GIS Training Report
Tigray REDD+ Coordination Unit Planned various components of capacity building & awareness creation activities in the readiness period, including Training Gis application for Zonal &woreda NRM department coordinators.
Based on that plan, 32 woreda , 5 Zonal NRM department coordinators & 4 Forest sector Capacity Building Project members,total 41 participated in the 6 day (Augest 27 – Sep.01/2016) training of Gis, at EVE hotel ,Adigrat.
- To Enhance & Develop the Knowledge of GIS application in order to support field works of Natural Resource Management &REDD+ activities.
Arc catalog ,Geo data base, Arc map
Attribute data & spatial querying, Digitize, Editing and updating spatial data
Managing Arc tool box (Analysis tools ,Data management tools, spatial analyst tools)
Watershed Delineation methods
Land use & base map preparation(using GPS data ,Google earth & Topographic map)
Data frame & creating map layout
Field visit & daily exercise
- Before the Gis training started, REDD+ awareness creation, Forest & climate change &an overview Tigray Region REDD+ Readiness & pilot activities were presented & discussed tocreate capacity & to have knowhow to support REDD+ activities.
- All computers downloadedArcGis 9.3 software
- Brief Practical presentation on each agenda
- Trainees Exercised individual &mixed with experienced experts on each Gis application activities.
- Group evaluation on daily training & based on evaluation & questions raised there was a revision on critical common problems.
- Field exercise and presentation
The trainees were monitored & evaluated based on their interactive in each class exercise, assignments & field presentation activities. The woreda&Zonala participants classified in to A,B.C according the result of given exercise .
In addition to that, the trainee evaluated the overall training &eventson Arc Gis& its application for watershed management according the given “participants training evaluation form”.
Each Zone &Woreda ranked based on their activities during the training“ A” / “ B” / “C”
Zone / West / Central,East,N.West,South / -
Woreda / Kola temben, M/Leke / Enderta,K/humera,Hawzen / Ahferom,L/machew,
Erob,A/wonberta,K/awlaelo, / w/leke,N/adet,T/abergele, / Adwa, T/adyabo,
G/afeshum, R/azebo, ofla / Tsegede,Wolkait,E/mekoni, / E/mekoni, D/temben
Raya alamata / &Alaje FSCB project,A/tse. / ( They Need more
Alaje(Menaseb,FSCBProj). / Tselemti,T/koraro,L/adiab, / support& Continuous
S/Ts/Emba,M/zana,T/mach, / Excercises.
- The training was appreciated REDD+ is the first project that gave training of Gis for NRM coordinators in our Region.
- They also explained that the training would be more supportive in each NRM& REDD+ activities& helped to monitor & follow up the coordinators.
- The Gis training also could help to have each woreda equal/similar knowledge
- The trainees gave comment on trainers that they were well prepared with full confident.
- In addition to that, the participant’s punctuality & time efficiency was appreciated.
- Some obstacles were explained to correct /improve that the shortageoftraining date, the interruption of internet during exercise of watershed delineation using Google earth.
- They asked also REED+ to support GIS materials (like GPS…),Laptopetc for woredas& Zones.
Gis Trainees attend the lecture & Exercise the applications
Woreda NRM coordinators 32 (Except from H/wajrat& S/samre)
Zonal NRM coordinator 5 (Except from southeast &Mekelle)
Forest sector CB project 4, total 41 participants.
CENTRAL ZONE / Name of Trainees / WEST ZONE / Name of TraineesZone coordinator / H/mariam / Zone coordinator / Tesfaytsehaye
L/machew / HadushBeyene / K/humera / TesfayAmare
T/machew / TikaboNugus / Wolkaiet / Mueze w/gebreal
Adwa / g/meskelWoldu / Tsegede / Michealle g/medhin
Ahferom / SisayAbraha / NORTH WEST / Name of Trainees
A/naeder / Tsegaykahsay / Zone coordinator / Haftesillase
M/leka / Abraham t/mariam / Tselemti / Hagos k/mariam
W/leke / HailayHintsa / A/tsemblla / Birhanuyohanes
K/temben / Fisehatsionkasa / T/koraro / Aberahagos
T/Abergele / Berihutadele / T/adiabo / Filmondesta
L/adiabo / Laekeabadi
M/zana / Semaegebre
EAST ZONE / Name of Trainees / SOUTH ZONE / Name of Trainees
Zone coordinator / Mengsteabtsegay / Zone coordinator / Achamyeleh
G/mekeda / Gezaeasgele / E/alaje / Tsegabuaraya
Erob / YosefMisgina / E/mekoni / Yigzawtadele
G/afeshum / Berihuabera / Offla / Wondewosenaraya
Hawzen / Fisum g/giorgs / R/azebo / Tegenesisay
A/wonberta / G/hiwotbirhane / R/alamata / Tawiyegidey
K/awlaello / Haftuhindeya / SOUTH EAST / Name of Trainees
S/tsa/Emba / g/Mariam asfaha / Enderta / Birhanetadele
D/Temben / g/hiwot t/haimanot
E/mekoniFSCBProject / Zewde g/medhin / E/Alaje
FSCBProject / Minasebg/medhin
Adefressmamo / KifleEqubay
VIII. Total participant &Budget Utilized
- Zonal NRM coordinators------05
- Woreda NRM coordinators------32
- FSCB Project staff------04
- REDD+ CU------04
- Region NRM staff------05
- Drivers------07
-Birr ------184,447.88