MMDI Rules Contract
MMDI TAIWAN 2018- 8/7/-16/7/2018
- Can be married or separated or divorced
- Any Age
- No alcoholic beverage in your room and other place during the MMDI event.
- No smoking in the public.
- No drugs and sex during the MMDI Event
- STAY FOCUED I-Pad, I-Phone, non-I-Phone, earphone music are not allowed during MMDI Rehearsal and stage performances.
- Gender…. Male or Female is OK.
- You are not allowed to speak negative on the Facebook or other type of media. If you are concerned about something, please seek for an assistance from one of MMDI staff.
- No visitors, including family members during a rehearsal session and/or in the dressing /lodging room.
- BE ON TIME! Delegates must participate in ALL MMDI activities and there will be no EXCEPTIONS.
- Do not participate in interviews for radio, television or newspapers unless you have prior consent of the MMDI CEO, President and staff.
- Complete and submit a signature of this contract, photograph(s), all other required documents such as an application, a request for Visa letter only if necessary required by your specific country, copy of your passport, copy of your health wellness signed by doctor, and proof of the airline ticket/itinerary.
- The airline ticket must be purchased before May 15, 2018 or the application will not be completed and then the late fee of 150 Euro will be applied. If application late fee is NOT being paid by June 15, 2018 late fee will be 200 Euro.
- All delegates are required to sign this contract and all forms relating to MMDI, which consists of an agreement to abide by the rules during the rehearsal and competition.
- Delegates will be automatically disqualified for failure to adhere to the MMDI event rules and guidelines. Immediately upon determination of disqualification, the MMDI CEO and President shall notify the delegate’s chaperone or/and parents for all actions, which have resulted in her/his disqualification.
- During the MMDI rehearsal and competition, you will be exposed with photo taking and video as well for MMDI 2018 event and website such as newspaper, etc. This contract when signed by you, grants us permission to include your name, photo, video with identification on the MMDI website and Facebook page in various media coverage about the MMDI and you as a delegate prior, during and after the event.
I have read this contract and understand fully of the rules and expectations.
I, ______abide by the rules during the MMDI rehearsal and the MMDI events and competition. By signing this document was given on this day, I grant that I have agreed to the terms and conditions outlined above.
Delegate Name (print): ______
Signature: ______Date: ______