Assessment Rubric for "Your Digital Footprint" Activities.

ACTIVITY / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / Your Score
Participation / No contributions or inappropriate contributions / One or two short, not very meaningful comments / More than 3 comments that were appropriate. / Several thoughtful contributions that added positive elements to the conversation
Video Viewing / More than one direction of video viewing not followed. / One direction not followed. / Followed all 3 directions for video viewing. Unable to answer questions about content of video. / Eyes on screen, quiet, head up, the entire time. Able to answer all questions about content of video.
Working with peers / Unpleasant to peers - did not work well with others. Or made no attempt to work with peers. / Worked well most of the time. A few incidents of negativity. / Worked well with peers the majority of the time. / Worked very well with peers, comments were positive and constructive. Very helpful to peers.
Forms (3) submitted from Tech Ed website / Two forms missing or not complete. Input inappropriate. / One form missing. Some input is incorrect or incomplete. / All forms are submitted. Input is complete and correct. / All forms are received with all sections filled out and answers are thoughtful and appropriate. Work is exemplary.
Popplet / Popplet is not made according to directions. / Popplet is not made according to directions. 2 or less examples or inappro. / Popplet is made according to directions. 3 or 4 meaningful and unique examples in each section. / Popplet is constructed according to directions. 5 or more meaningful and unique examples in each section.
Following directions for all elements / No participation or contributions.
Some activities not attempted. / Several directions not followed. Did not ask for help when it was apparently needed. / Followed majority of directions for each activity, Asked for help. / Followed all directions thoughtfully and precisely and asked for help when needed. Work quality is exemplary and could be used to show as examples of very good work.
Simile / Simile is not completed. Does not fulfill the requirements of the assignment. / Simile does not make sense or is incomplete. Might be messy. / Simile is fairly neat and makes sense. On topic. / Simile is written neatly and makes sense. Creative and thoughtful simile on topic.
Critique and Evaluation Contribution / No contributions or inappropriate contributions. / One or two short, not very meaningful comments. Did not accept criticism well. / More than 3 comments that were appropriate and helpful. Accepted comments well. / Thoughtful contributions that added positive elements to the conversation. Accepted the comments of others well.
Notebook / Wrote nothing in Notebook / Much missing info. / Some missing info. / Notebook filled out according to all directions.