Assignment title / Accident and Infection Control in Early Years
Date issued
Final deadline
Qualification suite covered / BTEC Level 1/Level 2 First Certificate in Children’s Play, Learning and Development
Units covered / Unit 5: Health and Safety in Early Years Settings
Learning aims covered / Learning aim A: Understand accident prevention in early years settings
Learning aim B: Understand infection control in early years settings
Duration (approx) / 8 hours
Scenario / The manager of Happy Days nursery has been reviewing the health and safety information that they share with parents.
Task 1 / You have been asked to produce a leaflet that explains why accidents may happen to babies and children in an early years setting.
Using examples discuss why accidents occur and how practitioners can prevent such accidents.
You must show how settings can reduce the risk of accidents to babies and children in their care.
Within your leaflet you should then use a case study to assess how effective an early years setting is in the prevention of accidents.
Evidence / Leaflet and case study
Criteria covered by this task:
To achieve the criteria you must show that you are able to: / Unit / Criterion reference
Explain why accidents to babies and children may occur in early years settings, using appropriate examples. / 5 / 2A.P1
Describe how adults in early years settings can prevent accidents to babies and children, using appropriate examples. / 5 / 2A.P2
Discuss how early years settings may reduce the risk of accidents to babies and children, using appropriate examples. / 5 / 2A.M1
Assess the extent to which an early years setting is effective in preventing accidents, using a case study. / 5 / 2A.D1
If you have not achieved the Level 2 criteria, your work will be assessed to determine if the following Level 1 criteria have been met.
To achieve the criteria you must show that you are able to: / Unit / Criterion reference
Identify why accidents may occur to babies and children in an early years setting. / 5 / 1A.1
Outline how adults in an early years setting can prevent accidents to babies and children. / 5 / 1A.2
Task 2 / You have been asked to provide some information cards on infection control in an early years setting for babies and young children
The cards should give information on the following:
  • How babies and children get infections
  • Why babies and children are at risk of infection
  • How adults can reduce the risk of spreading infections
You should use examples to support your work. Make sure you cover babies and young children in your work.
Using a case study consider how effective infection control is in an early years setting.
Evidence / Information cards.
Criteria covered by this task:
To achieve the criteria you must show that you are able to: / Unit / Criterion reference
Describe how babies and children may get infections, using appropriate examples. / 5 / 2B.P3
Describe why babies and children are at risk from infections in early years settings, using appropriate examples. / 5 / 2B.P4
Describe how adults can reduce the risk of spreading infections to babies and children in early years settings, using appropriate examples. / 5 / 2B.P5
Explain the role of the adult in reducing the risk of infections in early years settings, using appropriate examples. / 5 / 2B.M2
Evaluate the effectiveness of infection control in an early years setting, using a case study. / 5 / 2B.D2
If you have not achieved the Level 2 criteria, your work will be assessed to determine if the following Level 1 criteria have been met.
To achieve the criteria you must show that you are able to: / Unit / Criterion reference
Identify three ways in which babies and children may get infections. / 5 / 1B.3
Identify three ways babies and children are at risk from infections in an early years setting. / 5 / 1B.4
Outline how adults can reduce the risk of spreading infections to babies and children in an early years setting. / 5 / 1B.5
Sources of information / Books
Parker, L. (2006) How to Avoid Illness and Infection (Health and Safety in the Early Years). London: David Fulton Publishers Ltd, ISBN 978 1843122999.
Parker, L. (2006) How to Keep Young Children Safe (Health and Safety in the Early Years). London: David Fulton Publishers Ltd, ISBN 978 1843123019.
Parker, L. (2012) The Early Years Health and Safety Handbook. Abingdon: Routledge, ISBN 978 0415675321.

Website for the BBC

Website for the Department for Education

Website for professionals working with children and families in the foundation stage
Note to assessors
We are committed to ensuring that teachers/tutors and learners have a choice of resources to support their teaching and study.
We would encourage them to use relevant resources for your local area such as local employers, newspapers and council websites.
Resources from various publishers are available to support delivery and training for all Pearson and BTEC qualifications so that learners and teachers/tutors can select those that best suit their needs.
Above are some examples of textbooks and websites. Further useful resources may be found at: .


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