EDUC-08467

Keywords: Education/Educational Reform


U.S. Department of Education and U.S. Department of Health, Education and Welfare, National Institute of Education. (1969-). Joint Dissemination Review Panel, Program Effectiveness Panel, System of Expert Panels [Contents File].

Call Number: FF-EVAL-08479

Keywords: Evaluation of Programs/Guidelines/Education/Model Development or Continuation/PEP or JDRP or NDN or SEP


National Center for Education in Maternal and Child Health, Georgetown University. (2001). Bright futures: Family tip sheets. Arlington, VA: Author.

Call Number: FF-FAMI-08466

Keywords: Family Focused/Family Education or Training/Child Development or Developmental Areas

Federal Programs

U.S. Department of Education. (2001-). No Child Left Behind Act / Improving America's Schools Act / Elementary and Secondary Education Act / Title I - Part A [Contents File]

Call Number: FF-FEDP-08458

Keywords: ESEA/Federal Programs and Legislation/ Educational Reform

(2000-). Developmental Disabilities Assistance and Bill of Rights Act (DD Act).

Call Number: FF-FEDP-08459

Keywords: Federal Programs and Legislation/Developmental Disabilities Assistance and Bill of Rights Act


Ahearn, Eileen M. (2001). State special education advisory panel budgets.

Call Number: Quick Turn Around. Journal Shelves

Keywords: Finance/Special Education/State level/Statistics

Group Process

West, Edie. (1997). 201 icebreakers: Group mixers, warm-ups, energizers, and playful activities. New York, NY: McGraw Hill.

Call Number: SS-GROU-08436

Keywords: Group Process and Meetings/Communication

Interagency Coordination

Hayden, Peggy, Smith, Barbara J., Rapport, Mary J., and Frederick, Linda. (1999). Facilitating change in comprehensive early childhood systems: Collaborative planning project for planning comprehensive early childhood systems. Denver, CO: The Collaborative Planning Project.

Call Number: FF-INTC-08449

Keywords: Interagency Coordination/Systems Change/Early Childhood Education


U.S. Department of Education, Office of the General Counsel Staff. (2001). The Even Start Family Literacy Programs Statute, as of December 31, 2000, including amendments made by the Literacy Involves Families Together (LIFT) Act, as enacted by P.L. 106-554, the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2001. Author.

Call Number: FF-LTRC-08440

Keywords: Literacy or Reading/Federal Programs and Legislation/Legislation, Legislative Resolution/ESEA/Chapter 1 Even Start

Powell, Douglas R. and D'Angelo, Diane. (2000). Guide to improving parenting education in Even Start family literacy programs. Jessup, MD: U.S. Department of Education.

Call Number: FF-LTRC-08441

Keywords: Literacy or Reading/Federal Programs and Legislation/Legislation, Legislative Resolution/ESEA/Chapter 1 Even Start/Family Education or Training/Family Focused/Parents as Providers


Armijo, Caroline and Trohanis, Pascal. (2001). Transparencies for the new early childhood TA center.

Call Number: FF-MARK-08432

Keywords: Marketing


U.S. Department of Education, Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services. (2001). Panel discussion on focused monitoring: Web cast from Washington DC, October 9, 2001.

Call Number: FF-MONI-08430

Keywords: Monitoring

Personnel Issues

U.S. Department of Education, Office of Special Education Programs. (2000). Innovative strategies for making preservice improvements: Focus on partnerships with families and communities. Washington, DC: Author.

Call Number: FF-PERS-08424

Keywords: Personnel Issues or Disciplines/Family-Professional Partnerships/Family Focused/Preservice Training

U.S. Department of Education, Office of Special Education Programs. (2001). OSEP Personnel Preparation Program: Prepared for the 2001 OSEP leadership conference. Washington, DC: Author.

Call Number: FF-PERS-08425

Keywords: Personnel Issues or Disciplines/Finance/Federal Programs and Legislation/Federal level

U.S. Department of Education, Office of Special Education Programs. (2001). Center on Personnel Studies in Special Education: Presentation at the annual OSEP leadership conference. Washington, DC: Author.

Call Number: FF-PERS-08426

Keywords: Personnel Issues or Disciplines/Special Education/Special Educators

Interstate New Teacher Assessment and Support Consortium, INTASC Special Education Sub-Committee. (2001). Model standards for licensing general and special education teachers of students with disabilities: A resource for state dialogue. Washington, DC: Council of Chief State School Officers.

Call Number: FF-PERS-08442

Keywords: Personnel Issues or Disciplines/Special Educators/Special Education/Quality or Effectiveness Indicators/Model Development or Continuation

Laine, Sabrina W. M. and Otto, Chris. (2000). Professional development in education and the private sector: Following the leaders. Oak Brook, IL: North Central Regional Educational Laboratory (NCREL).

Call Number: FF-PERS-08465

Keywords: Personnel Issues or Disciplines/Education

Linehan, Patrice. (2001). Teacher quality: selected issues of importance.

Call Number: Quick Turn Around. Journal Shelves

Keywords: Personnel Issues or Disciplines/Staff Development/Special Education/Educational Reform

Procedural Safeguards

Ahearn, Eileen M. (2001). The involvement of lay advocates in due process hearings.

Call Number: Quick Turn Around. Journal Shelves

Keywords: Procedural Safeguards/Litigation/State level/NASDSE

Statewide Assessment

Ahearn, Eileen M. (2000). Synthesis Brief: Increasing the participation of special needs students in NAEP. Alexandria, VA: Project FORUM at NASDSE.

Call Number: FF-STAS-08447

Keywords: Statewide Assessment/Assessment (or) Evaluation and Assessment/Assistive Technology/Students with Disabilities/Test Accommodations

WestEd. (2000). The high stakes of high-stakes testing: Policy brief. San Francisco, CA: Author.

Call Number: FF-STAS-08450

Keywords: Statewide Assessment/Assessment (or) Evaluation and Assessment/Quality or Effectiveness Indicators

Technical Assistance

McPherson, Merle G. and Stettner-Eaton, Bobbi. (2000). Federal Interagency Technical Assistant Meeting, September 12, 2000. Federal Interagency Coordinating Council.

Call Number: FF-TAST-08446

Keywords: Technical Assistance/Systems Change/Interagency Coordination/Directory Listing

Wald, Judy L., Schwartz, Amanda, and Saunders, Jessica. ([2000?]). A guide for education personnel: Selecting an intervention or program: Improving outcomes for students with disabilities by matching the needs of a school setting with the characteristics of a program or intervention. Washington, DC: Elementary & Middle Schools Technical Assistance Center (EMSTAC).

Call Number: FF-TAST-08452

Keywords: Technical Assistance/Education/Guidelines

U.S. Department of Education, Office of Special Education Programs. (1997). 7th Annual Technical Assistance and Dissemination Conference: Report of the Office of Special Education Programs. Author.

Call Number: FF-TAST-08453

Keywords: Technical Assistance/Conference Proceedings

Trohanis, Pascal. Background information and planning materials on designing state technical assistance (TA) systems, April 1998. [Contents File]

Call Number: FF-TAST-08478

Keywords: Technical Assistance/Systems Change/Early Childhood Education/Early Intervention (General)/Educational Reform /Evaluation of Programs/Staff Development/KS/Federal level/State level

Edelman, Larry. (2001). Lists of TA networks and dissemination organizations.

Call Number: FF-TAST-08448

Keywords: Technical Assistance/Directory Listing

Trohanis, Pascal. (1982). TADS and technical assistance: readings on system design, needs assessment, consultation, and evaluation. Chapel Hill, NC: TADS.

Call Number: SS-TAST-08469

Keywords: Technical Assistance/Educational Reform /Assessment (or) Evaluation and Assessment/Consultation/Systems Change

Newlove, Beulah W. and Hall, Gene E. (1998). A manual for assessing open-ended statements of concern about an innovation. Austin, TX: Southwest Educational Development Laboratory (SEDL).

Call Number: SS-TAST-08470

Keywords: Technical Assistance/Systems Change/Assessment (or) Evaluation and Assessment

Loucks, Susan F., Newlove, Beulah W., and Hall, Gene E. (1998). Measuring levels of use of the innovation: A manual for trainers, interviewers and raters. Austin, TX: Southwest Educational Development Laboratory (SEDL).

Call Number: SS-TAST-08471

Keywords: Technical Assistance/Educational Reform /Guidelines/Training of Personnel/Systems Change/Evaluation of Programs

Heck, Susan, Stiegelbauer, Suzanne M., Hall, Gene E., and Loucks, Susan F. (n.d.). Measuring innovation configurations: Procedures and applications. Austin, TX: Southwest Educational Development Laboratory.

Call Number: SS-TAST-08472

Keywords: Technical Assistance/Educational Reform /Guidelines/Systems Change/Evaluation of Programs

Hall, Gene E., George, Archie E., and Rutherford, William L. (1998). Measuring stages of concern about the innovation: A manual for use of the SoC questionnaire. Austin, TX: Southwest Educational Development Laboratory.

Call Number: SS-TAST-08473

Keywords: Technical Assistance/Educational Reform /Guidelines/Systems Change

Trohanis, Pascal. (1981). Ideas on change. Chapel Hill, NC: TADS.

Call Number: SS-TAST-08474

Keywords: Technical Assistance/Educational Reform /Administration or Management/Special Education/Systems Change

Kenowitz, Leonard A. (n.d.). Planned change: the role of technical assistance.

Call Number: SS-TAST-08475

Keywords: Technical Assistance/Special Education/Other Disability or Risk Descriptors: Multihandicapped