SUA.4: Atherstone Airfield
1.1A heat mapping and master planning study has been carried out for SUA.4: Atherstone Airfield.
1.2The site is allocated in the Core Strategy as a strategic site for employment purposes. It relocates existing businesses in Canal Quarter to assist with the regeneration for the latter site, and also for B1c, B2 and B8 uses relocating from elsewhere in the district.
1.3The study assessed the potential heat networks opportunities using the CIBSE methodology as used in the other heat mapping and master planning study and recommended by the Government’s Heat Network Delivery Unit.
1.4Four initial heat networks options scenarios were tested to assess the heat network potential on the site. These included the following;
- Scenario 1: Expel Oil Seed Processing Ltd development is brought forward without the biomass CHP;
- Scenario 2: Assumed energy to Camgrain, Expel and RMCA developments is supplied by Expel biomass CHP and a separate network is developed for the remainder of the heat map area/site;
- Scenario 3: Network connects proposed Atherstone Airfield development and all Wealmoor buildings;
- Scenario 4: Network connects proposed Atherstone Airfield development only
The initial network options assessments are presented in section 3.4 of the study. A summary of assessment of the initial network options is presented below in Table 1.
Table 1: Initial network optionsCluster
number / Cluster name / Scenario 1 / Scenario 2 / Scenario 3 / Scenario 4
1 / Camgrain, Expel and RMCA
2 / Wealmoor
3 / Atherstone Airfield
4 / Aviagen and Woodyard
Low carbon technology / High level 25 year IRR
Biomass heat / 18.2 % / 6.3 % / -8.6 % / No IRR
Biomass CHP / 21.8 % / 7.6 % / -6.1 % / No IRR
GSHP / Not technically viable / 6.7 % / -2.0 % / -8.0 %
Heat offtake from Syn2gen biomass CHP (assumed heat offtake tariff of 2.5 p/kWh) / Not assessed / 8.8 % / -1.9 % / -7.1 %
1.5The findings of study conclude that at the present moment, SUA.4 is not identified as a district heating priority area. The study shows that only heat networks for scenarios 1 and 2 are likely to be financially viable for the private sector (12% and above).
1.6Connection to the planned development for SUA.4 is likely to reduce the viability, as the businesses relocated from the Canal Quarter are anticipated to be B2/ B8 units. These types of units are not heat/ cooling intensive and tend not to have a consistent 24 hour energy demand, as energy demand in these types of units is mainly for space and hot water heating.
1.7However, it is considered that if in the future more heat/cooling intensive businesses are to locate at the site or the Council decides to encourage more heat/cooling intensive businesses to the site, then the viability for the site as a district heating priority area should be reassessed.