Curriculum vitae

Curriculum vitae


First names: JOAQUIN PABLO

Date of birth: 01 MAY 1968

Nationality: SPANISH

Civil status: SINGLE


(Date from - Date to) / Degree(s) or Diploma(s) obtained:
University of Sevilla
(1985-1990) / Bachelor of laws, LL. B.
University of Sevilla
(1990-1997) / Doctor of laws, Ph. D.

Language skills: Indicate competence on a scale of 1 to 5 (1 - excellent; 5 - basic)

Language / Reading / Speaking / Writing
French / 1 / 1 / 1
Italian / 1 / 1 / 1
English / 1 / 2 / 2
German / 3 / 2 / 4
Serbo-Croatian / 4 / 3 / 5

Membership of professional bodies:

·  Counsellor of the Spanish Constitutional Court

·  University Professor

Other skills: Computer literacy

Present position: Middle term expert in the project PAMECA

Years within the firm: -

Key qualifications: (relevant for the project)

  • Excellent knowledge of constitutional matters related with justice (institutional design, competences distribution, independence of judiciary) through having worked in the Constitutional Court, informing on constitutional conflicts between State powers and supervising judicial structures though individual complaints about judicial decisions for almost 6 years;
  • Excellent and comprehensive project management and administration skills, in particular in connection with EU projects and extensive knowledge of the respective procedural frameworks;
  • Proven strategic thinking and thinking and ability to lead successfully and credibly a multinational team of experts, as demonstrated in leading the project EURALIUS for more than three years;
  • Specific expertise in the area of Justice Reform in Albania, including in depth knowledge of the legal and constitutional framework of Albania, experience in drafting of crosscutting strategies and documents for justice reform, familiarity with the law making process, deep knowledge of institutional frame and strengths and gaps of the system;
  • Very good knowledge of European standards in the area of constitutional law and justice reform by having done doctorate studies in France, Germany and Spain; having lectured in different countries; having published scientist books and articles on the issue; having provided several reports in the frame of the project EURALIUS.
  • Very good knowledge of EU reporting standards, being responsible for the EURALIUS Mission’s technical reporting to the EC Delegation and having worked in other contracts with the EU delegation;

Specific experience in the region:

Country / Date from - Date to
Albania / July 2013 – February 2014
Albania / September 2010 – June 2013
Bosnia / September 1996 – August 1999 (part time)
Croatia / July 1993 – September 1996 (part time)

Contact details:


Phone number: +34- 637816119

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Curriculum vitae

Professional experience

Date from - Date to / Location / Company& reference person (name & contact details) / Position / Description
From March 2014
To present / Sevilla (Spain) / Universidad de Sevilla
Javier Perez Royo
Director of Public law Department
Phone: +34 -954551321 / Professor at University of Sevilla / Lecturer of Constitutional Law, law of information, public law and judicial review of human rights.
Researcher on referred subjects, writing articles and reports on different subjects related with judicial review, constitutional rights and public law-
From October 2013
To February 2014 / Tirana
(Albania) / EU Delegation to Albania
Marcello Repici
Program manager
Email: / Team leader in the project “Supervision of the implementation of the Justice Reform in Albania” (contract number 2013/329-732) / Providing technical assistance regarding pending bills required by international expertise. Technical assistance regarding the implementation of pieces of legislation approved and positively assessed by EU assistance projects.
From July 2013
To October 2013 / Tirana
(Albania) / EU Delegation to Albania
Marcello Repici
Program manager
Email: / Expert in the contract 2013/324-206 / To provide technical assistance to all departments of EU delegation to Albania in subjects related with the progress in the area of Justice Reform.
From Sept. 2010
To June 2013 / Tirana (Albania) / Spanish Ministry of Justice
Angel Llorente
General Director of International Cooperation
Phone: +34- 913902271/79 / Team leader of Project Consolidation of Albanian Justice System / Head of the Mission. Overall technical and organisational management of the project in compliance with EU rules; controlling reports presented to authorities; representing the project in front of Albanian authorities and EU Delegation; ensuring on time implementation of project activities; coordinating long and short term experts.
Specifically in charge of components related with the Ministry of Justice. and EURALIUS co-ordinator for mission activities in the area of land administration in Albania, including registration of property; legalisation of illegal settlements and restitution and compensation of expropriated former owners (before 1945); preparation of regular technical and financial project (progress) reports to the EC Delegation for the Head of Mission and supporting his communication with the EC Delegation.
From May 2005
To Sept. 2010 / Madrid (Spain) / Tribunal Constitucional
Javier Jimenez Campos
General Secretary
Phone: +34 - 915 50 80 00 / Counselor (Letrado) of the Constitutional Court / Drafting decisions of Spanish Constitutional Court in cases of protection of Fundamental Rights, competence’s conflicts between State Institutions and unconstitutionality of laws and in cases of individual complaints about high level judicial decisions.
Writing legal reports for the court on same issues in more than thousand cases.
From July 2002
to May 2005: / Sevilla (Spain) / Universidad de Sevilla
Javier Perez Royo
Director of Public law Department
Phone: +34 -954551321 / Professor at University of Sevilla / Lecturer of Constitutional Law, law of information, public law and judicial review of human rights.
From Dec. 1997
to July 2002 / Sevilla (Spain) / European Court of Justice
Pedro Cruz Villalon
General Advocate
Phone: +352 4303 1 / University Assistant Professor at University of Sevilla
FroDic. 97 – sept 97FrFrom Dec. 1993
to Nov. 1997 / Sevilla (Spain) / Universidad de Sevilla
Javier Perez Royo
Director of Public law Department
Phone: +34 -954551321 / School Assistant at University of Sevilla
From March 1991
to Nov.199393 / Sevilla (Spain) / Universidad de Sevilla
Javier Perez Royo
Director of Public law Department
Phone: +34 -954551321 / Researcher from Junta de Andalucia

Other relevant information (e.g., Publications):

Experiencia en actividades internacionales de cooperacióna largo término Main publications
(The most significant in each category)
Individual Books
Authors: / Joaquín Pablo Urías Martínez
Title: / La cuestión interna de inconstitucionalidad
Date: / 1997
Publishers: / Mc. Graw Hill Publishers
City of issue: / Madrid
Authors: / Joaquín Urías
Title: / Jurisprudencia constitucional sobre libertad de información
Date: / 1999
Publishers: / Editorial MAD
City of issue: / Sevilla
Authors: / Joaquín Urías
Title: / Tutela frente a leyes
Date: / 2001
Publishers: / Centro de Estudios Constitucionales
City of issue: / Madrid
Authors: / Joaquín Urías
Title: / Lecciones de derecho de la información
Date: / 2003 (1th edition)
2009 (2nd edition)
2014 (3rd edition)
Publishers: / Editorial Tecnos
City of issue: / Madrid
Books as editor
Authors: / Pérez Royo, Javier; Urias Martinez, Joaquin Carrasco Durán, Manuel
Title: / Derecho constitucional para el siglo XXI
Date: / 2006
Publishers: / Thomson-Aranzadi
City of issue: / Navarra
Libros como editorBooks chapters
Authors: / Joaquín Urías
Title: / El derecho a la producción literaria, artística, científica y técnica
Book: / Comentarios a la Constitución española
Date: / 2008
Publishers: / Wolters Kluwer Foundation
City of issue: / Toledo
Capítulos de libroAuthors: / Joaquín Urías
Title: / La libertad de cátedra
Book: / Comentarios a la Constitución española
Date: / 2008
Publishers: / Wolters Kluwer Foundation
City of issue: / Toledo
Authors: / Joaquín Urías
Title: / El régimen constitucional del matrimonio
Book: / Comentarios a la Constitución española
Date: / 2008
Publishers: / Wolters Kluwer Foundation
City of issue: / Toledo
Authors: / Joaquín Urías
Title: / El conflicto entre libertad de información y los derechos a la intimidad, el honor y la propia imagen
Book: / Derechos Fundamentales
Date: / 2005
Publishers: / Corporación pública Nacional de Ecuador
City of issue: / Quito (Ecuador)
Main articles
Authors: / Joaquín Urías
Title: / Separación de procesos y tutela ante el Tribunal Constitucional
Journal: / Revista Española de Derecho Constitucional
Date: / 2003
City of issue: / Madrid
Título: Separación de procesos y tutela ante el Tribunal ConstitucionalAuthors: / Joaquín Urías
Title: / El valor constitucional del mandato de rehabilitación
Journal: / Revista Española de Derecho Constitucional
Date: / 2004
City of issue: / Madrid
Experiencia en actividades internacionales de cooperacióna largo término Academic tenures in foreign Centers
(Continued stays exceeding one month)

Estancias Académicas en Centros extranjeros

Centro: Max Planck Institut für Offentliche RechtCenter: / Max Planck Institut für Öffentliches Recht
Localidad: Heilderberg Location: Heidelberg / País: Alemania Country: Germany / Fecha: 1995-96 Date: 1995-96 / Duración (meses): 16 Months: 16
Subject: / The protection of fundamental rights
Key: / Studies on elaborating my doctorate thesis
Centro: UniversitéReims-Champagne ArdennesCenter: / Université Reims-Champagne Ardennes
Location: Reims / País: Francia Country: France / Fecha: 1990-1991 Date: 1990-1991 / Duración (meses): 9 Months: 9
Tema: Justicia Constitucional; Derechos FundamentalesSubject: / Constitutional justice
Key: / Doctorate studies
Center: / Universidad de Las Villas
Localidad: Santa Clara Location: Santa Clara / País: Cuba Country: Cuba / Fecha: 1999 Date: 1999 / Duración (meses): 2 Months: 2
Tema: derechos fundamentalesSubject: / Fundamental rights, and judicial structure
Key: / Visiting Professor
Center: / Université de Pau et des Pays de l'Adour
Localidad: Heilderberg Location: Pau / País: Alemania Country: France / Fecha: 1995-96 Date: 2000 / Duración (meses): 16 Months: 1
Subject: / Free speech law
Key: / postdoctorate tenure
Experiencia en actividades internacionales de cooperacióna largo término Participation in R & D projects funded.
Project title: / Judiciary “amparo” and constitutional guaranty
Funding: / Ministry of Education and Science
Duration: / From 1995 to 1999
Project title: / Studies of Autonomic Decisions
Funding: / Junta de Andalucia
Duration: / From 1996 to 1998

Participación en Proyectos de I+D financiados en Convocatorias públicas.

Título del proyecto: Estudios de Jurisprudencia AutonómicaProject title: / The structure of the state after 20 years of Spanish Constitution
Funding: / Ministry of Education and Science
Duration: / From 1999 to 2001
Project title: / European Union Constitution
Funding: / Ministry of Science and Technology
Duration: / From 2003 to 2007
Project title: / Terrorism, democracy and security
Funding: / Ministry of Science and Technology
Duration: / From 2006 to 2010
Título del proyecto: La estructura del estado tras 20 años de Constitución española / Experiencia en actividades internacionales de cooperacióna largo término
Experience in long term international cooperation
(Organization and participation in international projects )
Project: / Social reintegration of Bosnian refugees
Location: / Gasinci camp (Croatia)
Organization: / Suncokret, in agreement with UNHCR
Position held: / Co-leader (project coordinator of social rehabilitation in the refugee camp)
Dates: / July1993- September 1994
Project: / Social reintegration in the refugee’s camp of Obonja
Location: / Obonjan island (Croatia)
Organization: / Social Communitary Initiative
Position held: / General coordinator of the Project (present on part time bases)
Dates: / July 1995- January 1997
Project: / Social reconciliation of returned people in Foca and Ustikolina
Location: / Ustikolina (Bosnia i Hercegovina)
Organization: / Social Communitary Initiative
Position held: / General coordinator of the Project (present on part time bases)
Dates: / July 1997 –July 1999
Título del proyecto: La estructura del estado tras 20 años de Constitución española / Experiencia en actividades internacionales de cooperacióna largo término
Experience in R & D organising
(Organising cientific-technological conferences, seminars, meetings, etc..,)
Title: / VIII Iberoamerican Congress of Constitutional Law
Activity: / Science Congress
Scope: / International
Duration: / December 2003
Título del proyecto: Terrorismo, democracia y seguridadTitle: / V Congress Societas Iuris Publici Europaei
Activity: / Science Congress
Scope: / International
Duration: / September 2008
Experiencia en actividades internacionales de cooperacióna largo términoActive participation in social and professional organizations
Organisation: / Spanish Red Cross (NGO)
Position held: / Member, with managerial responsibilities on a regional level
Duration: / Six years
Organisation: / Movimiento por la Paz el Desarme y la Libertad (NGO)
Position held: / Managing projects regarding development aid
Duration: / Five years
Organisation: / Social Community Initiative -Movimiento Voluntario Independiente (NGO)
Position held: / Member, President
Duration: / Since 1990
Organisation: / “17 de marzo” Society of Jurists for the Protection of Human Rights (NGO)
Position held: / Member, founder
Duration: / Since 2007
Organisation: / Foro Social de Sevilla (Social Movement)
Position held: / Member, public relations manager
Duration: / Three years
Organisation: / Asociación de Constitucionalistas de España (Professional )
Position held: / Member
Duration: / Since 2001
Organisation: / Societas Iuris Publici Europeaei
Position held: / Member
Duration: / Since 2008
Experiencia en actividades internacionales de cooperacióna largo términoOtherOOthers
(Administrative functions, courses and seminars, other studies,)
-Master of specialization in political science and constitutional law at the Centro de Estudios Constitucionales (1991-1992).
-Up prize "Tomas y Valiente" of the Spanish Centre for Constitutional Studies, 2000.
-Qualified in the Bar Association in Seville in 1991.
-Secretary of the Department of Constitutional Law at the University of Seville, from 1999 to 2005.
-President of the Teaching Commission of the Faculty of Communication of Seville, from 2000 to 2005.
-Invited by the Spanish Cultural Center in Yaounde (Cameroon), responsible for the seminar "Freedom of Expression in Africa and Europe", May 2008.
-Professor of the PhD program "Constitutional Law", University of Sevilla since 2007.
-Representative of the Spanish Constitutional Court in the “Iberoamerican Constitutional Courts Conference” (Lima, Peru, March 2007)

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