Regular Board Meeting/Budget Hearing July 19, 2006
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July 19, 2006
7:00 P.M.
The regular meeting of the Board of Trustees for Uinta County School District Number One, State of Wyoming, was held on the 19th day of July, 2006, at 7:00 p.m. in the Board Room of the Educational Service Center, 537 Tenth Street, Evanston, Wyoming. Notice of the change of date from July 11th, the second Tuesday, was given in the July 7 and 11, 2006 issues of the Uinta County Herald, a newspaper of general circulation within Uinta County, Wyoming.
1. Open Meeting – Chairman Thomas noted a quorum present and called the meeting to order at 7:04 p.m. Board Members present were Bob Faddis, Linda Cummings, Kendra West, Sherry Johnson, Kim Bateman and Clayton Thomas. Starla Hutchinson and Orrin Martin were present via teleconference starting at 8:00 p.m.
Others present were Superintendent Wilson, administrative, certified and support staff members, community members. Approximate number in attendance was 35.
2. Adopt Agenda – Mrs. Cummings moved to approve the agenda as presented; second by Mr. Faddis; motion carried.
3. Approve Minutes – Ms. Johnson moved to approve the June 13 and June 27, 2006 minutes as written; second by Mrs. Bateman; motion carried.
4. Approve Payment of Bills – Mr. Faddis moved to approve the payment of bills as presented; second by Mrs. Cummings; motion carried.
5. Communications
a. Public Comments – There were no individuals to address the board.
6. Action Items
a. Approve Region V BOCES Request to Levy 1/10 Mill – Mrs. Cummings explained that this money will help fund projects at C-V, as they receive no funding from the state. There are 14 districts that use this facility and we are one of only two that do not help with funding. We need to start supporting this facility, as we have students who receive services there. Mrs. Cummings moved to approve the Region V BOCES request to levy 1/10 mill; second by Mrs. West; motion carried.
b. Approve Special Services Contract for 2006-07 – Glenna Calmes, Director of Special Services, requested approval of a contract with Rocky Mountain Audiological Services to provide for Audiological evaluations of students during the 2006-07 school year in the amount of $3,300.00. The contract will be paid through district funds and credited back to the district on the foundation program for the 2007-08 school year. Ms. Johnson moved to approve the special services contract with Rocky Mountain Audiological Services as presented; second Mrs. Cummings; motion carried.
c. Personnel
i. Hiring Recommendations – Ryan Thomas, Asst. Superintendent for Operations, requested approval of the following certified contracts:
Jennifer Peterson Title I Reading Teacher
North Elementary
A-1; $38,000.00
Stephanie Debenham Title I Reading Teacher
Aspen/Uinta Meadows Elementary
A-1; $38,000.00
Lisa Hartman Title I Math Teacher
Uinta Meadows Elementary
D-16; $51,500.00
Mr. Thomas explained these positions will be funded with the $679,000.00 in Title I funds the district will be receiving. He is still looking to hire a 4th position if a quality individual can be found. As certified staff will be replacing the Title I aide positions, these aides will be moved into other positions around the district with equal or higher salary. He explained the benefit of going with certified teachers instead of aides to work with students and the process that will be used to relocate each person in a Title I aide position. All individuals affected by the change have been notified by letter and asked to contact Mr. Thomas to discuss their options.
Upon a call for the vote, Ms. Johnson moved to approve the certified contracts for the 2006-07 school year as presented; second by Mrs. Bateman; motion carried.
ii. Agent of Record Fees for 2006-07 – Ryan Thomas, Asst. Superintendent for Operations, requested approval of the contract revision to the agent of record fees for Hoffman Insurance Services. The contract will be for $42,780.00, which represents a 15% ($5,580.00) increase from the 2005-06 contract. In negotiating with Delta Dental and United Health Care, Dan Hoffman has save the district a great deal of money in this renewal period. Dan continues to provide a high level of service to our members. This increase represents trend + 3%. Dan negotiated a 10% increase in the district insurance premiums, saving us 2 ½% for the upcoming year. The 15% fee increase was put together by Superintendent Wilson and Mr. Thomas, with no request from Mr. Hoffman. About 85% of Mr. Hoffman’s day is spent on school district business. Mr. Faddis commented that from personal experience, it is a definite advantage to have a local agent. Mr. Faddis moved to approve the contract revision to Hoffman Insurance Services as presented; second by Mrs. West; motion carried.
7. Discussion Items
a. Davis Middle School Pool – Dan Selleroli, Director of Facilities/Maintenance, gave an update on the repairs to the DMS pool. The drain has been installed around the pool, the liner for the pool will leave Italy next Friday and the entire pool was scaffolded in order to repair the ceiling and replace lights that couldn’t be done while the pool was full. He hopes to have the pool ready for school use in September, as long as there are no problems with customs.
b. North Roof Project – (Dan) The first layer of the roof is on, with only minor ceiling damage that will be repaired by the contractor.
c. Clark Construction Update – (Dan) The foundation has been poured, they are working on the backfill, waterproofing and electricity prior to pouring the flooring. The contractor plans to have the building totally enclosed by November of this year. Dan has a schedule of the construction timeline with completion set for the second week of August 2007.
Dan briefly discussed various other projects being done or scheduled to be done that he plans to complete in-house by district employees. It will save the district money provided by the School Facilities Commission for major maintenance projects to use in other areas.
8. Recess Regular Board Meeting – At 7:38 p.m. Chairman Thomas announced there would be a short break until 8:00 p.m. As required by Wyoming State Statute, the regular meeting will recess at that time for the budget hearing.
9. Open 2006-07 Budget Hearing – At 8:00 p.m. Chairman Thomas opened the budget hearing. It was noted that Mrs. Hutchinson and Mr. Martin were in attendance via teleconference for the remainder of the meeting.
10. Presentation of 2006-07 Budget – John Williams, Chief Financial Officer, reviewed:
§ the different budgets funded (general, special revenue, major repair, capitol, debt services, food service, internal services, trust, agency)
§ general fund revenues
o past five years to current
o good stability, state sources are declining and local resources are increasing
§ revenue budget changes since last board meeting
o sharing ratio decreased slightly
§ total revenues $35,794,387.00
§ final #’s for district and county assessed valuation
§ increase of state major maintenance revenues
§ expenditure budget changes since last board meeting
o new health insurance rates updated to reflect Meet & Confer agreement
o account 6200 fund transfers decreased to match revenue
o personnel costs not budgeted in prior budget versions (money transferred from equipment replacement fund to cover this)
§ total expenditures $35,794,387.00
§ general fund expenditures
o past five years to current
o new staff positions added to budget (11 from general fund, 8 from grants)
§ significant expenditure changes
o increased curriculum funding
o creation of technology budget
§ total revenue equals total expenditures for a balanced budget
§ total appropriations for all funds $53,364,185.00
§ board reserve $2,639,103.00
John is committed to make sure this money is accounted for properly. He thanked the board for their support of the staff at UCSD#1.
11. Action Items
a. Approve 2006-07 Budget
Resolution No. 7-19-06
WHEREAS, on the 27th day of June, 2006, the budget officer filed with the Board of Trustees of Uinta County School District Number One, State of Wyoming, a tentative budget message for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2007; and
WHEREAS, a summary of such budget was entered into the Board minutes, and a notice of a public hearing on such budget together with said summary was published in the Uinta County Herald, a newspaper having general circulation in the county in which the District is located, on the 11th day of July, 2006; and
WHEREAS, a public hearing was held concerning such budget on the third Wednesday in July at 8:00 p.m., at which time all interested parties were given an opportunity to be heard.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Trustees of Uinta County School District Number One, State of Wyoming, that such budget, as revised, if applicable, is hereby adopted and, subject to future amendment, is in effect for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2007.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the following appropriations are made as of and for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2007, and that those respective expenditures applicable to each department and fund shall be limited to the amounts hereby appropriated, subject to future amendment.
General Fund $36,007,281.00
Special Revenue Funds $ 3,598,012.00
Major Maintenance Fund $ 3,361,599.00
Capital Projects Fund $ 2,400,000.00
Debt Service Fund $ 133,455.00
Food Service Fund $ 1,432,486.00
Internal Service Funds $ 584,450.00
Trust Funds $ 8,000.00
Agency Funds $ 6,004,156.00
Total Appropriations $53,529,439.00
Dated this 19th day of July, 2006
s/ Starla Hutchinson, Linda Cummings, Kendra West, Sherry Johnson, Michael Davis, Robert Faddis, Clayton Thomas, Kim Bateman and Orrin Martin.
Mr. Faddis moved to approve the annual budget for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2006 and ending June 30, 2007, including Resolution No. 07-19-06, as presented; second Mrs. West; motion carried.
b. Approve Request to County to Levy 28.6 Mills
Required Local Effort – Unified Districts 25.000
BOCES 0.5 Mill Levy 0.500
BOCES Voter Approved Mill Levy 2.000
Recreation Levy 1.000
Region V BOCES 0.100
Total School District Levies 28.600
Bond Redemption Levy - - -
Bond Interest Levy - - -
Total Bond Levies - - -
Mrs. West moved to request the County Commissioners to levy 28.6 mills for the 2006-2007 fiscal year for Uinta County School District Number One, which includes two post secondary mills for the BOCES and 1/10 mill for Region V BOCES; second by Ms. Johnson; motion carried.
c. Approve Uinta #1 BOCES Mill Levy Request – Chairman Thomas briefly
explained the request. Mrs. West moved to approve up to two post secondary mills for the November ballot; second by Mrs. Cummings; motion carried.
12. Adjourn Budget Hearing – The budget hearing was adjourned at 8:22 p.m.
13. Reconvene Regular Board Meeting – The regular board meeting reconvened at 8:22 p.m.
14. Action Items
a. Approve Revisions to Policy BBB “School Board Elections” – Mrs. West
moved to table this item until the entire board is available to further discuss the size of the board at the August 8th regular board meeting; second by Mrs. Hutchinson. After some discussion, a roll call vote was taken and the motion failed by a vote of 3 to 5. Mrs. West moved to approve the revisions to Policy BBB on the second reading; second by Mrs. Cummings. After a lengthy and heated discussion, Mrs. West, who was visibly upset, left the meeting. After brief comments, a roll call vote was taken and the motion failed by a vote of 1 to 6.
b. Executive Session – Contract Negotiations – This item was removed from agenda.
15. Board Round Table – N/A.
16. Adjourn – There being no further business to come before the meeting, Mrs. Bateman moved to adjourn; second by Ms. Johnson; motion carried. The meeting adjourned at 8:38 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Cheri Dunford