WM Sur PicsStiwewaCellebration “School kids of Talentens, Suriname South America)

Enrollmentof pupils

The OSWintiWaiis the first schoolstiwewa contacted. We askedfor the graduation data of the lastthree years. Based on these data we couldsee that itfluctuatedaroundthe 52%.In the starting phase, most children were from this school.Once the project became known at the otherprimary schoolsmore and morechildren fromthese other schoolsjoined the project.

Witha startof approximately 60children, the number of registered children increased at an alarming rate within a fewweeks to 120. So it doubled!!!

Once again, a mixture ofstudents fromseveralprimary schools in theneighborhood.

The selectionof counselors

Therewere twocategoriesofcounselorswithin theprojectwho gave their (paid) contribution namelythe counselorsandassistants

In the first groupwereteacherswhom were solelyresponsiblefor the higher classes of the primary school(classes 4, 5 and6).

In thesecondgroupyou hadtheassistantsupervisorand those werepeoplewith an educationalbackgroundof morethanfinalsecondary schoollevel(HAVO,AMS, universitystudentsetc)

The number ofworkers inthis projectgrewsteadilywiththe number of pupils. There hasnever been a situation in more than1 ormax 2 weeks,wherethere were more childrenthanthe required number ofsupervisors.

The structure ofthecounseling

Therecouldn’tbe anystressfulsituation (from the side ofthesupervisors), the childrenhad toget sufficient attention, and the main point wastheir requirementand specificlearning situation. To be able to accomplish all these aspectsan idealnormof a maximum of 10childrenper 3supervisors was set. The setting in whichtheyworked wasthereforeonequalified teacherwith 2assistants in a groupwithup to10 children. The children werealsogroupedby educational levelexamplefourthgraderstogetherup to a maximum of 10and the same with5th and 6thgraders.


All persons whowere interestedto helpin this project, uniqueintentfor Suriname, wereobliged to attend the teach-infirst. Youjust had to comelisten to whatweexpect from youin terms ofoptimal supervision(when are youdoing exactly what stiwewawants?)Thenyou also had tomeet thetraining requirements. Finally, being available fora minimum of three(3) months and for the fullworking hours(16-18h).Therewere people whojustwanted to start at 17hor at16h,but thenwork until17 or17.30. Alsothere were some people whosuddenly andwithoutanyprior notice(sometimes not evenafterwards) stayed away. There was aprevious warning about this, duringthe teach-in.If you were (unauthorized) absence twice,you would beremovedfrom the project immediately.

Stiwewastarteda teach-in,because we did notimmediatelyhavethe requirednumber of counselors we needed, we held this instructionmeeting on 3separateoccasions.It was obligatory to participate in this teach in, in order to be selected as a homeworksupervisor inthisunique andas provedverysuccessful project. Duringthistraining meetingwe, briefly summarized, dealt with the following topics.

Improvement, learning motivationand schoolperformance


The teacher, the classroom andthe school

After sufficientinsight wasgiven concerning this topic, we finishedwiththequestion how we think Stiwewashould deal withthesefactors to positivelyinfluencethelearning motivationofchildren. After allit is aproject andnota structuralintervention and so an indication was given on how, according to the Stiwewaproject, theyneed to tackle the homework project in order to improve the school performance.


Mid November2011, astart was made withthe, unique for Suriname,homeworkproject. Stiwewastarted with Varosieauas the only sponsor. The number ofstudentsgrewrapidlyfrom 90 to120.Then it kept growing (as from February2012)to even160 children.As the number ofchildrengrew,the number ofcounselors was adapted too. For160 childrenwe hadaccording toourownformula, 16competentteachers for the higher classesand32assistantsupervisors(especially universitystudents). Theagreement was thatthe first two months, at least the period untilFebruary 1, 2012wouldbeusedforthe detection ofthe pupil (the diagnostic phase, inwhichcategory doyou belong, whatare yourspecific problems, what can you do).

Stiwewahad four(4) categoriesmade​​namely;childrenwho simplyneed help, childrenwho have fallen back on their studies(who need to be tutor, so extra help), childrenwith learning difficultiesand attitude problem, childrenwith disabilities(visual ormental handicap). Because of the requiredexpertise(whichwe did not have) the children of the two lastcategories needed,we had toexcludethem from participating. Counselingwasgiven to childrenof the upper classes namelythe 4th, 5th and 6thgradersandismainly inthe subjectsarithmetic and language. Wesay“mainly" because ifa childindicated that heneeded supportwithanothersubject, which occurred frequently, at the tests, it wasalsogiven.Wealso got special request from the teachersto give extra helpin the subjectreading. There was even a case with a child fromthe 5thgrade who had the reading levelof a 3rdgrader.

Thehomework project was held twice a weekand onTuesday and Thursdayfrom16-18h

Howwastheneed forhomework assistance of each studentdetermined:

Weall knowthatalmostallchildrenjustlie about theirschoolworksometimes.

Taking this fact into account, you cannot assume thatthe homeworkorthe fullamount of it will be normally (and evenunasked) mentioned. Thereforethey were askedto showtheirhomeworknotebook. In case of doubt it wasinvestigated. Tocompletethe investigation in somecasestherelating teacher and/orparent /caretaker were contacted.Because of this approach, lyingto the workerswasminimized to the utmost.

This matterwas an extraexpensewithin the project, because the counselorswere provided weeklyofcalling cards.

Uncalculatedproblemsandthe final race

Stiwewahassome principleswhich are applied on any settingsituationwithin the organizationsuch as:our nonbondage(notlinked to any particular politicalorreligious organization)no discrimination(in any way) collaboration,optimal communication, transparencyand integrity.

On the level ofthecoordinator they messed with the lastthree (3) basic principles of Stiwewa and because of this the boardwas forcedto let her choosefor either gettingfired,orto take thehonorandleave on her own. She chose the second option. However, she totally surpriseduswith avindictivestepby wronglyannouncing to the parents thatthehomeworkproject was stopped, so suddenly less children came.Stiwewais a strongandstable organizationso together with thenewcoordinatorwe tackled the created gab. Witha specially designedbrief survey(see Appendix), we quicklytrainedthe homework counselorsandsent them off, door to door. Thiswas a realunexpectedexpense, but withexcellentresults. Because after that,our homeworkclub wasback onitsnormalstrength (max. 160 children).After this the second problem announced itself, also oncoordinatorlevel (the 2ndnewcoordinator). This time it was aboutlimitedcommitment,insufficientcoordinationknowledgeand thereforepoor quality, inadequate cooperation withboth the Board andthe school. Behindthe scenesStiwewaconducteda fiercebattle to manage the occurredriskandthus stillreach thedesired projectresult (ascoreof at least 80%). During areally good andwellattendedmember meeting,critical questionsabout leadingorcoordinatingthe projectwere asked.The member clearlyshowedher concern.After the meeting there was a conversationbetween herandthechairman of stiwewa. A couple of days afterwards, (the end of April2012)she announced herdeparturedue to healthreasons. Fortunatelystiwewa quickly succeededagainin findinga coordinator and this time fromthe project itself(3rd coordinator) itwas nowthe finalstage, theperiodof May,June, July.

With all the unforeseen problemsand additionalcosts,we werefar abovethecalculated budget of SRDseven and a halfthousand (SRD 7500 -, per month)

Towards the endof thefinal stagein themonth July, we noticed that the absence of thestudents wassuddenlyincreasing. Wealso noticed throughinternaltests(or control surveys) ​​that,particularly the 6thgraderswere not quite"ready" for the nationalGLOfinal exam.

Extratutoring was urgentlyneeded andimmediatelytoo. An optimal cooperationbetweenstiwewa, the schoolandtheparentswas needed like never before. Thehomework projectforthe 6thgraderswas then, based on thisringconstantly(knowledge notsuffice) extended toalmostevery day. Alsothiswas a realunexpectedexpense, but also withoutstanding good results. Because of this quick and earlyintervention, all sixthgraders from the differentschoolswithin the project graduated.Soa 100% score. The board,afterconsulting with thethirdnewcoordinator and held a meeting with allsupervisors, gave instruction to end thehomework project, by the end of July 2012so 2to 3weeks earlier.

Theonly reasonfor this wastheonce againveryhighabsenceof the pupils. The reason for this absence as the principle pointed out, was the free time, the so called ‘’komkommer week”, the student had at school because they were done with everything. No more tests and no more homework. So the student did not see the purpose of coming to the homework project anymore. Theywereclearly supported byboth theirparents andsome teachers withthis point of view. We knewourcounselorsdid their best, but stillafter ending the program,there wasa veryscarysilencewithin the organization. It seemed like everyonewho was involved insupporting thechildrenwere suddenlyvery anxious.Everyone awaited the result of theGLO-final exam in fearandwhen the newscametrough by phone everyone was delighted. Everyone was calling each other up. The joybroke loose. Suddenly​​thedeep uncertaintymade placeforpride andself-confidence. Wehavedone an outstandingjob, and the result does not lie. 89% for theOSwintiwaiand 100% for the project itself, becauseall participants on this, unique for Suriname,either passed or graduated.After thatall relevantexternalstakeholders wereinformedsuch asthesponsors,Varossiauandunder directorateyouth Affairs


  • Atfirst theremust begood and clearcommitmentfromall stakeholders. Becausewith better cooperationandthereforeclose involvement between parents, school andproject manager(soStiwewa), you control problems like absence at an early stage soyou can ensurebetterresults, without pressuring one of the parties too much.
  • in a project withso manystaff (nearly 50 people) we prefer acoordinatorwithleadership experience which also meansthat the personis willing to have unpleasant conversation about changes, bring bad news, in short,he/ sheknowsandwants tointervenein any waywhenthat prove necessary

On behalf of

the Stiwewa board

Mr.R RBerghout, MBA