Welcome To Physics! Room 5-103Mr.

Room 5-110Mr. Voigt

Some of the topics we’ll be covering this year are: linear motion,Newton’s Laws, Vectors, momentum & impulse, work, power, conservation of energy, torque, circular motion, simple machines, static electricity, electrical circuits, magnetism, electromagnetic induction, waves, light, & sound.

Projects include: Rockets, motor cars, bridges, roller coasters, motors, wind turbines, mousetrap cars, catapults,

crystal radios, king of the hill project

We do many labs and hands-on projects in physics. If you like applying physics principals by labs, experimenting, and building things, you’ll enjoy physics. As juniors and seniors, you are expected to demonstrate greater independent learning skills. This means when doing labs, activities, bookwork, and worksheets, make sure you are focusing on learning rather than just completing a task. It is important to ask questions if you don’t understand something. You are encouraged to help and ask help from your lab partners. Ultimately though, each individual is accountable for themselves when taking quizzes and tests.

The test content is directly related to your understanding of the assignments, labs, and notes.

Grading Information

  • Your quarter grade will be determined by your performance on unit tests (60%), labs and homework (40%).
  • Homework is collected in the form of unit packets, which you will collate; staple and turn-in on unit test days (after you complete the test).
  • Some labs and homework will be stamped or collected the day they are assigned (this is to help prevent procrastination and check for understanding).
  • Stamps cannot be made up unless you have an excused absence (There are no “late” stamps)
  • Stamps are worth points.
  • Late work will be scored up to 50% off the total points possible.
  • Work and tests missed due to any excused absence must be made up within two school days for each day missed. When you are absent, it is your responsibility to find out what you missed.
  • Work or tests missed due to any unexcused absence will not receive credit.
  • Even if your absences and tardies are excused, you should understand that you need to be in class to get the full learning experience, and it is difficult to schedule make-up lab times. I realize that there will be some absences which are unavoidable, but please try to schedule your appointments outside of class time.
  • Plagiarism/cheating will result in a grade of zero for that test or assignment. I expect you to do your own work. If you need help, please see your instructor.
  • Do not get “help” by copying from another student.
  • Do not “help” your classmates by allowing them to copy your work.
  • The grade you earn will be calculated using the gradingscale as follows.

A 100-90% B 89-80% C 79-70% D 69-60% F 59-0%

  • Unit packets can be used during the tests to refer to formulas we used during labs. Warning: you will still need to study and understand everything in the packet. If you don’t you will not pass the test or be able to complete it on time.
  • Test retakes: AS LONG AS YOU HAVE COMPLETED ALL ASSIGNMENTSFOR THAT UNITon time and complete an additional remediation assignment, you have the option to retake the test. Your final test score is the averageof the original score and retake score.
  • Your semester grade will be calculated by weighting your two quarter grades at 40% and your final exam grade at 20%.

Daily Required Materials: Unit Packet, pen, pencils, scientific calculator (cheap $10 one is okay)

  • If you lose your packet, you will need to print one off the classroom website (see below) on your own time.

Class support materials (i.e. notes, assignments, worksheets) can be found on my website or as Skyward Messages.

JM Academics  Science John Ruden

JM Academics  Science Matthew Voigt

If you are absent, you are responsible for getting the notes and assignments. Talk to your fellow classmates for information about what you missed.

Tardies and Unexcused absences will affect your grade.

Lastly, physics is a higher-level course where good behavior is expected at all times. We all need to respect each other and work cooperatively together when asked to. Help others when possible and use positive language.