Wichita State University
College of Education
COURSE: CESP 824, Counseling Techniques, 3 credit hours, Hubbard Hall Room 328
SEMESTER: Fall, 2008
OFFICE: Room 314, Hubbard Hall (enter through room 320)
OFFICE HOURS: 3:15 – 4:15 Mondays; 4:45 – 6:45 Wednesdays; or by appointment
TELEPHONE NUMBERS: Department Office, 978-3326; My Office, 978-5181
Home (785) 536-4224; Cell, (785) 822-2604
Note: Weather Cancellations – Call Weather Line, 978-6633, then press “2” to obtain information on weather related class cancellations.
CATALOG DESCRIPTION: Examines and practices techniques of counseling through simulated situations and extensive examination of counseling case studies.
PREREQUISITES: CESP 728, 802, 803 or 804, 821, 822, PSY 940, and counseling major or departmental consent.
Corey, G. (2009). Case approach to counseling and psychotherapy (7th ed.).
Belmont, CA: Brooks/Cole.
Corey, G. (2009). The art of integrative counseling (2nd ed.).
Belmont, CA: Brooks/Cole.
Ivey, A. (2003). Essentials of intentional interviewing. Belmont, CA: Brooks/Cole.
Students who are eligible to become licensed professional school counselors are required to spend one half day on a Tuesday with the instructor at Cloud Elementary in Wichita. Students who do not complete the requirement will not pass the class. Please contact Dr. Ruth Hitchcock at or 978-6338 to set up this time.
1. Attending behavior.
2. Tracking and reflection of client thoughts and feelings.
3. Confrontation of client discrepancies.
4. Relationship between counseling theory, counseling techniques and appropriate problem-solving strategies.
Major Topics:
Each guiding principle, associated with a major topic, is addressed and assessed in this course.
Major Topics /Guiding Principles from the Unit Conceptual Framework*
Professionalism and Reflection (PR) / Human Development and Diversity (HDD) / Connection of Teaching Experiences and Assessment (CTA) / Technology (T) / Content Knowledge, Pedagogical Content Knowledge, and Alignment with Standards (CKS) / Collaboration ©Attending behavior / x
Tracking and reflection of client thoughts and feelings / x
Confrontation of client discrepancies / x
Relationship between counseling theory, counseling techniques and appropriate problem-solving strategies / x
Self and other evaluation of counseling skills / x
Crisis intervention / x / x
Learner Outcomes: (assessment, guiding principles, guiding program document, professional standards)
Course OutcomesThe student will: / Related Assessment / Guiding Principles Unit Conceptual Framework
(PR, HDD, CTA, T, CKS, C) / Guiding Principles from Guiding Program Document / Professional Standards (KSDE, ASHA, NASP)
Understand major theories of individual counseling / Case study
Journals / CKS1 / 1.The Counseling Program is committed to preparing prospective school counselors to act with integrity where the school counselor’s espoused theory is aligned with the counselor’s theory-in-use. / KSDE K: 4.1
Understand individual and group counseling strategies and methods / Case study
Counseling skills
Journals / CKS1 / 1.The Counseling Program is committed to preparing prospective school counselors to act with integrity where the school counselor’s espoused theory is aligned with the counselor’s theory-in-use / KSDE K: 4.3
Understand characteristics and behaviors that influence the helping process including age, gender, social and cultural diversity / Case study
Counseling skills
Journals / CKS1 / 5. The Counseling Program is committed to preparing school counselors who reflect upon and learn from their own practice and the context in which their practice occurs. / KSDE K: 4.4
Understands empirically demonstrated principles of affective, adaptive, social and behavior change / Case study / HDD1 / 1.The Counseling Program is committed to preparing prospective school counselors to act with integrity where the school counselor’s espoused theory is aligned with the counselor’s theory-in-use. / KSDE K: 4.2 (School psychology)
Understands behavior management and counseling strategies that enhance appropriate child behavior / Case study / CTA2 / 1.The Counseling Program is committed to preparing prospective school counselors to act with integrity where the school counselor’s espoused theory is aligned with the counselor’s theory-in-use. / KSDE K: 4.5 (School psychology)
Uses appropriate helping skills and technology in facilitating the counseling process / Counseling skills / CTA5 / 7. The Counseling Program is committed to preparing school counselors who demonstrate skills in the use of technology appropriate to the practice of school counseling. Graduates will use technology to enhance their professional productivity. / KSDE P: 4.2
Practices ethical behavior on professional activities / Counseling skills / PR3 / 6.The Counseling Program is committed to preparing school counselors who meet evolving state and professional standards for counselors. / KSDE P: 1.3
Demonstrates knowledge of effective strategies and methods in individual and group counseling / Counseling skills
Journals / CTA3 / 1.The Counseling Program is committed to preparing prospective school counselors to act with integrity where the school counselor’s espoused theory is aligned with the counselor’s theory-in-use / KSDE P: 4.3
Utilizes knowledge of personal, cultural and behavioral characteristics in the counseling process / Counseling skills
Journals / CTA3 / 1.The Counseling Program is committed to preparing prospective school counselors to act with integrity where the school counselor’s espoused theory is aligned with the counselor’s theory-in-use / KSDE P: 4.4
Understands the role and function of the counselor in crisis intervention / Crisis intervention project / PR2 / 3. The Counseling Program is committed to preparing prospective school counselors who understand that the strength of the counseling program rests in inclusively involving members of a diverse community into the planning, decision-making, and implementation of school programs. / KSDE K: 1.2
Understands crisis intervention strategies / Crisis intervention project / C2 / 4.The Counseling Program is committed to preparing prospective school counselors who are committed to service. They have a commitment to meeting the needs of the school and community. / KSDE K: 9.4
KSDE K: 7.3 (School psychology)
Articulates the role of a counselor in crisis intervention / Crisis intervention project / C1 / 4.The Counseling
Program is committed to preparing prospective school counselors who are committed to service. They have a commitment to meeting the needs of the school and community. / KSDE P: 9.5
The mission of the Counseling Program is to provide competent, collaborative and reflective education professionals who are highly educated, visionary, character-driven, ethical counselors for Kansas school districts (in general) and the urban/suburban areas in the Wichita State University service area (in particular) who are prepared to practice in a complex, accountability-focused setting and to advocate for all learners and for high quality schooling.
The most important purpose of counseling is to help clients learn how to make decisions and develop ways of thinking, feeling, and behaving so that they can be responsible and productive members of a multicultural and technological society. Counselors must understand how people grow and develop, how to maintain effective interpersonal relations, and how to be ethical and professional in their actions. They must be well-grounded in the theory and research in counseling and must be provided opportunities to apply these to the world of practice.
The goal of this program, through academic and field experiences combined with systematic student reflection, is to produce caring, competent, ethical, counseling professionals capable of dealing with the personal, social, career, empowerment, and educational concerns of their clients. They will be able to effectively apply counseling theory and research in counseling practice.
CESP 824
KSDE Knowledge Standards for Counseling Licensure:
4.1: The counselor understands the major theories of individual counseling
4.3: The counselor understands individual and group counseling strategies and methods
4.4: The counselor understands characteristics and behaviors that influence the helping process including age, gender, social and cultural diversity
KSDE Performance Standards for Counseling Licensure:
4.1: The counselor utilizes knowledge of individual counseling theories.
KSDE Knowledge Standards for School Psychology Licensure:
4.2: The school psychologist understands empirically demonstrated principles of affective, adaptive, social, and behavior change.
4.5: The school psychologist understands behavior management and counseling strategies that enhance appropriate child behavior.
CESP 824
1. Understands the major theories of individual counseling / Clearly explains how two or more theories fit the case / Clearly explains how at least one theory fits the case / Does not clearly explain how at least one theory fits the case2. Understands individual counseling strategies and methods and behavior management strategies / Accurately describes at least three techniques to be used / Accurately describes at least one technique to be used / Does not accurately describe techniques to be used
3. Utilizes knowledge of individual counseling theories and related techniques / Accurately describes relationship between
theories and techniques / Accurately describes relationship between
theories and some techniques / Does not describe relationship between theories and techniques
4. Understands how characteristics and behaviors influence the helping process including age, gender, social and cultural diversity / Accurately describes how the interaction between client and counselor can be impacted by age, gender, social and cultural diversity / Accurately describes how the interaction between client and counselor can be impacted by at least two of the factors of age, gender, social and cultural diversity / Does not accurately describe how the interaction between client and counselor can be impacted by age, gender, social and cultural diversity
CESP 802, CESP 824
KSDE Knowledge Standards for Counseling Licensure:
4.3: The counselor understands individual and group counseling strategies and methods.
4.4: The counselor understands characteristics and behaviors that influence the helping process including age, gender, social and cultural diversity.
KSDE Performance Standard for Counseling Licensure:
1.3: Practices ethical behavior on professional activities
4.2: The counselor uses appropriate helping skills and technology in facilitating the counseling process.
4.3: The counselor demonstrates knowledge of effective strategies and methods in individual and group counseling.
4.4: The counselor utilizes knowledge of personal, cultural, and behavioral characteristics in the counseling process.
1. Practices ethical behavior of giving informed consent / Clear statement of informed consent at beginning of session / Does not give informed consent2. Is respectful of client's age, gender, social and cultural diversity / Respectful of client and concerns / Is not respectful of client or concerns
3. Demonstrates knowledge of effective strategy of self disclosure / Done briefly to assist client / Either takes focus from client or is not done when it would be helpful
4. Uses helping skill of keeping the focus on client / Consistently focuses on client’s issues / Does not focus on client’s issues
5. Utilizes knowledge of personal, cultural, and behavioral characteristics in the counseling process / Explores diversity issues with client / Does not acknowledge diversity issues
6. Uses and demonstrates knowledge of the following appropriate helping skills and effective strategies for individual counseling:
A. Realistic goal-setting
B. Focus on specific behaviors and their consequences
C. Active listening
D. Nonverbal behavior
E. Silence
F. Clarification and reflection
G. Summarization
H. Confrontation
I. Assigning homework
J. Termination of session / Balance of techniques aimed at understanding client’s thoughts, feelings, behaviors and meaning / Does not have balanced techniques
CESP 824
KSDE Knowledge Standards for Counseling Licensure:
1.2: The counselor understands the role and function of the (school) counselor
9.4: The counselor understands crisis intervention strategies
KSDE Performance Standards for Counseling Licensure:
9.5: The counselor articulates the role of a counselor in crisis intervention
KSDE Knowledge Standards for School Psychology Licensure:
7.3: The school psychologist can provide information about effective crisis intervention.
1. Understands the role and function of the (school) counselor or psychologist / Provides clear description of counselor’s or school psychologist’s role and responsibilities / Provides clear description of counselor’s or school psychologist’s role / Does not provide clear description of counselor’s or school psychologist’s role and responsibilities2. Understands crisis intervention / Accurately describes crisis intervention strategies and how they impact the counselor’s or school psychologist’s role / Accurately describes crisis intervention strategies / Does not accurately describe crisis intervention strategies
3. Describes counselor’s or school psychologist’s role in crisis intervention / Explains how and why a crisis may alter the counselor’s or school psychologist’s role / Explains how a crisis may alter the counselor’s or school psychologist’s role / Does not explain how and why a crisis may alter the counselor’s or school psychologist’s role
Starting the first week of class, you are to keep a log of class activities. For each week that counseling sessions are conducted, you are to address the following issues. The following journal format should be used for each session:
A. Name
B. Date
C. Counselor/Client – use initials of counselor and client
D. Summary of the session. Include theories being used, techniques used, and relationship between the theories and techniques.
E. In what ways was the counselor’s behavior helpful? In what ways was his or her behavior not helpful? Be specific. For example, what about a particular questions seemed to help the client look at the situation from another perspective. Describe the impact of the interaction between the client and counselor.
F. A description of how you would have approached the situation and why. Again, be specific instead of writing in generalities. Describe at least two alternative approaches for assisting the client.
G. Entries should be typewritten, double spaced, and questions should be answered comprehensively.
CESP 824
KSDE Knowledge Standards for Counseling Licensure:
4.1: The counselor understands the major theories of individual counseling
4.3: The counselor understands individual and group counseling strategies and methods
4.4: The counselor understands characteristics and behaviors that influence the helping process including age, gender, social and cultural diversity
KSDE Performance Standards for Counseling Licensure: