Table S1 The ridden horse behaviour ethogram and pain/conflict behaviour scores. Assessments were made in trot and canter and on the left and the right reins independently. Differences between trot going around the periphery of the arena and in 10m diameter circles were noted.

Head / Twisted - nose to left or right / Head tipped to one side of the vertical axis for > 10s / 3
Steadiness of head / Head steady / Head stays in the same position for at least 30s or moves < twice in 30s / 0
Head unsteady / Head moves > twice in 30s / 2
Head tossing / Head repeatedly tossed up and down / 3
Change in head posture during
figures of 8 / During alternating 10m circles to left and right head posture changes (above or behind the bit) during change of direction / 2
Sporadic head up / Sporadic head up / 3
Head oscillates from side to side / Head oscillates from side to side for > 5s / 2
Bit / On the bit / Front of head vertical and perpendicular to ground - 180⁰ / 0
Behind the bit mild- moderate / Front of head behind vertical up to 30⁰ for > 10s / 1
Behind the bit severe / Front of head behind vertical > 30⁰ for > 10s / 3
Behind the bit constantly varying in degree / Front of head behind vertical constantly varying in degree / 2
Above the bit mild -moderate / Front of head in front of vertical up to 30⁰ for > 10s / 1
Above the bit severe / Front of head in front of vertical > 30° for > 10s / 3
Ears / Forward and parallel / Both ears forward for most of the time / 0
Both ears erect & to side / Both ears erect & to side 180⁰ different direction to the side for most of the time / 1
Ears oscillating forwards, upright
& to side / Both ears moving between forwards, upright & to the side for 5s / 1
Ears oscillating between upright
& to side & backwards / Both ears moving between upright, to side and backwards for 5s / 1
One ear upright & one ear back / One ear upright and one back for 5s / 2
Ears pinned back / Both ears back for 5s / 3
Eyes / Eyelids orbital tightening not
present / Eyelids are not closed / 0
Orbital tightening / Eyelids closed for up to 5s / 3
Eye white showing / Sclera exposed / 3
Intense stare / Intense stare for 5s / 3
Mouth / Relaxed, neutral / Mostly closed; lips mostly still / 0
Lips mostly opening & shutting / Lips mostly opening & shutting with or without slight separation of teeth / 1
Mouth open, teeth exposed and separated / Mouth open with teeth separated for > 5s / 2
Mouth constantly opening &
shutting / Mouth constantly opening & shutting for > 5s / 2
Jaw crossed / Jaw crossed and upper & lower teeth not aligned / 3
Tongue / Tongue in / Tongue not seen / 0
Tip of tongue protruding / Tip of tongue protruding / 1
Tongue repeatedly moving in
& out of mouth / Tongue repeatedly moving in & out of mouth / 1
Large part of tongue out but teeth
not exposed / Large part of tongue out but teeth not exposed / 2
Large part of tongue out and teeth exposed / Large part of tongue out and teeth exposed / 3
Tail carriage / Normal tail carriage / Tail moving in rhythm with horse's gait without swishing / 0
Tail swishing occasionally / Tail swishing from side to side through a larger excursion than passive movement, maximum twice in 30s / 1
Tail swishing repeatedly / Tail swishing from side to side through a larger excursion than passive movement, > twice in 30s / 2
Tail lashing / Tail moving in a circular motion / 2
Tail straight / Tail in same sagittal plane as dorsal midline / 0
Tail crooked to left / Tail held to left of dorsal midline for > 5s / 2
Tail crooked to right / Tail held to right of dorsal midline for > 5s / 2
Tail with reduced range of
motion / Reduced range of motion of tail; tail clamped / 1
Rhythm in trot / Normal regular rhythm in trot
under all circumstances / Frequency of steps (35-39/15s) the same going large & 10 m circles / 0
Slow trot rhythm / Frequency of steps < 35/ 15s / 1
Slow trot rhythm & passage-like
trot / Frequency of steps < 35/ 15s & passage-like trot going up & down rather than forwards / 1
Hurried trot rhythm / Frequency of steps ≥ 40/15s / 1
Slower rhythm in 10m circles / Frequency of steps slower in 10 m circles compared with going large / 1
Irregular forelimb rhythm due
to episodic hopping-type gait / Irregular forelimb rhythm due to episodic hopping-type gait / 2
Straightness in trot / Body straight / Hindlimbs follow tracks of forelimbs / 0
Crooked trot / Hindlimbs do not follow tracks of forelimbs but deviated to left or right; on 3 tracks / 1
Consistency of trot / Maintains trot / Maintains trot / 0
Breaks to from trot to walk / Spontaneously breaks from trot to walk / 1
Breaks from trot to canter / Spontaneously breaks from trot to canter / 1
Canter / Correct canter / Canter 3 time, correct lead, straight, & tubera sacrale not higher than withers / 0
Incorrect strike off / Incorrect forelimb lead in strike off to canter / 1
Spontaneous breaking / Horse breaks spontaneously from canter to trot / 1
Becoming disunited behind / Changes leading hindlimb & remains 'cross cantering' disunited / 2
Repeatedly changing legs
behind / Changing leading hindlimbs repeatedly / 2
Changing leading forelimb / Changes leading forelimb and remains incorrect / 2
Canter 4 time / Disassociation of placement of outside forelimb & inside hindlimb or lack of suspension / 2
Canter croup high / Tubera sacrale higher than withers / 1
Canter crooked / Hindlimbs do not follow tracks of forelimbs; on 3 tracks / 1
Willingness / Willing / No kicking or verbal encouragement or use of the whip / 0
Unwilling / Has to be kicked, verbally encouraged, hit with the whip; mild, moderate, severe / 1-3
Resistances / No stopping / Goes continually forwards / 0
Stops spontaneously / Stops spontaneously & then goes forwards willingly / 2
Stops spontaneously & unwilling
to go forwards / Stops spontaneously & has to be kicked or verbally encouraged to go forward / 3
Stops spontaneously & will not
go forwards / Stops spontaneously & will not go forwards for > 5 s / 3
Spookiness / Not present / Horse obeys rider's cues for direction of travel / 0
Spookiness / Horse veers off intended course e.g., cuts corners, comes off the track, no longer following rider's cues for direction of travel / 2
Bucking / No bucking / No bucking / 0
Bucking / Both hindlimbs raised off the ground / 2
Bucking & kicking out / Both hindlimbs raised off the ground & one kicks out / 3
Rearing / No rearing / No rearing / 0
Rearing mild / Both forelimbs raised off the ground; ventral aspect of abdomen at < 45⁰ to horizontal / 2
Rearing severe / Both forelimbs raised off the ground; ventral aspect of abdomen at > 45⁰ to horizontal / 3
Salivation / Obvious salivation / Saliva seen at lips / 0
No salivation / Saliva not seen at lips / 1
Transitions / Normal / Constant head and tail position / 0
Above the bit / Head up / 1
Abnormal tail movement / Tail swishing / 1
Jumps / hops in upward transition / Jumps or hops in upward transition / 1
Stumbling / No stumbling / No stumbling / 0
Stumbled in front / Tripped or stumbled with forelimb toe catching ground and forelimb flexing forwards / 1
Stumbled behind / Tripped or stumbled with hindlimb toe catching ground and fetlock flexing forwards / 1
Toe drag / No hindlimb toe drag / No hindlimb toe drag / 0
Mild hindlimb toe drag, not audible / Mild hindlimb toe drag, not audible / 1
Hindlimb toe drag, audible / Hindlimb toe drag, audible or kicking up arena surface / 2
Bit position / Central / Bit in mouth evenly visible on both side of the mouth / 0
Pulled to the side / Bit pulled out of the mouth on one side (left or right), more bit can be seen on one side / 3