The Justin Planning and Zoning Commission, held a Regular Session Meeting, open to the public, at the Justin Municipal Complex, City Council Chambers, 415 North College
Street, on January 20, 2015, at 6:30 p.m., whereupon the following items were considered:
I. Call to Order
Meeting called to order at 6:31 p.m. Present at the meeting were Planning and
Zoning Chair Vickey Reynolds; Planning and Zoning Members, Larry Heftner, Crystal Babcock, Alan Woodall, Brian French, Terrance Smith and Sean Glaspell. City Staff: City Manager Ashley Stathatos, Assistant to City Manager Mallory Meeks and Engineer, Pacheco Koch Gary Fisher. Guests: Cody.
II. Invocation
The invocation and Pledge of Allegiance was given by Vickey Reynolds.
III. Action Items
1. Consideration and Action on a preliminary plat on 13.99 acres out of the W. Perry & A.F. Borden Surveys, Abstract Number 1034 & 207, Lots 1,2,3, & 4, Block 1, Lots 1-26, Block 2, Lots 1-21, Block 3, Lots 1-20.
Public Hearing opened at 6:36 P.M. Planning and Zoning Commission recommended approval contingent upon the two items below being fixed and cedar caps being placed along the wood fence along Hardeman Boulevard.
• Provide base blood elevation data to cover the northwest corner of the addition.
• Show the 50’ wide drainage easement downstream of the southeast corner of the proposed addition to Trail Creek including the County Recording information.
Public Hearing Closed at 7:13 P.M.
Motion was made by P & Z Commission Member Gregory Berryhill with a
recommendation to Council for approval of the preliminary plat on 13.99 acres out of the W. Perry & A.F. Borden Surveys, Abstract Number 1034 & 207, Lots 1,2,3, & 4, Block 1, Lots 1-26, Block 2, Lots 1-21, Block 3, Lots 1-20. The Motion was seconded by Vickey Reynolds. All were in Favor.
IV. Consent Items
4. Discuss, Consider and Act on the Approval of the December 16, 2014 Planning and Zoning Minutes.
Commission Member Gregory Berryhill made a Motion to Approve the December 16,
2014 Planning and Zoning Minutes, Commission Member Vickey Reynolds seconded the Motion. All was in favor.
V. Adjournment
Chairman Jim Smith made a Motion to adjourn. Vickey Reynolds seconded the Motion. All in favor.
Kim Strange
City Secretary
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