Issue II dated 1.9.99 Effective 1.1.2000

Subject :Syllabus for Examination for Issue of Private Pilot’s Licence for Aeroplanes and Helicopters, and Pilot’s Licence for Microlight Aircraft, Gliders and Balloons.


Sections E and F of Schedule II of the Aircraft Rules, 1937 stipulate, amongst other requirements, that for issuance of Private Pilot’s License (PPL) for Aeroplanes and Helicopters, the applicant shall have to pass a written examination as per the syllabus prescribed by the DGCA. Sections G, H and I of the Schedule II lay down similar requirements for the issuance of Pilot’s License for Microlight aircraft, Balloons and Gliders respectively.

This CAR lays down the main topics of syllabus for the guidance of the candidates for appearing in the written examinations for issuance of these licenses for aeroplanes, helicopters, microlight aircraft and balloons, and oral examination for Pilot’s license (Gliders) under the above sections of Schedule II. The syllabus is in accordance with the knowledge requirements prescribed in ICAO Annex 1.

This CAR is issued under the provisions of Schedule II and Rule 133A of the Aircraft Rules, 1937.


2.1Private Pilot’s Licence (Aeroplanes and Microlight Aircraft)

The applicant shall pass written examination conducted by DGCA covering at least the following topics:

2.1.1Air Regulations

a)Aircraft Act, 1934 – Chapter I, Short title and extent, definitions, power to detain aircraft, penalty for act in contravention of rules made under the act, penalty for flying so as to cause danger;

b)Aircraft Rules, 1937;

c)Rules of the air;

d)Appropriate air traffic services practices and procedures;

2.1.2Aircraft General Knowledge

a)Principles of operation of aeroplane power plants, systems and instruments;

b)Operating limitations of aeroplanes and power plants; relevant operational information from the flight manual or other appropriate document;

2.1.3Flight Performance and Planning

a)Effects of loading and mass distribution on flight characteristics; mass and balance calculations;

b)Use and practical application of take-off, landing and other performance data;

c)Pre-flight and en-route flight planning appropriate to private operations under VFR; preparation and filing of air traffic services flight plans; appropriate air traffic service procedures, position reporting procedures; altimeter setting procedures; operations in areas of high density traffic;

2.1.4Human Performance and Limitations

Human performance and limitations relevant to the private pilot- aeroplanes and microlight aircraft;


Application of elementary aeronautical meteorology; use of, and procedures for obtaining, meteorological information; altimetry;


Practical aspects of air navigation and dead reckoning techniques; use of aeronautical charts;

2.1.7Operational Procedures

a)use of aeronautical documentation such as AIP, NOTAM, aeronautical codes and abbreviations;

b)appropriate precautionary and emergency procedures, including action to be taken to avoid hazardous weather, wake turbulence and other operating hazards;

2.1.8Principles of Flight

Principles of flight relating to aeroplanes;

2.1.9Radio Telephony

Radiotelephony procedures and phraseology as applied to VFR operations; action to be taken in case of communication failure;

2.2 Private Pilot’s Licence (Helicopters)

The applicant shall pass written examinations conducted by DGCA covering at least the following topics:

2.2.1Air Regulations

a)Aircraft Act, 1934 – Chapter I, Short title and extent, definitions, power to detain aircraft, penalty for act in contravention of rules made under the act, penalty for flying so as to cause danger;

b)Aircraft Rules, 1937;

c)Rules of the air;

d)Appropriate air traffic services practices and procedures;

2.2.2Aircraft General Knowledge

a)Principles of operation of helicopter power plants, transmission (power-trains) systems and instruments;

b)Operating limitations of helicopter and power plants; relevant operational information from the flight manual;

2.2.3Flight Performance and Planning

a)Effects of loading and mass distribution on flight characteristics; mass and balance calculations;

b)Use and practical application of take-off, landing and other performance data;

c)Pre-flight and en-route flight planning appropriate to private operations under VFR; preparation and filing of air traffic services flight plans; appropriate air traffic service procedures, position reporting procedures; altimeter setting procedures; operations in areas of high density traffic;

2.2.4Human Performance and Limitations

Human performance and limitations relevant to the private pilot- helicopter;


Application of elementary aeronautical meteorology; use of, and procedures for obtaining, meteorological information; altimetry;


Practical aspects of air navigation and dead reckoning techniques; use of aeronautical charts;

2.2.7Operational Procedures

a)Use of aeronautical documentation such as AIP, NOTAM, aeronautical codes and abbreviations;

b)Appropriate precautionary and emergency procedures, including action to be taken to avoid hazardous weather, wake turbulence, settling with power, ground resonance, roll-over and other operating hazards;

2.2.8Principles of Flight

Principles of flight relating to helicopters;

2.2.9Radio Telephony

Radiotelephony procedures and phraseology as applied to VFR operations; action to be taken in case of communication failure;

2.3Pilot’s Licence (Balloons)

The applicant shall pass a written examination conducted by DGCA at least in the following topics:

2.3.1Air Regulations

a)Aircraft Act, 1934 – Chapter I, Short title and extent, definitions, power to detain aircraft, penalty for act in contravention of rules made under the act, penalty for flying so as to cause danger;

b)Aircraft Rules, 1937;

c)Rules of the air;

d)Appropriate air traffic services practices and procedures;

2.3.2Aircraft General Knowledge

a)Principles of operation of free balloon systems and instruments;

b)Operating limitations of free balloons; relevant operational information from the flight manual or other appropriate documents;

c)Physical properties and practical application of gasses used in free balloons;

2.3.3Flight Performance and Planning

a)Effects of loading on flight characteristics; mass calculations;

b)Use and practical application of launching, landing and other performance data, including the effect of temperature;

c)Pre-flight and en-route flight planning appropriate to conditions under VFR; appropriate air traffic service procedures, position reporting procedures; altimeter setting procedures; operations in areas of high density traffic;

2.3.4Human Performance and Limitations

Human performance and limitations relevant to the free balloon pilot;


Application of elementary aeronautical meteorology; use of, and procedures for obtaining, meteorological information; altimetry;


Practical aspects of air navigation and dead reckoning techniques; use of aeronautical charts;

2.3.7Operational Procedures

a)Use of aeronautical documentation such as AIP, NOTAM, aeronautical codes and abbreviations;

b)Appropriate precautionary and emergency procedures, including action to be taken to avoid hazardous weather, wake turbulence, and other operating hazards;

2.3.8Principles of Flight

Principles of flight relating to free balloons;

2.3.9Radio Telephony

Radiotelephony procedures and phraseology as applied to VFR operations; action to be taken in case of communication failure;

2.4Pilot’s Licence (Gliders)

The applicant shall pass an oral examination in the subjects of air regulations, air navigation, aviation meteorology, aircraft and instruments covering at least the following main topics:

2.4.1Air Regulations

a)Aircraft Act, 1934 – Chapter I, Short title and extent, definitions, power to detain aircraft, penalty for act in contravention of rules made under the act, penalty for flying so as to cause danger;

b)Aircraft Rules, 1937;

c)Rules of the air;

d)Appropriate air traffic services practices and procedures;

2.4.2Aircraft General Knowledge

a)Principles of operation of glider systems and instruments;

b)Operating limitations of gliders; relevant operational information from the flight manual or other appropriate document;

2.4.3Flight Performance and Planning

a)Effects of loading and mass distribution on flight characteristics; mass and balance consideration;

b)Use and practical application of launching, landing and other performance data;

c)Pre-flight and en-route flight planning appropriate to operations under VFR; appropriate air traffic service procedures, position reporting procedures; altimeter setting procedures; operations in areas of high density traffic;

2.4.4Human Performance and Limitations

Human performance and limitations relevant to the glider pilot;


Application of elementary aeronautical meteorology; use of, and procedures for obtaining, meteorological information; altimetry;


Practical aspects of air navigation and dead reckoning techniques; use of aeronautical charts;

2.4.7Operational Procedures

a)Use of aeronautical documentation such as AIP, NOTAM, aeronautical codes and abbreviations;

b)Different launch methods and associated procedures;

c) Appropriate precautionary and emergency procedures, including action to be taken to avoid hazardous weather, wake turbulence and other operating hazards;

2.4.8Principles of Flight

Principles of flight relating to gliders;

2.4.9Radio Telephony

Radiotelephony procedures and phraseology as applied to VFR operations; action to be taken in case of communication failure.



Director General of Civil Aviation