NZQA unit standard / 27914 version 2
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Title / Demonstrate knowledge of installation practices and procedures for telecommunications network equipment
Level / 3 / Credits / 10
Purpose / This unit standard covers the installation of basic telecommunication cabling, equipment, systems, and services.
People credited with this unit standard are able to:
–demonstrate knowledge of regulatory requirements for installations;
–demonstrate basic knowledge of cabling and cable support installation practice;
–demonstrate knowledge of installation requirements for telecommunications equipment;
–demonstrate basic knowledge of power systems used in telecommunications installations; and
–demonstrate knowledge of commissioning telecommunications installations.
Classification / Telecommunications > Telecommunications - Service Delivery
Available grade / Achieved

Guidance Information


AS/NZS ISO/IEC 15018:2005, Information technology - Generic cabling for homes;

AS/NZS 3000:2007– Electrical installations (known as the Australia/New Zealand Wiring Rules);

AS/NZS 3080:2013, Information technology - Generic cabling for customer premises;

AS/NZS 3084:2017, Telecommunications installations - Telecommunications pathways and spaces for commercial buildings;

TIA/EIA-568A (2017) –Telecommunications Wiring and Cabling Standard;

Building Act 2004;

Electricity Act 1992;

Electricity Safety Regulations 2010;

Health and Safety at Work 2015;

Telecommunications Act 2001;

Resource Management Act 1991;

Resource Management (National Environmental Standards for Telecommunication Facilities) Regulations 2008;

Local Body regulations;

Telecommunications Carriers’ Forum Code for Residential, SOHO and Multi-dwelling Premises Wiring (Premises Wiring Code of Practice) (2011) available at all subsequent amendments and replacements.


a.c – alternating current.

Basic knowledge – employing some operational and theoretical knowledge of the subject matter to interpret available information.

CPE – Customer Premises Equipment.

d.c – direct current.

EME – Electromagnetic Emissions.

Industry practice – those practices that competent practitioners within the industry recognise as current industry best practice.

UPS – Uninterruptable Power Supply.


Evidence for outcomes 2, 3 and 4 may be demonstrated through either knowledge assessment or practical assessment. The use of diverse forms of evidence in assessment against this unit standard is encouraged.

Outcomes and performance criteria

Outcome 1

Demonstrate knowledge of regulatory requirements for installations.

Performance criteria

1.1Explain New Zealand Acts of Parliament impacting on the installation of telecommunications equipment in terms of their impact on telecommunications equipment installations.

RangeActs − Telecommunications Act, Building Act, Electricity Act, Resource Management Act;

impacts may include but are not limited to − requirements for registration, requirement to seek consent.

1.2Explain regulations impacting on the installation of telecommunications equipment in terms of the requirements they impose on telecommunications equipment installations.

RangeRegulations – local body regulations, Electricity (Safety) Regulations, Resource Management (National Environmental Standards for Telecommunications Facilities) Regulations, Building Regulations;

requirements may include but are not limited to − electrically safe, compliant with AS/NZS 3000: 2007, prescribed electrical work, penalties, wall penetration requirements, seismic strength, load bearing, fire stopping, permitted hole sizes in structural materials, EME requirements, noise limits, protection of trees and vegetation, protection of heritage sites, antenna installation and replacements, water disbursement.

1.3Identify Standards, Codes of Practice, and acceptable solutions as tools to assist in compliance with Acts and regulations.

Rangemay include but is not limited to − New Zealand Standards, International Standards, Telecommunications Carriers’ Forum, Building Code, Electrical Codes of Practice, Simple House, Acceptable Solutions.

1.4Explain environmental conditions that must be considered in terms of regulatory requirements when performing installations.

Rangemoisture ingress, water disbursement, insect and vermin ingress, corrosion, ventilation, equipment protection, cable protection, lightning protection, notifiable substances.

Outcome 2

Demonstrate basic knowledge of cabling and cable support installation practice.

Performance criteria

2.1Explain suitability of common telecommunications cables for a given application and in accordance with industry practice.

Rangecables − copper, coaxial cable, fibre, waveguide;

applications may include but are not limited to − CPE, broadcasting, radio systems, access network, core network, signals and communications.

2.2Explain colour coding or labelling, used to identify cables or cable pairs, in telecommunications cabling.

Rangecopper, coaxial cable, fibre, waveguide.

2.3Explain termination methods for common telecommunications cables, including any specialist tools.

Rangecables – copper, coaxial cable, fibre, waveguide;

terminations may include but are not limited to − wire wrap, solder, crimp, DB connectors, internal displacement connectors, co-axial connectors, RJ connectors, fibre connectors, fibre fusion splicing.

2.4Explain methods employed to join telecommunications cables, and their limitations.

Rangecopper, coaxial cable, fibre, waveguide.

2.5Explain cable support systems installation practices in accordance with industry practice.

Rangesupport systems – cable tray, ladder rack, trunking, conduit, catenary wire, aerial support systems;

mounting hardware – fittings, fixtures, fastenings.

2.6Explain management practices for telecommunications cable support systems.

Rangesupport systems – cable tray, ladder rack, trunking, conduit, aerial, buried;

management practice – bend radius, securing, grounding, bonding, labelling, separation of services, diversity routes, cable handling techniques.

Outcome 3

Demonstrate knowledge of installation requirements for telecommunications equipment.

Performance criteria

3.1Identify suitability of frames/cabinets for a given application.

Rangecabinets racks, frames, construction, seismic suitability, suitability for loads.

3.2Explain equipment installation practices in accordance with industry practice.

Rangelocations – equipment room/closet, patch-panels, cabinets, pedestals;

mounting methods – wall mount, pole mount, plinth, rack mount;

other considerations – electrical isolation, dissimilar metals, seismic suitability, dust control during installation.

Outcome 4

Demonstrate basic knowledge of power systems used in telecommunications installations.

Evidence requirements

4.1Explain types of power systems and their purpose in terms of telecommunications installations.

Ranged.c.power, a.c. power, battery backup, renewable energy, inverters, UPS.

4.2Identify protection devices used in telecommunications installations and their application.

Rangeearthing, circuit breakers, fuses, thermal overloads, surge protection, lightning protection, static protection.

4.3Explain termination methods for extra low voltage power cables.

Rangepillar and post, crimp lug, terminal blocks, polarity, plug and socket.

Outcome 5

Demonstrate knowledge of commissioning telecommunications installations.

Performance criteria

5.1Identify reasons for performing commissioning tests.

Rangesafety, performance, harm to equipment, damage to cabling, incorrect function, compliance, warranties.

5.2Explain common commissioning testing.

Rangevisual inspections, polarity, functional tests, end to end tests, remote control access.

5.3Identify information required before handover of installation.

Planned review date / 31 December 2020

Status information and last date for assessment for superseded versions

Process / Version / Date / Last Date for Assessment
Registration / 1 / 18 July 2013 / N/A
Rollover and Revision / 2 / 23 November 2017 / N/A
Consent and Moderation Requirements (CMR) reference / 0101

This CMR can be accessed at

Comments on this unit standard

Please contact Infrastructure ITO you wish to suggest changes to the content of this unit standard.

Connexis Infrastructure ITO
SSB Code 101813 / New Zealand Qualifications Authority 2018