/ Mechanicsville Elementary School
Week at a Glance
This is a Blue week. (Grade 3-5) / October 3 – October 7
10/3/16 / No School – Happy Rosh Hashanah!
10/4/16 / Food Drive Begins – Bring in a food donation for a CARE Ticket!
10/5/16 / World Teachers’ Day – Thank a Teacher!
10/6/16 / Mad Hatter Day - The Mad Hatter is a fictional cartoon character depicted in Alice's Adventures in Wonderland.
10/7/16 / FUN Run Today during Specials! Donations are due Today.

Project ACES

MES will participate in Project ACES again this year. Project ACES (All Children Excel in School) will take place from Monday, September 26 to Sunday, October 9. Project ACES encourages all children to be physically active through individual, school and family activities. Physical activity strengthens the heart, lungs and muscles and gives you more energy!

Think about 5 to 2 to 1 to None

5 – Strive for 5 or more servings of fruit and vegetables every day.

2 – Spend less than 2 hours in front of a computer or TV screen.

1 – Be active for at least 1 hour every day.

NONE – No soda, drink water.

Physical activity makes you more alert and ready to learn! Here is a list of physical activities to try.

Tag, Tennis, Roller Blading, Yoga, Baseball, Hopscotch, Karate, Playing Catch, P.E. Class, Biking, Raking Leaves, Basketball, Kick Ball, Gymnastics, Walking, Active Recess, Jumping Rope, Soccer

News from the Health Room

Important: Parents of students in the primary grades. Please read below:

Mechanicsville Elementary School will have second dose clinics in December for students who are age eight and under who have not received at least two doses of the influenza vaccine before July 1, 2016.

Appropriate Dress for School

Purpose: To create a respectful, healthy and safe environment with grooming and clothing that is clean, appropriate, decent and not disruptive to the educational process during the school day. Expectations for students, staff and volunteers include, but are not limited to:

·  Hats, bandanas, other head coverings should only be worn on special days

(Spirit Day, etc.)

·  Sunglasses should not be worn unless required for medical reasons

·  Short shorts, bare midriffs, ragged or torn clothing, clothing that exposes bare skin between the upper chest and mid-thigh or creates a significant distraction, beach wear, clothing that advertises drugs, alcohol, tobacco, gang symbols, weapons, sexual activity, etc. are not acceptable.

·  Pants and shorts should fit snugly around the waist, and for safety reasons, pants should not touch the ground.

·  Students need to wear appropriate dress on physical education days – sneakers, comfortable clothing that allows safe movement.

·  Students are not permitted to wear flip-flops. All shoes must be fastened with shoe laces or Velcro. Students who wear inappropriate footwear to school will not be allowed to participate in recess or PE.

Media Center News

Battle of the Books

All 4th and 5th grade students attended our Battle of the Books kickoff. Battle of the Books is a partnership between the Carroll County Public Library and Carroll County Public Schools. Students form teams to read books and compete against teams from other elementary schools. All interested students should return their permission slips to the media center by October 7th. More information about the Battle of the Books program can be found on the Carroll County Public Library website at http://library.carr.org/programs/BOB.aspadditional permission slips can be picked up in the media center.


All MES students can access our ebooks at home! Ebooks can be read on any computer or devise with internet access at the following website https://destiny.carrollk12.org/ Begin by selecting our school from the list of elementary schools. Then, depending on your devise, either click the see all button in the ebooks box or do a search for ebooks and select see all in the digital resources box. Most books do not require students to log in to read them (a few of the novels do). If you are prompted for a log in after selecting the book, students can use the username and password found in the front of their agenda.

Happy Reading- Mrs. Goldsmith

School Food Drive

In cooperation with the Maryland Food Bank, Mechanicsville Elementary School will be holding a food drive from October 4 – October 28. You will soon see a shopping cart appear in the front lobby and near the first grade classrooms. The most needed items include peanut butter, rice, macaroni and cheese, tuna fish, canned vegetables, and cereal. Please only donate non-perishable items. Students will place donations in the shopping cart on the way into the building. We will weigh our donations each day. The state of will award monetary prizes for the schools with the most donations by weight. Also, students will receive a CARE Ticket for each donation! All donated food will go to a food pantry in our area. In Maryland, one of the wealthiest states in the nation, 1 in 5 children struggle with food insecurity. Thank you in advance for any donations that you can provide. Your generosity is appreciated.

Middle School NEWS

Westminster West Middle School

Vendor Event Fundraiser

Supported and Hosted by our PTA

When: October 14th, 2016

Where: West Middle School- Cafeteria and Gym

Time: 6:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m.

What: Shopping, Raffles, and Snacks

Why: To raise money for Educational Resources

The list of vendors continues to grow…but to name a few…

·  LulaRoe

·  PartyLite

·  Perfectly Posh

·  Initials Inc.

·  Thirty-One

·  Scentsy

·  ViVI Jewelry

·  Premier Design Jewelry

·  Plexus

·  Terra Essential Oils

·  Rodan and Fields