Statistics CP Spring Project (2015)
Purpose: To use your knowledge of statistics to answer a meaningful question.
The project must be done in groups of Two, Three, or Four. The project will be worth 150 points. The project must include atopic proposal, written report, and PowerPoint presentation.
You are to identify an individual or group that would benefit from your services as a statistical consultant. You will determine what questions need to be answered and what data you will need to collect.
Proposal: 30 points – due on or before Friday, May 15(must be typed and double spaced)
- Who are you helping?
- What question will you be answering?
- Why is this question important to the individual or group?
- What data will you need? How will you obtain the data? (If you are doing a survey, write out the questions you will ask. If you are doing an experiment, describe or draw the design.)
- What is the population and how will you determine the sample? What sample size will you use?
- What descriptive statistics will you use? (summary stats, types of graphs, etc.)
- What Confidence Intervals will you use to analyze your data?
Written Report: 50 points – due Friday, May 29
Report must be typed, double-spaced, 12 font.
Include: Title page, Introduction, Data Collection, Calculations and Results, Inference and Conclusions.
- What question(s) were you trying to answer?
- How was the data gathered?
- What are the known or suspected sources of bias?
- How well does your sample represent the target population?Sample size calculation.
- Provide a variety of meaningful descriptive statistics for your data using high-quality tables and graphs.(this is very important! – include available data to enhance your report)
- Inference procedures (Confidence Intervals)
- Conclusions: What did you learn?
Oral Presentation and Power Point:40 points (June 3 thru June 5)
- All group members must help make the presentation
- Minimum of 10 slides/maximum of 15 (approximately 5 minutes)
- Introduction/hook that grabs your audience’s attention
- Tables and graphs should be of high quality
- Points will be deducted for disrupting or disrespecting presentations of others (i.e. cellphones, sleeping, talking, unexcused absence)
Participation: 30 Points
This is a group project. You must be present every day in order to help your group. Please let me know in advance of any school related absences.
- Minus five points for not meeting a deadline
- Minus five points for not clearing an absence ahead of time or absence during oral presentations
- Minus five points for failing to work quietly and productively during class time.