THURSDAY July 6, 2017 7:44 PM to 9:28 PM

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Members Present: Chair Lohny Fredrick, SupervisorGreg Fredrick, Treasurer Jon Schoenike, and Clerk Deborah Behl. Supervisor LeRoy Tietz was absent for medical reasons. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.

Public Notice: Clerk reported that agendas were posted on Monday, July 3, 2017at all locations.

Public Comment: None.

Minutes: None.

Treasurer’s Report: MOTION (G Fredrick, L Fredrick): To approve the Treasurer’s Report as presented with balances in Checking $2,786.83and in the Interest Account $117,354.44. Carried on voice vote with no negatives.

Police Report: Chief Dave Beal presented the June Police Report. Mary Zabel and Ruth Wall, residents of Hidden Meadows, asked questions about police coverage for their area.

Sanitary District #2: MOTION (L Fredrick, G Fredrick): to appoint Dean Kehl Lebanon Sanitary District #2 Commissioner for a 3 year term. Carried on voice vote with no negatives. Clerk Behl will administer the Oath of Office at a later date.

Driveway Permit: MOTION (L Fredrick, G Fredrick): To approve the Driveway Permit for Jason and Amanda Otto for a new driveway south of N1003 Scofield Road, east side of road. Carried on voice vote with no negatives.

New Operator’s Licenses: MOTION (L Fredrick, G Fredrick): To approve New Operator’s Licenses for the term of July 6, 2017 through June 30, 2018 for the following:

Nass, Marisa F. and Kuehl, Jordan A.

Carried on voice vote with no negatives.

Land Use Issues: Sign Provisions of the CountyLand Use Code: The consensus of the Board was to recommend approval to the County of the amendments to the sign provisions of the Land Use Code.

Land Use Issues: Non-Metallic Mining Provisions of the CountyLand Use Code: The consensus of the Board was to recommend approval to the County of the amendments to the Non-Metallic Mining Provisions of the County Land Use Code.

Highway Superintendent’s Report: Highway Superintendent Brent Boyd reported that:

-Rock River flooding is still an issue.

-He is working with the County for reimbursement for the Crawfish Road project grant.

-Salt bids for winter are down about $3 per ton.

-Water on Poplar Grove Roadbetween N1412 and the railroad tracks continues to be a problem.


THURSDAY July 6, 2017 7:44 PM to 9:28 PM

MINUTES page 2 of 2

Fire Department: Fire Chief Brent Boyd reported that he has applied for a grant to cover the $175 per fireman cost of the upcoming grain bin rescue training which will be held here in Lebanon on August 26. The Horton Insurance Group will hold an ATV driver safety training here in Lebanon on September 17.

EMS Report: None.

Park Committee: Boyd reported that everyone is busy getting the Firemen’s Park ready for the annual Firemen’s Picnic.

Board Member Reports: G. Fredrick asked about the winter use of sand on our roads. He said he has been getting complaints that people don’t want sand used on their roads. Boyd explained that a salt and sand mix has always been used here, about 1/3 salt to 2/3 sand. With this mixture and plowing we have been able to achieve clear roads while saving taxpayers about 50% of the cost over clear salt. Also, there are environmental concerns anytime you use salt, so the less the better. Treasurer Schoenike commented that the majority of people are happy with the way snow plowing is done here in Lebanon and the Chairman concurred.

Future Agenda Items: Nothing.

Monthly Bills: Bills for the month were reviewed. MOTION (L Fredrick, G Fredrick): to pay bills as presented in the amount of $53,224.04. Carried on voice vote with no negatives.

Adjournment: MOTION (L Fredrick, G Fredrick): to adjourn. Carried on voice vote with no negatives.

Respectfully Submitted,

Deborah Behl, Clerk