Coon Rapids High School Cheerleading Captain Application

We will have 1-2 captains per squad for the 2013-2014Winter Cheerleading season (Number of captains per squad will be determined based on number of applicants, needs of the individual squad, and coach’s discretion). If you are interested in being considered for a captain position please complete this application and return it to Coaches Melissa andCarissa by Friday, November 15, 2013 at 8pm. Completed applications must be submitted via email to CoachesMelissa and Carissa, or alternate arrangements must be made. Teacher’s recommendations must be completed and turned in to the Coaches mailbox by the teacher.Captain application must be completed to be considered for a captain position. Submission of a Captain Application does not guarantee a spot as a captain; rather it guarantees your consideration for that position.

Coach Carissa

Coach Melissa

Expectations for Winter Captains:

  • Be a liaison between Cheerleaders and Coach during the season
  • Demonstrate leadership both on and off the court/mat/ice
  • Be the first one to come and the last one to leave at practices, games and events
  • Help delegate/coordinate spirit raising, fundraising and team bonding
  • Help to foster an environment of growth and encouragement among the team
  • Work with the team individually and as a whole, recognizing that each individual member is a vital part of our team and helping them to learn and be the best they can be
  • Work cohesively and supportively with the other captain and the coaches

Thank you for your desire to be a captain---We appreciate you!

Coaches Carissa and Melissa

Coon Rapids High School Cheerleading Captain Application




Past Cheer Experience:

Why do you want to be a captain?

What other leadership opportunities have you had in the past?

As a captain you will be asked to lead. How will you get others to follow?

How will you address the issue of a teammate showing up to practice late or consistently missing practices and games?

What 3 qualities do you have that would make you a strong captain?




What is your understanding of what makes a captain successful? If you are selected, how are you going to achieve that this season?

There can be challenges that may arise if you are selected as captain. (i.e. personality conflicts or scheduling difficulties) How do you plan to address any squad challenges you may encounter?

There is an expectation for the captain to dedicate additional time above and beyond the rest of the squad to help the team be successful. Are you willing and able to put in additional time to help, if need be?

Please list 3 changes or ideas that you have for the cheer squad this season:




How will you approach a situation where you disagree with the coach or the coaches’ decision?

How will you handle a situation where you become aware of another teammate consuming alcohol or participating in other illegal activities?

Any additional information you would like us to know

Coon Rapids High School Cheerleading Captain Recommendation Form

Student Name: ______Grade: ______

Teacher: ______Subject: ______


Thank you for taking the time to fill out the formbelow. This form is assigned a specific point value, and will be used in the selection of the Winter Cheerleading Captains. As a teacher for the above student, I value your opinion very highly, as a cheerleading captain needs to demonstrate her spirit and leadership both on and off the court. Please rate the candidate honestly and return this form to me in the mail room in a sealed envelope by Friday November 15th, 2013. These evaluations will be kept confidential. Thank you so much for your help! If you have any questions or additional responses please feel free to contact me.

~~Coaches Carissa and Melissa

Please rate the following: 0- not at all 5- absolutely

  1. Does this student cooperate well with other students and teachers?


  1. Is the candidate responsible with such things as homework, grades, etc.?


  1. Does the candidate have good attendance?


  1. Does the candidate have leadership ability?


  1. Does the candidate display proper classroom behavior?


  1. Does the candidate show respect to authority?


  1. Does the candidate show a positive school attitude?


  1. Does the candidate show appropriate enthusiasm?


  1. Would this candidate be a good role model for the CRHS Cheer squad?


  1. Additional Comments? ______


Coon Rapids High School Cheerleading Captain Recommendation Form

Student Name: ______Grade: ______

Teacher: ______Subject: ______


Thank you for taking the time to fill out the formbelow. This form is assigned a specific point value, and will be used in the selection of the Winter Cheerleading Captains. As a teacher for the above student, I value your opinion very highly, as a cheerleading captain needs to demonstrate her spirit and leadership both on and off the court. Please rate the candidate honestly and return this form to me in the mail room in a sealed envelope by Friday November 15th, 2013. These evaluations will be kept confidential. Thank you so much for your help! If you have any questions or additional responses please feel free to contact me.

~~Coaches Carissa and Melissa

Please rate the following: 0- not at all 5- absolutely

  1. Does this student cooperate well with other students and teachers?


  1. Is the candidate responsible with such things as homework, grades, etc.?


  1. Does the candidate have good attendance?


  1. Does the candidate have leadership ability?


  1. Does the candidate display proper classroom behavior?


  1. Does the candidate show respect to authority?


  1. Does the candidate show a positive school attitude?


  1. Does the candidate show appropriate enthusiasm?


  1. Would this candidate be a good role model for the CRHS Cheer squad?


  1. Additional Comments? ______


Coon Rapids High School Cheerleading Captain Recommendation Form

Student Name: ______Grade: ______

Teacher: ______Subject: ______


Thank you for taking the time to fill out the formbelow. This form is assigned a specific point value, and will be used in the selection of the Winter Cheerleading Captains. As a teacher for the above student, I value your opinion very highly, as a cheerleading captain needs to demonstrate her spirit and leadership both on and off the court. Please rate the candidate honestly and return this form to me in the mail room in a sealed envelope by Friday November 15th, 2013. These evaluations will be kept confidential. Thank you so much for your help! If you have any questions or additional responses please feel free to contact me.

~~Coaches Carissa and Melissa

Please rate the following: 0- not at all 5- absolutely

  1. Does this student cooperate well with other students and teachers?


  1. Is the candidate responsible with such things as homework, grades, etc.?


  1. Does the candidate have good attendance?


  1. Does the candidate have leadership ability?


  1. Does the candidate display proper classroom behavior?


  1. Does the candidate show respect to authority?


  1. Does the candidate show a positive school attitude?


  1. Does the candidate show appropriate enthusiasm?


  1. Would this candidate be a good role model for the CRHS Cheer squad?


  1. Additional Comments? ______
