Classroom Information


I can be reached at school between the hours of 7:30AM and 3:30PM. The number is 265-2222. If I am not available, please leave a message and I will return your call as soon as I can. Please feel free to call anytime you have a question or concern. The easiest way to get in touch with me is via the Internet. My school address is


The class website is designed especially for children in my class and their parents. It is a great way for all of us to share information. It has class information, homework, a suggested book list, schedules, announcements, and much more. If you get a chance, please check it out.


Good attendance is important! Please call when your child is absent. If your child is absent, he/she will have make-up work on their desk. If you know that your child will be absent, I will be happy to give them their work before they leave so they do not fall behind. Please give me a 1-2 day notice to gather their work. In accordance with school district policy (Board Policy No. 504), “students will have as many days as they were absent plus one day to make-up missed schoolwork...It is the responsibility of students to initiate and carry out make-up assignments...If the work is not turned in by the beginning of the day following the total number of days allowed for make-up work, an incomplete will be recorded…”(NRS code 392) For example, if your child is absent for 2 days, they will have 3 days to return the work.


There will be homework every night, except Friday. If a student does not turn in their homework, their Pee Chee grade will be lowered (see PEE CHEE GRADES below). The Board of Trustees of the DouglasCountySchool District has set a weekly homework time schedule. “40-80 minutes per week is required for Grades One through Three”. (Administrative Regulation No. 214)

Accelerated Reader®

Each month the students are asked to complete 6 AR points. It is not MANDATORY. However, it is a great incentive program, and it will become mandatory and even used as part of their grade in the future.

At the end of each month awards and prizes will be given out to the students who have reached the goal of 6 AR points. There will be months that I require fewer points due to fewer days in that month.

Here is how it works:

Accelerated Reader® is a computerized program for managing and dramatically increasing individualized reading.

Students select and read books at their reading level*.

Then they take a short, multiple-choice quiz about the book on the computer.

The computer records the quiz results and provides individualized feedback for the teacher, student, and parents.

Every time a student takes a quiz, a report is printed out, and it is sent home.

The tests are literal, multiple-choice comprehension checks of the main ideas in a book. The tests are challenging and provide accountability. Students receive instant results and instant reinforcement for their reading efforts.

*A student’s reading level is measured by taking a STAR reading test.

It is a computerized assessment tool developed by the creators of Accelerated Reader®.


Attached you will find a copy of our "Pee Chee Grade Sheet". This sheet is used to record and determine your child's conduct grade for the week. Each time a class rule is broken or homework is not returned, the student’s Pee Chee Grade is lowered. They write their name, date, and the rule broken on the sheet. Students who have discipline slips or office visits receive an automatic 4. If a student is suspended, they receive an automatic 5. When the Pee Chees go home on Thursday, the Pee Chee Grade Sheet will be in it. Your child should be able to tell you exactly how he/she earned their conduct grade for the week. Please be sure to sign and return your child's Pee Chee every Friday morning. You may keep the Pee Chee Sheet at home. The accumulated Pee Chee grades will be used to determine your child’s Citizenship grade and Work Habits grade on the Competency Progress Report (Report Card) each grading period.


Letter grades will be used for most academic work. The grading scale is as follows:


B= 89%-80%

C= 79%-70%

D= 69%-60%

F= 59% and below


E= Exemplary S= Satisfactory I= Inconsistent M= Minimal
If you have any questions or concerns throughout the year, please feel free to contact me. I'm looking forward to an exciting year!

Thank you,

Renee R. McCreary